
Study in Zürich 2024

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Education information

Do you dream about studying in Switzerland? Today, Switzerland attracts a great deal of foreign students with high-quality educational services, high living standards and amazing nature. SMAPSE offers TOP-10 prestigious schools, colleges and universities in Zurich, Switzerland where foreign students can get high-quality primary, secondary and higher education. Moreover, language schools and centers in Zurich, Switzerland provide various language courses and programs that will meet all your needs. 

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts at any time as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Studying in Zurich for foreign students: facts and prospects

Consider the main nuances of studying in Zurich for foreign students:

1. The first research centers

Here are the leading educational centers of the country, which are recognized as the best and beyond. The strongest areas in the EU are natural sciences, computer science, and technical specialties. Among the graduates of the universities of Zurich there are many Nobel laureates, including Albert Einstein, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Analytical psychology and psychotherapy received special development in the city: the first of its kind research institute for psychoanalysis was opened here with the personal support of Karl Gustave Jung.

2. Cultural life

Ample opportunities in terms of cultural education: the city has about 50 museums, 100 galleries, endless exhibitions, cinemas, concert halls, theaters.

3. The "global" city

Zurich can not be called a metropolis - rather, it is a compact city that has won the title of global for its economic importance. The quality of life does not leave indifferent any tourist: here are ideal roads, the airport, houses and shops.

4. One of the most beautiful cities in the world

Among other merits, it is a city of indescribable beauty. Just imagine: a mountain idyll arising from a panorama of the Swiss Alps combines with the beautiful architecture of past centuries. In addition, this place has a vibrant nightlife - thanks to great concerts, festivals, restaurants, bars.

5. Climate, ecology

Compared to other cities in Switzerland, it has a milder, warmer climate, as well as good ecology thanks to the cleanest air and water. Not far from Zurich there are the most beautiful ski resorts.

Education options in Zurich for foreigners

Below is a list of basic educational services in Zurich with approximate prices and requirements:



Estimated cost , CHF (year)

Summer language schools


1000 (week)

Language courses for adults and children


700 (week)

Secondary education: boarding schools



Preparatory areas




Test DAF 4 / DELF B2



Test DAF 4 / DELF C1




Doctoral studies

Test DAF 4 / DELF C1


Higher education in Zurich: features of study and admission

The Swiss education system is based on the principles of the Bologna Agreement, which includes three main cycles: a Bachelor's degree (awarded after three academic years), a Master's degree (one and a half to two years), and doctoral studies (established by each university). In the academic year, two semesters: from October to March and from April to July. Zurich is a German-speaking canton, respectively, the language of instruction is likely to be German .

The learning process is based on a combination of traditional methods and innovative approaches. Famous educators Jean Piaget, Johann Pestalation and Rudolf Steiner laid the foundation for progressive pedagogy; In addition, the technique of Maria Montessori is very popular in Switzerland - all this is reflected in the principles of teaching at a university. Personal integrity, the right to own opinion and taking into account the preferences of students are the main differences from domestic pedagogy. Students study according to an individual plan: thanks to this approach, time is not wasted on irrelevant disciplines.

Foreign students can apply for scholarships - research, in specialties related to art, graduate students and many others. It is allowed to earn extra money, but not more than 15 hours a week and 100% on vacation.

It is worth noting that the requirements for applicants can vary significantly depending on the university and the canton - but usually after entering school, a foreign student needs to unlearn four semesters at a domestic university. In addition, all foreigners pass a single exam in Friborg.

Studying in Zurich High School

In Switzerland, excellent conditions have been created for foreign students in private boarding schools. Secondary schools are not accidentally considered elitist: the cost of education here may be higher than in Britain , known as the “classroom of the world.” However, high education prices in Switzerland in no way affect their demand. For the most part, training centers here are international in nature, in which the percentage of local schoolchildren is minimal. What is the popularity of private boarding schools in Switzerland ?

  • Accommodation

If the UK schools are characterized by some asceticism and rigor, then in Zurich, on the contrary, they are of the opinion that a favorable environment will only increase the students' interest in learning, and comfort and luxury will allow them to regain their strength and spend a happy childhood. After all, childhood, according to local teachers, should remain childhood! Most Swiss schools are located in the mountains or foothills and in many ways resemble elite sanatoriums. Children are accommodated in chic furnished rooms with all amenities. Board type meals - full and balanced.

  • Studying

Another advantage of local schools is their emphasis on languages. The children learn several languages at once (at least two), and upon graduation they have brilliant knowledge of two or three European languages. In the German canton, programs are built according to the German educational model ( Abitur ), national or international, IB .

  • Free time

Children spend their leisure time and study in the fresh air: part of the lessons are held outdoors, after the lessons they go hiking, devote a lot of time to sports, since there are all conditions for this - horse riding, cross-country and mountain skiing, mountain biking, swimming. But most of all here are proud of the ski slopes!

  • Tuition fees 

Pupils study in small classes, receive the maximum attention of teachers, especially in primary schools, where the director usually knows each of his wards. Excellent conditions are created for primary school children - they do not require perseverance, attentiveness, strict discipline. 

  • Parenting, development

If in Britain a gentleman with excellent manners and deep knowledge will be made out of your child, then cosmopolitan children with a breadth of knowledge and liveliness of mind will be raised in Switzerland.

By the way, summer courses for schoolchildren will serve as a great start to study abroad . The children live on campus, are trained in quality programs. The courses of summer camps can be of the broadest orientation - from purely linguistic to combined, combining 33 pleasures: exciting lessons, active sports, a rich excursion and entertainment program.

Zurich Language Schools for foreign applicants

Foreign students who strive to effectively learn one or more languages with the opportunity to practice a lot, and at the same time spend an amazing vacation, it is difficult to find a place better than Zurich. In extracurricular activities, students will find ecological and extreme sports, familiarity with the culture and traditions of Switzerland, a good rest in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

General statistics on education in Zurich

General information about Zurich

Country Swizeland
Region Zurich
Region 2 Bezirk Zürich
Region 3 Zurich
Population 341,730
Time Zone Europe/Zurich

Cost of living in Zurich

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 646 922
Food 462 835
Transportation 69 272
Communications and utilities 102 126
Clothing 39 147
Sports and leisure 50 182
Total 1,368 2,484

Accommodation in Zurich

Shared room outside of centre 652
Shared room in city centre 932
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 1,067
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,469

Coordinates Of Zurich

Time Zone Europe/Zurich
Latitude 47.366670000
Longitude 8.550000000
Elevation (STRM3) 429 m.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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