
Adult language courses in Sweden for international students

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Education information

Swedish is a beautiful-sounding language because of intonation, but for English speakers it is easy to learn because of the grammatical structure and the reference to English. The connection with the North Germanic languages leaves an open opportunity for anyone who studies Swedish to facilitate the study of Danish, Norwegian or German.

Swedish is just one aspect of Sweden; Sweden is an incredible country that can accommodate anyone. From the far north, where the northern lights meet in the untouched desert, to the bustling cities on the islands and the coast; in addition to the exciting traditions and cuisine associated with the changing seasons, Sweden offers incredible experiences rich in culture, tradition and beauty.

Benefits in Top Language Courses in Sweden

Preparatory Programs

Numerous universities in Sweden feature long-term preparatory programs tailored for foreign students. These courses help students hone their Swedish skills to the requisite level, eliminating the need to take a language exam for university admission.

Summer Language Courses

Several institutions in Sweden curate summer language programs that typically run between 2 to 9 weeks. These courses provide a comprehensive experience, blending language lessons with sessions on Swedish culture and history. Outside of the classroom, students explore nearby cities, partake in hiking, attend workshops, and go on excursions. These packages often include accommodation and meals, making them a holistic experience.

Breathtaking Natural Beauty

Sweden boasts a plethora of lakes, streams, mountains, and picturesque landscapes. Even urban dwellers in cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg have easy access to pristine nature. Nearby archipelagos invite activities like cycling, fishing, and kayaking.

High Quality of Life

Sweden consistently ranks in the top 10 happiest countries worldwide, thanks to factors like impressive salaries, a healthy work-life balance, an active lifestyle, and top-tier healthcare.

Language Courses in Sweden for international students

Swedish might come naturally to some, but for many, it poses challenges. Thankfully, there's a plethora of programs to cater to varying needs, ensuring a significant boost in Swedish language proficiency. By summer's end, most foreign students find themselves conversing fluently with Swedes and international peers.

  • Cultural Immersion Programs Associated mainly with American universities, these programs help students accrue and transfer university credits. Typically, they offer 15-20 hours of rigorous language instruction weekly, inclusive of reading, writing, speaking, and listening tasks, supplemented with cultural and historical insights.

  • Group Courses These courses foster a more intimate learning environment through smaller class sizes. Although they prioritize language learning, cultural components might come at an additional cost. These are ideal for those deeply invested in learning Swedish with a lesser emphasis on culture.

  • University Courses Mainly conducted in English, these courses focus on cultural and historical insights, given that the student isn't enrolled in a semester-long Swedish language course. While most courses have Swedish as a prerequisite, they grant students an immersive experience, facilitating smoother transitions into Swedish life.

  • Homestay Programs These programs offer learners an unparalleled insight into Swedish language and culture. Spanning 1 week to 2 months and including 15-30 lessons weekly, students benefit from tailored language courses and firsthand experiences of Swedish customs and traditions by living with a host family.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

At what age do foreign students usually enter English schools?

Our programs are for ages 16+. Nonetheless, the average age of our student population is between the ages of 18-35. 


How to Apply to Language Courses in Sweden

Joining English courses in Sweden is straightforward. No entrance tests are mandatory. However, a proficiency test during application ensures students are placed in the right group. It's advisable to commence the documentation process 3-4 months in advance. For courses exceeding 90 days, a residence permit is necessary. For shorter courses, a student visa suffices.

Language Courses in Sweden. Cost a Fees for International Students

The fee structure varies depending on factors like the institution's location, its prestige, the chosen program, and additional activities. On average, tuition for language courses in Sweden starts from 2,000 USD for a 2-week duration.

Cost of living in Sweden

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 246 359
Food 227 442
Transportation 67 194
Communications and utilities 51 57
Clothing 29 109
Sports and leisure 26 113
Total 646 1,274

Accommodation in Sweden per month

Shared room outside of centre 248$
Shared room in city centre 363$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 447$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 654$

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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