
Adult language courses in Czech Republic for international students

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Education information

Nowadays, the Czech Republic is one of the most popular country among foreign students wishing to get excellent education abroad. SMAPSE offers you TOP-5 language schools and colleges in the Czech Republic where foreign students can study effective English and Czech courses for adults. SMAPSE experts have collected for you 5 best Czech language schools that allow to combine high-quality language courses with exciting experience of studying abroad: you can make the right choice due to program descriptions, tuition fees and student feedback. If necessary, SMAPSE specialists will answer all your questions.

Language courses in Czech Republic. Guide for international students

Advantages of Czech Republic's Language Programs

The Czech Republic is renowned for its educational excellence, offering top-notch training in languages like English, German, and Czech. The country's language schools have created efficient programs enabling rapid progress:

  1. Czech for International Learners

Studying Czech is increasingly popular among foreign students, especially those aspiring to enroll in Czech universities. In addition to structured lessons, immersion in the local environment enriches the learning experience with cultural outings and social interactions.

  1. English Training

English training in the Czech Republic stands out for its affordability. While native countries of the language offer optimal environments for learning, the Czech Republic provides ample practice opportunities.

  1. German Studies

Pursuing German in the Czech Republic is cost-effective, with prices significantly lower than in Germany itself. The instruction, often delivered by native speakers, is both effective and financially accessible.

Combined language courses are available at schools and university centers, catering to both English and Czech learners. Short-term programs suit those with flexible schedules, while long-term courses are more apt for individuals with specific goals like relocating, job seeking, or preparing for study abroad.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

At what age do foreign students usually enter English schools?

Our programs are for ages 16+. Nonetheless, the average age of our student population is between the ages of 18-35. 


Cost and Fees in Czech Language Courses for International Students

Enrolling in a leading Czech language school typically requires filling out an application form, with no exam certificates needed. Short-term program students should apply for a Schengen visa, while long-term learners need a student visa.

Costs of Language Courses in Czech Republic for International Students

Course name

Hours per week

Required Language Proficiency

Cost, Euros

Individual courses 

Negotiated individually

Any level of English

From 360 per month

Summer courses for adults

From 20

From 890 for 14 days

For schoolchildren + rest

From 20

From 890 in 2 weeks

University Preparation


Upper-Intermediate (above average)

From 700 per week

High school preparation


From 5000 per year

Courses for specialists

Intermediate and above (medium)

From 900 per week

The fees depend on factors like course complexity and weekly hours. Individual lessons are competitively priced, often similar to group class rates.

Summer language courses for adults are an excellent way to combine holiday and learning. Morning classes are followed by city tours, sightseeing, and cultural lectures in restaurants and breweries. Children's programs are equally engaging, tailored to their age group.

University Preparation programs focus on developing academic Czech competencies and enhancing spoken English. Professional courses cater to specific fields, such as medicine, where doctors can validate their qualifications and learn Czech, including professional vocabulary.

Five Reasons to Choose Language Courses in the Czech Republic

  • Cultural Enrichment: Gain insights into Czech culture and history.

  • Affordability: Educational and living costs are lower than in other European countries.

  • Safe and High-Quality Living: The Czech Republic offers a secure environment with a relaxed lifestyle, ideal for children's education and relaxation.

  • Effective Education: Modern teaching methods and technical facilities enhance the learning experience.

  • Scholarship Opportunities: Scholarships from the Ministry of Education are available for university-based language school students, reducing educational expenses.

Cost of living in Czech Republic

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 144 195
Food 127 215
Transportation 18 79
Communications and utilities 58 89
Clothing 20 76
Sports and leisure 17 59
Total 384 713

Accommodation in Czech Republic

Shared room outside of centre 145
Shared room in city centre 197
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 273
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 365

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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