2019-08-22 00:18:53

Best language camps in Germany for foreign students

Best language camps in Germany for foreign students

The best language camps in Germany for foreign students - useful information

Making a decision about school holidays in Germany, the foreign student is guaranteed to receive the brightest and positive emotions, impressions, at the same time improving his language skills, as well as an amazing vacation. Effective educational programs have been developed by the best summer language camps and international centers of Germany, in which foreign students improve their German language skills, constantly communicate with peers from all over the world, while closely familiarizing themselves with German history, culture and its traditions .

According to statistics, every year among the foreign students the popularity of prestigious German camps is growing. The purpose of the stay of foreign students in the walls of the best language camps in Germany is due to a significant improvement in the level of foreign language proficiency and the passage of effective practice due to the application of the acquired skills in the natural environment.

Organization of education in the best language camps in Germany for foreign students

Teaching in prestigious German camps is carried out in accordance with specialized educational programs, the development of which takes into account parameters such as the level of German language proficiency, the age of the student, as well as the duration of education. At the time of the arrival of a foreign student in a leading language camp in Germany, testing is planned to determine the level of German language proficiency and form language groups. So, groups for beginners with a level of German language A-1 are formed, and groups focused on students with a knowledge level of B-2 and above. As a rule, classes are held in small classrooms, the number of which varies from 10 to 15 students. In this connection, all students without exception are guaranteed the use of an individual approach in the framework of teaching.

It is worth noting that a friendly and free atmosphere prevails in the lessons, thereby contributing to the successful overcoming of the language barrier among foreign students. Achieving the effectiveness of education is possible due to the use of interactive communicative techniques in teaching. So, the participation of students in various games, interviews, discussions, presentations is provided. In addition, emphasis is placed on intensive communication outside the classroom.

The geographical location of the elite language camps in Germany

A predominant number of leading German children's camps are located in quiet areas and beautiful places, in particular Hexi, Odenwald, thereby guaranteeing a comfortable stay and a high level of security of stay. If your child is not a fan of picturesque landscapes, then for this category of students there are advanced children's and youth camps located in such large German cities as Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich.

As for the duration of education in the summer period of time, it is determined by the intensity of the language program, while it varies from 2 to 9 weeks. During the week, from 20 to 25 classes are provided. As noted above, during their stay in the best language camp in Germany, foreign students not only study, but also take part in various cultural and recreational activities, educational excursions, sports and art.

The cost of education in elite camps in Germany

The cost of education for a week in a prestigious German camp, taking into account accommodation, medical insurance, accident insurance, a leisure program, is about 360 . As a rule, foreign students are accommodated in comfortable school residences. If interested, a foreign student can live in the host family and the family of the teacher during the period of study.

As a rule, the formation of the cost of education is based on the following parameters, namely:

  • Type of educational program;
  • Duration of education;
  • The location of the language camp, the degree of its prestige;
  • Placement option.

Type of language program

Duration of education


Children's language courses

From 1 week


Basic or intensive course

From 1 week

From 400 

Education in the family of the teacher

From 2 weeks

From 1,205 

Family Language Courses

From 2 weeks

From 865 

Pre-university education

From 12 to 44 weeks

From 1,820 


Educational programs of rating language camps in Germany

All educational programs of the best children's camps in Germany are characterized by intensity and activity. A young teenager will be able to make a real summer adventure by attending education at a prestigious camp operating on the basis of the Humboldt-Institut in the picturesque town of Schmalenberg.

As an interesting fact, we note that in Germany, the most popular sport is football. Agree that young sports enthusiasts aged 15 to 18 will be delighted to participate in professional football training under the guidance of experienced coaches at the same time as a good study of a foreign language. It was in Germany's elite language camp Bad Fredeburg that an education program was developed that provided 30 lessons per week and active football training.

If you are a creative person, then you should go to an elite school at the Institute of Fine Arts and Culture in Lenin. Within the walls of this advanced language school, classes in the German language are harmoniously combined with art lessons. When lunch ends, various classes are held in art workshops.

Upon reaching 5 years old, a foreign child is given the opportunity to learn German in the family of the teacher. In particular, this program was developed by Home Language International. Having reached 8 years, a foreign student can live independently in a school residence. In addition, seasonal and year-round language programs for foreign students have been developed. It is worth noting once again that within the framework of each educational program, students are provided for education and participation in various leisure activities, namely in sports, clubs, entertainment, and excursions. Usually in the summer more intense programs are organized. The types of educational programs offered by advanced language camps in Germany are listed below:

