
Top 1384 private schools abroad

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  • Box Hill Private School
    In 2023 results either for IB (32) and A Level (46% - A*-B) are higher than UK average
    Box Hill Private School
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    from 13000.00 £ / term
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    from 13000.00 £ / term
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  • Fryeburg Academy Private School
    In 2019 an average SAT score made up 1180
    Fryeburg Academy Private School
    Boston, Massachusetts
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    from 51000.00 $ / year
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    from 51000.00 $ / year
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  • Stonar School
    In 2023 60% of A Level students achieved A*- B grades
    Stonar School
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    from 12444.00 £ / term
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    from 12444.00 £ / term
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  • Saint-Charles Collège et Lycée
    The school helps with admission to public universities in Switzerland
    Saint-Charles Collège et Lycée
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    from 73000.00 CHF / year
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    from 73000.00 CHF / year
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  • Sherfield Private School
    Sixth Form Exam Results 2023: Over 59% A*-A grades
    Sherfield Private School
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    from 22800.00 £ / year
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    from 22800.00 £ / year
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  • Eton College in England
    The process of securing a place is highly competitive
    Eton College in England
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    from 14167.00 £ / term
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    from 14167.00 £ / term
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  • Rugby School in England
    In 2020 - 70.5% of A Level students achieved A* - A
    Rugby School in England
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    from 12818.00 £ / term
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  • Brighton College
    The highest ranked co-educational school in the United Kingdom in 2021
    Brighton College
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    from 16740.00 £ / term
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    from 16740.00 £ / term
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  • St. Edmund's School Canterbury Private Boarding School
    In 2023 - 76% of A Level students achieved A - B
    St. Edmund's School Canterbury Private Boarding School
    United Kingdom
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    from 12846.00 £ / term
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    from 12846.00 £ / term
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  • Farlington private School
    In 2023, 81% of A-Level grades awarded to Farlington students were A*-B
    Farlington private School
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10 18 36 72

Education information

Nowadays, send children to study at private boarding school abroad is really prestigious and investment-worthy. It's a great chance for them to get important experience in communication with other cultures. However, many children are not very independent. Moreover, for the first time going to study abroad seems to be really difficult and scary. In this case, the optimal choice would be studying in a day school. For students at the age of 14-19, the most popular and suitable option is the accommodation on the campus. So, they both study and live under the 24-hour supervision of the staff and are in complete safety.

SMAPSE presents you leading private schools in Switzerland and private day schools abroad that offer secondary school education. All private schools and day schools were carefully selected by high-quality SMAPSE experts. The catalogue also includes national educational institutions of certain countries as well as international colleges. All educational institutions have their own rules for studying and living.

However, there are 2 main viable options to choose from:

  • live in host families
  • live in residences

The majority of private schools and day schools abroad cooperate with local families that have appropriate conditions for accommodating international students. Therefore, host family would be a great choice for those who would like to get balance between price and quality.

Most popular private  schools abroad are located in the countries presented in the table below:

United Kingdom

United States










Czech Republic

You can at any time address to samples of entrance tests for admission to private boarding schools abroad, which you can complete in SMAPSE office without visiting the school itself. Our services involving admission are also free.

Best Private Schools Abroad for International Students: 4 Key Tips

When selecting the ideal private school for international students, consider these four crucial factors to ensure a well-rounded education.

1. Approach to Education Matters

It's paramount to examine the educational institution's approach to teaching. Descriptions of these institutions often highlight their primary educational methods. The majority of educational centers prioritize an individualized approach to students, a practice that significantly contributes to high student achievement.

2. Quality Education is Key

Within our catalog, you'll find information about the best educational institutions in over 30 countries worldwide. Notably, private schools and private day schools feature highly qualified teachers with academic degrees, a testament to their commitment to delivering top-notch education.

The best private schools abroad

3. Technological Infrastructure

Evaluate the material resources and tuition fees to understand the level of technological infrastructure development at a given institution. Many educational centers offer state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technological resources, and well-developed internal infrastructure.

4. Holistic Development Opportunities

The top 100 schools and colleges listed provide a diverse array of elective courses, exciting additional programs, sports sections, and art clubs that cater to students' varied interests.

Sarah Hicklin
Director of International Admissions at Oswestry School

What to consider when choosing a school, besides academic success?

Safety and care on campus.

Advantages of Studying at Private Schools Abroad for foreign students

1. Academic Excellence

Private boarding schools and day schools abroad boast rich educational traditions, with generations of students from around the world benefiting from their effective teaching methods. These institutions also actively incorporate modern educational approaches, such as interactive teaching, innovative technologies, online platforms, and electronic resources.

2. Enhanced Career Prospects

A diploma from a foreign private school is highly esteemed by universities worldwide, enhancing one's chances of admission to top universities and future career success. Education abroad serves as an excellent launchpad for a successful career.

