
Top 34 German courses in Switzerland

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Education information

Nowadays, Switzerland is one of the most popular country among foreign students wishing to get excellent education abroad. SMAPSE offers you TOP-30 language schools in Switzerland where foreign students can study German. SMAPSE experts have collected for you 30 best Swiss language schools where foreign students can take advanced German courses. You can make the right choice due to programs' descriptions, tuition fees and student feedback. If necessary, SMAPSE specialists will answer all your questions

Studying conditions at language schools in Switzerland for international students

Foreign students often choose studying at summer camps in Switzerland, which are located on the shores of lakes or in the mountains. Students fall into an ecologically clean environment with a wide field of activity: they will be able to try skiing, sailing, mountain climbing, horse riding, snowboarding, tennis and much more. Summer camps in Switzerland are often organized on the basis of private boarding schools: in this case, studying a language can be associated with pulling up one or more subjects of the school curriculum or mastering a new sport or creativity. Studying in the summer for students, among other things, will help to adapt to a foreign environment and prepare for higher education abroad.

  • Most schools offering German language courses in Switzerland are prestigious boarding schools in Switzerland located in mountain chalets and castles. Students in boarding schools study, live and spend their free time - for this they have all the conditions. Features of the learning process in language courses:
  • Number of students in groups is 4-12 people
  • Communicative approach is the main principle of learning: it involves the active involvement of students in practice in the classroom. In the first lesson, students with insufficient language proficiency begin to speak
  • Specifics of the course depend on its type and goals: on standard programs, teachers seek to help students learn the basic skills - speaking, listening, writing and reading
  • A variety of interactive and targeted activities are used at which students can apply their knowledge
  • International students study with peers from other countries
  • Classes are held in the morning
  • All students will find a rich leisure program and a prestigious certificate at the end of the course.

Accommodation options can be different: it is possible to stay in schools or in host families or study without living conditions. You can learn German in Switzerland at any time of the year: there are courses "Summer / Autumn / Winter / Spring German + Recreation".

Features of studying German courses in Switzerland

Many students are impressed by mixed German language courses in Switzerland - such programs combine studying German + comprehension of basics or improving themselves in any activity. Such German language courses in Switzerland are aimed at adults and children with different levels of preparation - the advantage of such options is that the children will be able to practice communicating in a foreign language during creative classes:

  • academic course + art
  • language + cooking
  • adventure camp (water sports - canoeing, rafting, water park, etc., game sports - football, basketball, rugby, etc., hiking, dancing, discos, etc.)
  • music camp (vocals)
  • language + cinema
  • leadership school (from 16 years)

For children of senior school age, the following areas are relevant:

Acquaintance with the scientific style of writing student works - essays, term papers, essays, etc., the development of special terms, the development of critical thinking.

Students are focused on studying the structure of tests and become a skilled hand at doing exercises.

For successful study abroad and softer adaptation, future students are advised to take language preparatory German courses in Switzerland, which will improve their language skills and enhance knowledge of academic subjects.

What are the opportunities for learning German in Switzerland?

What German language courses are available in Switzerland?

What are the career benefits of studying German in Switzerland?

What are the benefits of immersion in a German-speaking environment for language learning?

What is the importance of German language skills for international students studying in Switzerland?

Which language exams can help to prove German language skills in Switzerland?

What is the most popular city in Switzerland for learning German?

How long does it take to learn one level of German in Switzerland?

What are the advantages of studying German in Switzerland compared to Germany or Austria?

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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