2021-08-24 15:31:16

FAQ: How to enter Oxford for a master's degree?

FAQ: How to enter Oxford for a master's degree?

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the UK, which many students from all over the world dream of enrolling in. However, everyone knows that it is quite difficult to enter there - a large competition and high requirements for an applicant can confuse a future student. Despite all the stereotypes, you are able to enter Oxford in the magistracy, because the requirements for this type of program are much lower than for the bachelor's degree, and the admission process is easier.


Advantages of getting Master's Degree in Oxford

  • No age limit for admission
  • Promising "green" programs (at least 4 interesting courses on ecology)
  • A large number of different programs
  • Practice-oriented education
  • Great attention to the process of socialization of students in the team.

What is given special attention when entering Master's program?

  • Grades you received during your undergraduate studies, academic achievements
  • Professional experience
  • Availability of publications (for example, in scientific articles)
  • Knowledge of foreign languages
  • Your life position and willingness to learn
  • Merits in different types of activity.

If you plan to enter Master's program, you need:

  • Provide a diploma of previously received higher education. The better your bachelor's results, the more attractive you look in the eyes of the admissions committee.
  • Write a resume
  • Report your work experience - for some specialties, this item is mandatory.
  • Provide at least 3 academic and professional references from faculty and employers.
  • Provide the admission committee with a motivation letter describing the reason for choosing this particular university
  • When applying to specialized programs of the University of Oxford, the conditions of admission may include the requirements for writing 1-2 additional essays, preparing a portfolio, presenting audiovisual data (for music and architecture),
  • Confirm financial solvency.
  • Take a test confirming knowledge of the English language (IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge ESOL).

The entry requirements for Oxford Correspondence Master's programs may differ from 2000s.

Step-by-step plan to enter Master's program

  1. Assessment of personal abilities and level of preparation for study abroad
  2. Choosing the profession that you will receive during your studies in the magistracy
  3. University Selection
  4. Choosing a Master's Program
  5. Payment for tuition and all needs
  6. Submission of applications and documents for a study visa
  7. Adaptation to the country.

Tips for future applicants 

  1. You can try to apply for a grant or scholarship, which will help partially cover the cost of studying. To do this, you need to consider all possible sponsorship options; of the most popular – programs Erasmus Mundus, Chevening Scholarship and others. Applications for grants and scholarships for study abroad, which will help you partially cover the cost of studying and living in Oxford, are issued separately.
  2. Oxford is good because you can apply to the university without a certificate of knowledge of the English language - however, after you receive confirmation of admission and receipt of a grant, you will need to get a certificate, otherwise you will not be able to enroll completely.

What are the tuition fees and where do I need to apply?

The cost of one academic year is around £20,000 and the cost of housing is around £3,000. Monthly spending will cost you at least £1,000 extra.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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