3. Global Exposure and Cultural Diversity

The best private schools and day schools celebrate racial and cultural diversity, fostering a multicultural environment that exposes students to various cultures and religions. This experience encourages respect for diverse perspectives and provides opportunities to make friends from around the globe.

4. Discipline and Independence

Students who enroll in foreign private schools develop independence at an accelerated pace. Despite constant supervision, they learn to manage their time effectively, prioritize their studies, and allocate time for extracurricular activities. Many of these schools uphold strict discipline, prohibiting smoking, drug use, and alcohol consumption, and monitoring attendance, academic performance, and behavior.

5. Cutting-Edge Technology

Foreign private schools offer outstanding technological resources, with modern classrooms featuring interactive whiteboards, linguaphone equipment, libraries stocked with electronic resources, state-of-the-art computers, multimedia centers, and comprehensive sports facilities.

6. Language Proficiency

Studying at these schools provides an excellent command of English through immersion in a linguistic environment. Students receive instruction from native English speakers, honing their language skills. In some cases, students may even master two or three additional foreign languages, with Switzerland being renowned for its multilingual education.

7. Personalized Education

Teachers at these schools embrace an individualized approach to each student, valuing each person as a unique individual. Classes are held in small, welcoming classrooms, ensuring that every student receives maximum personal attention. The primary goal at foreign private schools and day schools is not just to impart knowledge but also to foster critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and the ability to formulate and express opinions effectively.

Admission to Private Schools Worldwide for foreign students

Enrolling in top-tier boarding schools in USA, across Europe, the UK, Switzerland, and Canada offers exceptional educational opportunities. Each institution sets its own unique admission requirements and educational approaches. Among the most sought-after schools for international students are those following the British and American educational systems, located in the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, as well as various European countries including Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and France.

Embrace the International Baccalaureate Program

Upon completing grades 8, 9, 10, or 11, students can readily pursue the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which is offered in English.

The best private schools abroad

How to apply to Private Schools Abroad for foreign students

While the specific document requirements may vary slightly among private schools, there is a common set of documents that every independent boarding school typically requests during the admission process. These documents include:

  • Annual School Reports: Comprehensive reports containing academic grades for the last 2 or 3 years of the student's education.

  • Copy of Student's ID Card: A clear copy of the student's identification card.

  • Letters of Recommendation: Several recommendation letters are usually required. These letters should come from teachers specializing in subjects like mathematics, English, or another foreign language. Additionally, recommendations from school administrators, such as directors or deputies, are often requested. These letters should be written in a free-form style and should include translations into English (or the language of instruction in the country).

  • Certificate of Language Proficiency: While not mandatory for all foreign private schools and day schools, some may require a certificate of language proficiency. In cases where this requirement is waived, the school may conduct its own language proficiency test as part of the admission process.

  • Ukiset Test (Specific to the UK): Some private schools and day schools in Great Britain may require applicants to take the Ukiset test before submitting their application documents for consideration by the selection committee. Please note that this requirement is exclusive to the UK.

  • School Registration Forms: Our specialists can assist you in completing school registration forms.

  • Skype Interview: An interview with the applicant via Skype.

  • Special Entrance Test: In addition to the Ukiset test, if required, there may be a separate entrance test for admission, particularly in the UK.

With the guidance of SMAPSE experts, you can explore a selection of the top 100 schools, private schools, and colleges offering high-quality courses for foreign students in Europe. Discover our range of private schools in Italy and embark on your educational journey.


Tuition fees at private schools in Europe

The cost of studying at private schools and colleges in Europe and the rest of the world depends on rankings, the students' exam results, prestige and history of school.

Average cost of studying at private schools abroad (including accommodation and meals) is presented in the table below:


Price for secondary education during 1 year


25 000 – 40 000 GBP

United States

30 000 – 60 000 USD


40 000 – 90 000 CHF


20 000 – 60 000 CAD


20 000 – 35 000 EUR


24 000 – 45 000 EUR


25 000 – 40 000 EUR


24 000 – 50 000 EUR


25 000 – 45 000 EUR


30 000 – 67 000 EUR


25 000 – 45 000 EUR


25 000 – 45 000 AUD


5 000 – 20 000 USD

Programs in Private Schools Abroad for foreign students

Private schools abroad, including those in the UK, the USA, and Switzerland, offer outstanding educational programs for international students. These institutions typically follow a system of consecutive education at boarding schools. As students venture abroad after completing the 9th grade, typically at the ages of 14, 15, or 16, they have the opportunity to tailor their studies to their specific interests, creating a personalized curriculum that aligns with their aspirations. This personalized program facilitates their growth and development in their chosen direction. Before gaining admission to universities, students are required to take a series of exams in three or four disciplines, depending on the specific program they follow. Here are some of the prominent programs available:

1. A-Level Program:

  • Targeted at high school students aged 16-18.

  • Universally recognized by all universities in the United Kingdom and several Western countries.

