
Rendcomb College

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This content has been reviewed and approved by Professor Lucy Heller

In the process of preparing the material, we referenced the following sources: Wikipedia, GOV.UK, International Baccalaureate

Description of Rendcomb College

  • Founded: in 1920
  • Location: Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
  • Age of students: 11-18 years
  • Total number of students: 420 people
  • Type of education: joint (mixed)
  • Type of accommodation: residence (full board)
  • Language of instruction: English.

Prestigious and in-demand among students all over the world Rendcomb College (College Rendcomb College) was founded in 1920, but its main building - an old mansion designed and built by the legendary architect Philip Hardwick - dates back to 1865. Today, the college is highly ranked in both the UK and the world: it is included in the Conference of Directors of Schools (it unites the 200 best British boarding schools of mixed type of education and men's boarding schools), boasts excellent academic results of its students and graduates:

  • A-level: more than 40% of graduates passed exams for highest A * -A scores (2011), and that a year earlier this percentage was significantly lower - only 33%. Successfully passed examinations (A * -C) 99% of graduates
  • GCSE: 94% of students passed the exams for points from C and above, and 46% managed to earn the highest marks A * -A.

Of the most developed and successful subjects in the school, there are humanitarian courses, physics and mathematics.

The total number of students (both boys and girls - the college works on a mixed system of education) is 420 people, of which 120 study at full board (37 are students of the international department). The boarding house (residing in campus residences) is open to students from 10 years and older.

Today, the director of the school is Roland J. Martin, by the way, a graduate of Rendcomb College. Among the graduates you can find many other well-known, successful personalities:

  • Kojo Annan (son of former UN Secretary-General Koffi Annan);
  • Fredy Fisher (publisher of the Financial Times);
  • John Middleton Murrey (famous English writer);
  • Gregory Dorey (British Ambassador to Hungary) and many others.

For foreign students, the school always welcomes its doors hospitably - here they receive all-round assistance and support. There is an intensive course of English as a foreign language (EAL): its standard intensity is 30 lessons of 35 minutes each, but at the student's request, up to 30 lessons each trimester can be added.

The motto of the founder of the school, Noel Wills, was the phrase: "The true aristocracy is the aristocracy of the mind and character," and to this day the institution seeks to follow this wise expression. They seek to combine excellent academic education with deep, thorough education of a humane and comprehensively developed personality, pay great attention to the spiritual and psychological health of the wards, their ability to behave and interact with others. Much attention is paid to motivation: without superfluous "methods of a whip", students demonstrate excellent academic performance, discipline and concentration in each class.

Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Let's talk about the rankings of UK boarding schools. What criteria are used to compile it? How accurate is it today?

Most of the rankings are based on exam results for a specific year: GCSEIBA-level. These rankings are pretty clear about how well a particular school prepares its students for exams - and parents appreciate it. However, one should not assume that a school-leader is suitable for absolutely everyone, even if this is a good sign for choice. Many schools pay great attention to preparing for the highest grades, fully covering the chosen subject: this prepares for successful studies at the university, for admission to the most prestigious and ranking universities. But it is equally important to prepare the student well for the transition from Sixth Form (which is still considered secondary education) to higher education. The ranking is a quick guide: I would advise you to apply to several schools, having previously personally visited them and formed a personal objective opinion. This will help you understand if a particular school is right for your child.


Programs and prices, tuition fees in Rendcomb College

Program name
Last booking 2 weeks ago
All year round
from 9775.00 £ / term
from 9775.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Middle classes (11-16 years)

At this stage of education, students are taught the necessary basic knowledge and skills according to the British national education program, and teach them to learn: they try to instill a love for learning, for self-development and self-education, creating a friendly, warm and comfortable atmosphere. Teachers appreciate all the efforts that students make to assimilate the material - and there are a lot of subjects and disciplines in the curriculum:

  • physical Culture and sport
  • French
  • English
  • information technology (ICT)
  • natural sciences (chemistry, biology, physics)
  • verbal thinking
  • history
  • mathematics
  • foundations of religion (theology)
  • geography
  • music.

Parents are regularly (every trimester and yearly) sent full reports on the progress and success of students in all areas, twice a year held welcoming meetings, which are handed personal gratitude and laudatory sheets, certificates for the peaks achieved.

The cost of schooling depends on the chosen course of study and the student's age (the price is indicated for 1 trimester and 1 year for 1 person, respectively):

  • 7-8 classes = 7,950 £ / 23,850 £
  • 9th grade = 10,200 £ / 30,600 £
  • 10-11 grades (GCSE) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £
  • 12-13 classes (A-level, Sixth Form) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £.

1 academic year = 3 terms.

