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Education information

Economic education abroad, studying economics in Europe opens up prospects for Russian students to work in leading financial and business companies abroad, and becomes an excellent base for starting an international academic career. Students who have graduated from European high school programs, preparation for admission with an economic bias, have significant advantages when entering top universities. Graduates of European universities with a specialization in economics have a high % of employment, the ability to choose a job among the best offers. Students who have been trained in specialized programs in academic camps in Europe significantly improve their academic performance, deepen their knowledge thanks to intensives with leading specialists, experts, lectures, seminars in short-term courses with in-depth study of economics.

Choosing a training program, school, university for children is not an easy task. Parents, the student himself has to solve many questions: how to enter, when to submit documents, what requirements for admission are imposed by a foreign educational institution, what documents, how to prepare them. Smapse consultants will provide qualified assistance at any stage of the formation of the educational route, help you choose the best training programs, and tell you how to get around the difficult moments when submitting documents.  

Studying Economics in Secondary Schools in Europe

Economic studies at the secondary school level are possible in high school, as part of programs for preparing to enter a higher educational institution. Students choose an academic direction with in-depth study of economics, related subjects: law, economics, business, accounting.

The most popular programs for preparing to enter the top European universities are A-level, International Baccalaureate, Foundation, GCSE. Studying in high schools in Europe, according to university preparation programs, will be a great advantage for foreign students as it allows to deepen knowledge in basic, specialized subjects.

Children entering British universities after grades 8–9 have access to the GCSE program, after grades 9–11 they can apply for A-level. Applicants with a certificate of complete secondary education can get a one-year Foundation program.

For foreign children, adolescents, the International Baccalaureate program is suitable. It is open to students 16+, for students 11-15 years old the MYP (Middle Years Program) program is available under the International Baccalaureate system.

Subjects of in-depth study upon admission to faculties with a specialization in economics - law, economics, business. But if graduates will study mathematics, geography, languages to choose from, then they will still have high chances to enter specialized specialties, there will still be an opportunity to apply for admission to other areas.

Economic Education at European Universities

Economic studies abroad, economic studies in Europe are possible through undergraduate and graduate programs of leading European universities. Doctoral programs with a specialization in economics are available in many educational institutions.

University programs include the study of economic theory, law, IT, accounting, higher, business mathematics, management accounting. What are the benefits of economic education abroad :

  • relevant knowledge;
  • an opportunity to learn from the best world experts;
  • practical experience at leading financial sites during internships;
  • innovative teaching methods;
  • international diplomas and certificates.

Graduates of TOP European universities with diplomas of economists are ready-made specialists with the latest knowledge of their professional field, therefore, statistics on the employment of bachelors and masters of economics in European universities are very high.

TOP-8 European universities with to study Economics for foreign students

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - one of the best, prestigious universities in the world with a specialization in economics. Priority areas of study: economics, finance, law, public administration, international relations, management. The LSE maintains close professional relationships with the academic communities of the world's leading universities. Regular meetings of students with world leaders, experts give an additional impetus to development.

LSE holds a high position in the ranking of employment, 90% of graduates find work in their specialty within six months. The university offers programs in:

  • economy;
  • finance, accounting.

Regent's Business School London is a young institution of higher education focused on innovative teaching methods, flexible programs, the practical implementation of academic knowledge, and international diplomas. The business school offers foreign students a wide range of programs for obtaining bachelor's and master's degrees, two of them in international finance:

  • for a bachelor's degree - “International Accounting, Finance”;
  • for a master's degree - “International Finance, Business Development”.

Durham University Business School is a part of the prestigious British Durham University, has triple accreditation AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS, confirming the high level of education, the international scale of the institution. The school prepares top specialists who are ready to work in an international context, offers MBA courses in economics, which occupy the first lines of world educational rankings in 2018. Popular programs:

  • for a bachelor's degree - in the specialties "Economics", "Finance", "Accounting";
  • for a master's degree - in the field of "Finance", "Economics".

Nottingham University Business School is an international leader in academic studies in financial management. The university ranks 6th in the UK for research indicators. The educational institution invites students to study undergraduate programs:

  • bookkeeping;
  • finance, accounting, management;
  • industrial economics;
  • industrial economy with insurance.

Master's program in the following specialties is open:

  • accounting, finance;
  • banking, finance;
  • finance investment.

The business school offers MBA, MSc programs in the following specializations:

  • banking;
  • finance;
  • economy;
  • risks;
  • innovation, entrepreneurship;
  • operations management.