2. International Baccalaureate (IB):

  • An international program designed for senior students aged 17-18.

  • Universally accepted and respected worldwide.

3. BTEC Program:

  • Analogous to the A-Level program.

  • Offers a more in-depth, specialized, and comprehensive study of subjects with an emphasis on practical aspects.

  • Geared towards high school students aged 16, 17, or 18.

4. High School Diploma Program:

  • Available in the senior classes of the American educational system.

  • Suitable for students aged 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18.

  • Similar to the A-Level program.

  • Offers pathways to universities in the USA, Canada, and various other countries worldwide.

5. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education):

  • This program focuses on students aged 14, 15, or 16, and it leads to a certificate of secondary school completion.

These diverse academic programs provide students with a range of options to suit their educational and career goals, ensuring that they receive a well-rounded and high-quality education.

What is the difference between private schools and public schools?

Why are private schools significantly more expensive than public schools?

Do schools provide accommodation?

What are the advantages of private schools?

What is the difference between a boarding school and a day school?

Does the school wear uniforms?

How many people live in a room and what are the amenities?

How is the life of the children in the boarding house organized?

How does the school help you cope if your child misses home a lot?

Is it permitted to go out into the city?

4 tips to choose best private school for foreign students

  • It's important to pay attention to the educational institution’s approach to education

Descriptions of educational institutions provide priority educational methods. Practically, vast majority of educational centers practice an individual approach to students. It greatly contributes to the high level of achievements of children.

  • The quality of education

The catalogue provides information on the best educational institutions in more than 30 countries around the world. Please, note that teachers at private  schools and private day schools have academic degrees. Exceptional level of qualification of the pedagogical staff is the pride of many educational institutions.

The best private schools abroad

  • The level of technological infrastructure development

It's important to analyze information about the material base and tuition fees. There are a lot of educational centers which offer state-of-the-art education facilities, advanced technological infrastructure, and developed internal infrastructure.

  • Possibility of comprehensive development of students

100 best schools and colleges offe interesting electives, breathtaking additional courses, sport sections and art coteries that serve students' interests.

Sarah Hicklin
Director of International Admissions at Oswestry School

What to consider when choosing a school, besides academic success?

Safety and care on campus.


Ranking of the best schools by country: England, USA, Switzerland, Canada, Spain, Austria

Advantages and disadvantages of English schools

Advantages Disadvantages
The opportunity to enter the best universities in England, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Europe, the world Expensive
High quality of education and academic standards Strong workload
Perfect English after graduation The need to change the social environment; it takes time to adapt
Useful contacts The difficulty of choosing the most suitable school for the child, requires a qualified specialist

Top 35 best schools in the USA - 2024 Smapse rankings

1 North Broward Preparatory School
2 Phillips Academy Andover
3 The Storm King School New York
4 Red Bank Catholic High School
5 Windermere Preparatory School
6 Shattuck St Mary's School
7 Cheshire Academy
8 Cate School
9 Ross School
10 Deerfield Academy
11 The Village School
12 Amerigo Los Angeles – Bishop Montgomery High School
13 Webb Schools
14 Kent School USA
15 The Winchendon School
16 Darlington School
17 Marian Catholic High School Amerigo Education
18 Grier School
19 The MacDuffie School
20 CATS Academy Boston
21 The Cambridge School of Weston
22 Milton Academy
23 Amerigo Education Napa Valley
24 American Hebrew Academy
25 Northfield Mount Hermon School
26 Mater Dei Catholic High School San Diego Amerigo Education
27 American University Preparatory School Los Angeles
28 Webb Schools
29 Kent School USA
30 Groton School
31 Maine Central Institute
32 The Lawrenceville School
33 Grand River Academy Ohio
34 Saint John Paul II Academy
35 Chicago North Shore

Top 14 best schools in Switzerland 2024

1 College Du Leman
2 St. Georges School Montreux
3 Institut Monte Rosa
4 Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
5 Saint-Charles Collège et Lycée
6 Leysin American School
7 Hochalpines Institut Ftan AG High Alpine
8 Aiglon College Switzerland
9 Institut Le Rosey School
10 Institut Montana Zugerberg
11 Champittet College
12 Brillantmont International School
13 Surval Montreux
14 Ecole Pre Fleuri
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Good afternoon, Alexander! To enter the UK schools, you need to collect some documents and send them to us. Then the school sends out tests in English and mathematics, after which your son will have to pass an interview with a representative of the school. After that, you can find out whether the student was offered a place in the school or not. You can contact us by email.
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Mr Steven Allen
Fyling Hall School Principal

Steven has been working in secondary education for over 27 years. His journey began at Fyling Hall School where he was a student and served as a warden in his final year. After graduating, he returned to the school's sports faculty and became the head of the department in 2008, teaching business, design technology, and graphics. Since 2010, he has taken on roles in student management and administration, eventually becoming the director in 2014. Steven's goal is to create a nurturing and healthy environment for schooling.

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