All year round
from 12650.00 £ / term
from 12650.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


A two-year program for students aged 14-16, completing a part-time secondary education program (grades 10-11).

In the final exams, usually 10-11 disciplines are surrendered - both compulsory and optional. Students can choose additional subjects on their own: the teachers are always ready to consult them, help to draw up a curriculum, consultations are also conducted with the personal mentors and with the Director on the educational part. It is recommended to include at least 1 foreign language in the list of exam subjects.

1) Compulsory subjects:

  • English literature
  • biology
  • English
  • chemistry
  • mathematics
  • physics.

2) Subjects of choice (electives):

  • physical Culture and sport
  • design and technology
  • geography
  • art and design (several directions)
  • German
  • music
  • dramatic art and theater, acting skills
  • Spanish
  • history
  • French.

The cost of schooling depends on the chosen course of study and the student's age (the price is indicated for 1 trimester and 1 year for 1 person, respectively):

  • 7-8 classes = 7,950 £ / 23,850 £
  • 9th grade = 10,200 £ / 30,600 £
  • 10-11 grades (GCSE) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £
  • 12-13 classes (A-level, Sixth Form) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £.

1 academic year = 3 terms.

All year round
from 12650.00 £ / term
from 12650.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


The program for pupils of 16-18 years old (12-13 graduation classes - Sixth Form) is designed to complete the school course of education and effective, in-depth and intensive preparation for the selected university.

Students study a very small number of subjects: 4-5 in the first year (AS-level) and 3-4 in the second year, which also give up on the exams. The subjects can be chosen on their own - often in the preparation of an individual curriculum, the students are assisted by teachers and career advisors who can advise studying certain directions depending on the wishes and tastes of the student, his priorities with regard to future specialization and career. The list of items available for selection is large and varied, covering almost all sciences and knowledge areas:

  • Russian language
  • technology and design
  • biology
  • foundations of religion (theology)
  • English literature
  • history of civilizations (+ classical languages)
  • geography
  • mathematics
  • art (several directions)
  • German
  • physical Culture and sport
  • Informatics (ICT), computer literacy
  • French
  • Greek language
  • history
  • chemistry
  • Latin
  • economy
  • music
  • geology.

The cost of schooling depends on the chosen course of study and the student's age (the price is indicated for 1 trimester and 1 year for 1 person, respectively):

  • 7-8 classes = 7,950 £ / 23,850 £
  • 9th grade = 10,200 £ / 30,600 £
  • 10-11 grades (GCSE) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £
  • 12-13 classes (A-level, Sixth Form) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £.

1 academic year = 3 terms.

Accommodation, meals, prices

The school has created a safe and comfortable environment for boarding students: 3 male and 2 female residences have been prepared, as well as a separate Park House building for high school students on the Sixth Form (each with a separate, well-equipped room). Students of middle classes are accommodated in common rooms for several people - in general, there are cozy living rooms for rest, meetings and socializing, functional kitchens with snacks and drinks, game and educational zones. The meals for students are delicious, balanced and varied: 3 times a day all students gather in a spacious dining room to enjoy delicious and healthy dishes prepared exclusively from fresh (mostly local) products.

Subjects, specialties

Activities Rendcomb College

Eye magazine named Rendcomb College "School of the Year", highly appreciating the quality and variety of extracurricular, leisure activities. Most students spend their free time on sports training and games:

  • golf;
  • Horseback Riding;
  • hockey;
  • lacrosse;
  • tennis (both large and table);
  • rugby;
  • cricket;
  • swimming and others.

On weekends fun and entertaining activities are arranged:

  • excursions to the most famous British cities;
  • walks in wildlife parks and nature reserves, eco-tours and expeditions;
  • Concerts - from classical music to rock and rap;
  • lessons at the racetrack, horse riding;
  • visiting theaters, cinema;
  • visit to museums and galleries of art, significant monuments of art, history, culture and architecture;
  • shopping in large shopping centers;
  • skating on city skating rinks;
  • discos and parties, festive evenings and balls;
  • visit restaurants and cafes, get acquainted with the kitchens of the world;
  • playing in bowling or paintball.

Facilities and equipment at Rendcomb College

The school campus is located in the south-west of England in Gloucestershire: you can get to London in 2 hours, and in an hour you can get to Oxford, Bath or Bristol (the distance to the nearest international airport in Bristol is only 70 kilometers). The total area of ​​the territory reaches 200 acres: it is a picturesque park area with the river Chern and a small clean lake on the north of the campus. The main building is located in a majestic mansion built in 1865, and the windows of each student's dormitory open a beautiful view of the picturesque surroundings - a real old, kind England.