Southampton Business School (Southampton) is taught by the best scientists, top experts in the financial field. The learning process is centered around relevant knowledge provided by practicing experts, modern scientific discoveries. The training system is focused on strong academic training, helps to develop communication skills, teamwork skills. The university offers a bachelor's degree in "Accounting, Finance", master's courses: "Accounting, Finance", "Accounting, Management".

HULT International Business School (London) graduates specialists for work in the field of world economy, oriented in cultural specifics, world business practice. The teaching staff is qualified professors, invited specialists from top companies with extensive experience. The methodology uses the famous American business case system. Hult ranks 17th in the Economist ranking of the best business schools in the USA, 1st place in increasing graduate salaries.

Undergraduate Programs:

  • trading;
  • hedge fund management;
  • financial analytics;
  • stock analytics;
  • management accounting;
  • external audit;
  • treasury department;
  • business consulting;
  • forensic accounting.

The Master of Finance program is available only under the rotation program. The program includes general modules, the study of disciplines in areas. For a master's degree in Finance, these are behavioral finance, business analysis, evaluation, entrepreneurial finance.

Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and the SDA Business School (Milan) are among TOP-10 European universities in the field of “Business, Finance, Economics”. The university offers undergraduate, graduate, MBA, and doctoral programs. The learning process includes lectures by leading experts, their own qualified teachers, internships, work on group projects. There are English-language, Italian-language programs. According to statistics, 96% of graduates find work after 3 months, 99% - after 6 months, 1% continues to study management in Europe.

The university offers undergraduate degree programs:

  • international economics, management;
  • international economics, finance;
  • economics, management, computer science;
  • economics, management in the field of art, culture, communications.

Programs for obtaining a master's degree:

  • finance;
  • economics, management in the field of culture, art, media, entertainment;
  • social sciencies;
  • economics, management of innovations, technologies;
  • accounting, financial management, control.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) - one of the leading universities in Italy, has international accreditation. The university occupies a confident position in TOP-100 world universities in% of graduate employment in accordance with the QS ranking. The university has open programs in English, Italian in the areas of business, economics, political science.

Undergraduate Programs:

  • economy;
  • finance, banking;
  • mathematics, finance.


  • banking, finance;
  • economy;
  • agricultural economics.

Workshop programs:

  • politics, economics of the countries of the Eastern region;
  • economics, finance.

Studying Economics at European Camps for international students

Economic studies abroad during short-term courses in the chosen academic area allows schoolchildren and students to significantly improve their level of subject knowledge in a short time. Intensive programs, lectures, workshops, innovative methods, forms of education, meetings with experts will improve knowledge in certain segments, work in international groups, and improve professional English.

The University of Cambridge Summer Camp is an elite camp with a variety of training programs, held at one of the best universities in Britain. Teachers of summer courses - professors, Dr. Oxford, Cambridge. A two-week curriculum gives foreign students (16-18 years old) an opportunity to study specialized disciplines at the university level. Academic programs with in-depth study of the economy are carefully designed by experienced teachers, conducted in a rich, comfortable learning environment.

Cambridge summer school (Cambridge) is a prestigious and popular summer camp that offers foreign teenagers an opportunity to quality education at the University of Cambridge.

  • Summer courses specializing in economics are designed for students 13-15 years old, 16-17 years old, 18-24 years old. The course includes the study of micro-, macroeconomics, thematic blocks (government spending, deficit, crises, market structure).
  • Summer courses "Business and Finance" are aimed at participants 15-17 years old. The main area of study is the financial services sector. Topics of the seminars: private investment, working with financial products, developing a business from scratch, creating a profitable business, finding investors.

Duration of courses: 2/4 weeks.

London School of Economics and Politicalical Science (London) annually organizes three summer sessions lasting three weeks. The programs of the school’s summer courses are diverse, designed for a different level of ownership of the subject. Suggested disciplines:

  • introductory course in microeconomics;
  • introductory course in macroeconomics;
  • fundamentals of economic statistics, econometrics;
  • environmental economics, its sustainable development;
  • political economy of public policy;
  • fundamentals of econometrics;
  • economics of European integration;
  • advanced econometrics;
  • money, banking;
  • competition policy of industrial enterprises;
  • international economy;
  • development economics.

Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and the SDA Business School (Milan) organize international summer courses for Italian, foreign students who came to expand their academic knowledge in the field of Economics. What programs are provided:

  • personal venture capital;
  • economy, European integration.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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