  • General German - 20 hours are provided for a week, the number of students in the language group varies from 5 to 15 students.
  • Intensive German - the load in the framework of this program varies from 24 to 30 lessons per week. The number of students in one language group varies from 5 to 15 students. The level of knowledge of the German language can be any, from the initial to the advanced.
  • Intensive German + sports - 25-30 hours of classes in the German language and 2-4 individual trainings for a week under the guidance of an experienced trainer are provided. Sports offered include tennis, horse riding, snowboarding, downhill skiing, and rowing.
  • Individual lessons - the target audience is students from 14 to 17 years old, the classes are intense. As for the load, it varies from 25 to 40 hours during the week.
  • Home Language International - this program provides accommodation in the family of the teacher. The standard program provides from 10 to 30 individual lessons throughout the week. In addition, another educational program “Standard Course + Informal Events” was developed. In addition to classes, a foreign student, together with a teacher, visits theaters, cinemas, museums, sports matches, educational excursions. Within the framework of classes and constant communication, there is an intensive development of communication skills, as well as a close acquaintance with German culture.
  • Family programs - provides for the child to learn the German language together with his parents. The cost of education is determined by the number of lessons and the duration of the education. Thus, the student will be able to cognitively and fascinatingly spend time with his parents.

The main reasons for choosing advanced language camps in Germany for education

  • Career prospects

A good level of proficiency in a foreign language significantly increases the likelihood of successful and promising employment, in particular, you can work in large international corporations. Speaking a foreign language, in which business partners communicate, allows you to effectively conduct business.

  • Tourism and Hospitality

According to statistics, the average German resident receives a stable income, and in accordance with German law he is entitled to about 6 weeks of vacation per year. Typically, a German organizes three trips abroad, for precisely these reasons, the hospitality and tourism industry is always in demand by employees, guides, translators who are fluent in German.

  • Education

Everywhere, high marks and recognition of the prestige of secondary and higher education, which was received in German-speaking countries. It is worth noting that Germany is on the list of TOP-10 countries in terms of the number of ranking universities. Please note that foreign students, along with German students, receive elite higher education free of charge.

  • Providing the opportunity to use German-language information sources

For many centuries, Germany has been assigned the status of the homeland of inventors and innovators. So, it is the German language that occupies the second place in the ranking in the frequency of use of the German language in the field of science. According to statistics, every 10th book among all countries of the world is published in German.

  • Close acquaintance with the rich history and culture of Germany

Germany was assigned the name of the country of thinkers and poets. Thus, speaking German, a foreign student will have an excellent opportunity to read in the original the great works of Goethe, Mann, Kafka, Hesse, Kant, Nietzsche, as well as Freud.

When deciding to study in prestigious language camps in Germany, a foreign student is provided with a truly unique opportunity for close acquaintance with museum collections, breathtaking castles, stunning cities, and exquisite dishes of national cuisine. In addition, as part of the education, you can make new and true friends, while receiving bright and positive emotions. The maximum efficiency of learning the German language is achieved thanks to a full immersion in the language environment.

How is the process of entering the best language camps in Germany organized?

Leading camps in Germany have developed a variety of programs aimed at students of any age and level of knowledge of the language, from low to high levels of proficiency. The education is organized on the basis of the best German schools, namely Schule Schloss Saleman, St. George's School and others. The development of effective language programs is based on the system of pan-European competence in foreign language skills, consisting of 6 levels, namely A1 (elementary), A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

Please note that some variations are possible in the requirements for admission. In this connection, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the conditions of admission. An important role in the application procedure is played by applying for a German student visa, the period for which can vary from a few weeks to six months. If the period of your stay in Germany does not exceed 90 days, then you should apply for a category C visa (Schengen visa). The process of obtaining it varies from 2 weeks to 1 month.

It is necessary to draw up and submit the following documents for education in an elite language camp in Germany:

  • International passport;
  • Completed application form;
  • Document of a citizen of your country;
  • Visa Fee Payment Confirmation;
  • 2 copies of a photo measuring 35x45 mm;
  • Proof of tuition and accommodation;
  • Insurance policy;
  • Proof of student solvency, usually 700 euros per month.

Accommodation options during your stay at the leading language camp in Germany

  • Host family - choosing this type of accommodation, a foreign student practices language skills around the clock, and also gets acquainted with German life and local traditions. A foreign student lives in a room designed for 1-2 students.
  • School residence - accommodation is organized in comfortable rooms, designed from 1 to 4 students. As for the location of the bathroom, it is located in the rooms or on the floor. The residence has a kitchen and a shared living room.
  • Apartment or hotel - this accommodation option is available to foreign students who have reached the age of majority.

Below is a table regarding the price of living and possible expenses for studying in Germany.

Type of allocation


Price, (period - week)

Host family

Full board / half board conditions

From 180 

School residence

With and without food

From 190 


No food

From 180 


With and without food

From 30 € / per day


The following are additional costs that arise when studying in an elite language camp in Germany.

Additional expenditure



From 100 

Internet and mobile communications

From 80 

Educational materials

From 20 


From 50 

Transportation costs

80-100 per month


80 € permonth



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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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