
Study in Rome 2024

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Education information

Studying in Rome for schoolchildren, teenagers and students is a great opportunity for foreign students to visit one of the most popular cities in the world. Rome is truly an outstanding city, not only because of its history, but also because of its art, architecture and diversity of cultural life.

Everyone who wants to get an education in Rome will find several pleasant features: you will learn Italian or English on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where pleasant warm weather is almost all year round. On the territory of Rome you will find many educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities that can cover almost any linguistic needs of foreign students. The catalog of our website contains a list of international schools and training centers that foreign or Russian students choose for themselves every year.


Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

What advice would you give to potential students before applying to a university?

Be proactive and start your application early, ideally almost a year in advance. Seek recommendations from your teachers and academic advisors. The earlier you apply, the more time universities have to consider your application, and the more time you have to explore your options and make an informed decision.

Study in Rome. Guide for Educational System

Rome, a city steeped in history and culture, offers a unique educational experience for schoolchildren, teenagers, and students. The Italian educational system in Rome encompasses various levels, including primary, secondary, and high schools, as well as colleges, universities, and language programs. In Rome, schools are broadly categorized into public and private based on their funding sources. Both types of institutions welcome foreign students, providing a comprehensive educational experience. State-supported schools primarily follow a national curriculum, while boarding schools often offer an international curriculum with English-medium instruction. These international programs may include courses from Italian, American, Canadian, or British educational systems, with Italian language courses as an optional addition. Rome is home to some of the most prestigious and renowned boarding schools, alongside other major Italian cities like Milan, Monza, Genoa, Siena, and Modena.

Secondary Education in Rome. A Three-Level Approach

The Italian secondary education system is divided into three distinct stages, each culminating in a certification:

  • Elementary school (la scuola elementare)

  • Junior high school (la scuola media)

  • High school (la scuola media superiore)

At each level, students are required to pass exams. Upon successful completion, foreign students can obtain a certificate of secondary education in Italian.

Each of the lyceums specializes in education in a particular field and offers a curriculum in accordance with this:

Type of Lyceum


Classic Lyceum

(liceo classico)

Here, the program is based on humanitarian disciplines. After college, young people usually choose a profession from the field of philosophy or sociology.

Scientific Lyceum

(liceo scientifico)

Subjects of a technical or natural orientation are offered: physics, biology, chemistry. Such a lyceum is chosen by those who plan to continue their studies at universities or to engage in research activities.

Linguistic Lyceum

(liceo linguistico)

Studying foreign languages - at least three. Students should not only speak them, but also know the history of that country (or countries) where this language is a state language.

Art Lyceum (liceo artistico)

Allows you to get education in theatrics or art. These are usually people who have skills in one of the areas of art: acting, drawing, organizing entertainment events.

Higher Education in Rome

Situated between secondary school and university is the lyceum (liceo), an integral part of the Italian education system. In Rome and throughout Italy, the lyceum serves as a preparatory stage for university education. However, graduates must first obtain the Esame di Maturità certification before pursuing employment or further education. Italian lyceums offer various specializations, including mixed, humanitarian, linguistic, technical, economic, and art criticism.

Study in Rome Cost and Fees for International Students

Studying abroad in Rome involves certain financial considerations, but the investment is often worthwhile. The cost of study in Rome varies, with public schools charging between 4,000 to 7,000 euros, while private institutions range from 1,000 to 40,000 euros. The higher fees at private schools reflect the premium educational facilities and comfortable conditions they provide.

How to Apply for Study Permit in Rome

For admission to Italian high schools, students must prepare a standard document package, including:

  • Application form from parents

  • Child’s documents (birth certificate, citizenship document)

  • Report card from the previous place of study

  • Medical certificate

Study in Rome. Investment in Quality Education

Investing in education in Rome means accessing some of the best programs to study in Rome. The diverse range of educational offerings, combined with the rich cultural and historical context of the city, makes study in Rome an enriching and invaluable experience.

General statistics on education in Rome

General information about Rome

Country Italy
Region Latium
Region 2 Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
Region 3 Rome
Population 2,318,895
Visitors 9,558,700/year
Time Zone Europe/Rome

Cost of living in Rome

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 343 559
Food 214 421
Transportation 31 160
Communications and utilities 78 105
Clothing 29 109
Sports and leisure 30 101
Total 726 1,455

Accommodation in Rome

Shared room outside of centre 347
Shared room in city centre 565
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 583
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 822

Coordinates of Rome

Time Zone Europe/Rome
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 41.891930000
Longitude 12.511330000
Elevation 20 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 52 m.

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Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.
Esther worked as a Head of Admissions, Engagement and Outreach at San Patricio Toledo International School until 2021. She is an expert in primary and secondary education. Esther also has a great deal of experience in teaching, marketing, translating and coaching. She thinks that it is important to consider the environment, educational institutions rankings, historical and artistic heritage, nature of the people, and unique traditions and folklore when choosing a place to study.
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