Today the school is truly proud of the quality of its material and technical equipment, corresponding to the best British and world standards:

  • spacious and modern classes, auditoriums and lecture halls;
  • dramatic theater with a stage and rehearsal studios;
  • design workshops;
  • a music school with several classes for rehearsals;
  • Scientific and experimental blocks for physics, biology, chemistry;
  • a residence for younger students, rebuilt from the personal home of the parish priest (has been working since 1966);
  • tennis courts with professional lighting;
  • spacious outdoor pool (open since 1961);
  • Large Arts Center: includes workshops for working with wood, metal, art studios, pottery workshops and classrooms for theoretical studies.

Admission dates and extra charges

Academic year in the school is divided into trimesters, traditional for the UK:

  • Autumn: September 6 - December 13 (vacation from October 20 to November 1)
  • Spring: from January 8 to March 28 (vacation February 9-18)
  • Summer: from April 17 to July 4 (vacation from May 25 to June 3).

The cost of schooling depends on the chosen course of study and the student's age (the price is indicated for 1 trimester and 1 year for 1 person, respectively):

  • 7-8 classes = 7,950 £ / 23,850 £
  • 9th grade = 10,200 £ / 30,600 £
  • 10-11 grades (GCSE) = £ 10,500 / £ 31,500
  • 12-13 classes (A-level, Sixth Form) = 10,500 £ / 31,500 £.

1 academic year = 3 terms. The indicated cost is not included and is paid additionally:

  • Registration fee = 125 £
  • Deposit confirming the place on the course = 7,500 £
  • Examination Boards
  • Deposit for tuition (= 1 trimester cost)
  • Additional academic and language classes (optional)
  • EFL lessons (English for foreign students) = 1,200 £ / trimester
  • Additional leisure activities and excursions (optional)
  • Guardianship (registration with the agency + guardian services)
  • Air tickets in both directions
  • Transfer in both directions
  • Compulsory medical insurance
  • Personal pocket expenses
  • Visa fees and services, translation and certification of documents
  • Consular fee (paid at the Embassy).


  • Registration fee (for a programme/course) 125 GBP
  • Deposit for a course/programme 7500 GBP

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

Applicants of the school must provide the admissions committee with the grades from the previous place of study (for the last 2-3 years) and pass school-wide testing, as well as an individual interview with the director or representative of the school. If you are applying for a place in the A-level program - prepare a GCSE certificate with good grades, the following subjects are in priority:

  • art;
  • music;
  • sports and physical education;
  • business;
  • English literature;
  • German;
  • natural sciences (chemistry, biology, physics);
  • Spanish;
  • psychology;
  • drama and theater, acting;
  • French;
  • the photo;
  • mathematics;
  • English.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about Rendcomb College

Rendcomb finished both of my sons. They were admitted at the age of 15 and 16. I am grateful to this school for helping children achieve such success in sports and in their studies. At Rendcomb, the emphasis is really on all-round development. This is not an option for those who focus on the ranking of the school. The eldest son received AAA in the final exams, so I can not say that the school gives poor training, but at the top of the ratings you will not see it. Children are not pressured or forced to learn. Those who want to, will succeed.
Vasilisa T.
We decided to send our daughter to this college on the recommendation of friends. On the Internet at that time there was quite a lot of reviews about the college, so I had to ask a lot of questions to friends and our agent Elina, who helped us with enrollment) The school gave information quickly and in some detail. We organized a virtual tour of the school. Since they already had a "live review" about the college, there was no doubt about the choice. Now the child is in school for the last year. Very satisfied with the choice. College has a really great business program, which is exactly what we needed.
Aliyev A.T
Wonderful school! Pleasantly impressed from the first visit. In 2019, the smapse agency organized visits to several schools in England. Rendcomb was visited last, and in the beginning it was not the main option. But how impressed we were by the sense of community that the school has. During the visit, we saw at the Reception two graduates of the school who came to visit their teachers. This, I admit, was impressive. Yes, the school is not for greenhouse children and the staff is not obsessed with knocking out high results from students at any cost in order to get into the tops. But we were not looking for such an option, because we know firsthand what it is fraught with. The school has a comfortable environment, there is no excessive and unjustified pressure from teachers. Questions are answered quickly, the curator is always in touch.
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.
Official representatives. Free admissions support
Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Jake is the CIS, Russia and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College. He obtained a Bachelor of Development Economics and Management and MBA degrees with honours. Jake has been working in secondary education for more than 24 years: in academic field and in management and admissions committee. Jake believes that children needs to have great academic freedom - they can explore, question the facts that they are studying, thereby developing independent, analytical, inquisitive thinking.

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