
Study chemistry abroad

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Education information

You can get a chemical education abroad in almost every country, and we will tell you where it is better to do it. Chemistry has always been one of the most sought-after disciplines, since it is the basis of many discoveries in various fields - medicine, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, materials science and other sciences.

Higher chemical education abroad: undergraduate and graduate programs

Studying chemistry abroad is a fascinating, but at the same time rather complicated process. Undergraduate programs include studies in a variety of subjects, including:

  • Fundamentals of modern chemistry
  • Organics
  • Physical and inorganic chemistry
  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Structural chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Living organisms of the Earth and others.

Since studying of these disciplines is based more on practice than on theory, universities in the chemical field create the necessary conditions for students to study: these are laboratories equipped with the latest technology, and other platforms for gaining practical experience.

In addition to studying specialized subjects, students gain knowledge in project management, communications and solving complex problems. The teaching staff of universities in chemistry abroad has the necessary competencies to train future specialists - each year of successful practice, extensive experience in research and practical work.

Studying chemistry abroad is beneficial in terms of career prospects: such an education opens up many opportunities for foreign students in their home country and in the international labour market. After graduation, young specialists can realize the acquired skills in the field of pharmaceuticals, electronics, inventing new materials and others.

A large percentage of graduates of chemical faculties choose research activities for themselves, so young people continue their studies in graduate school and seek to obtain a doctorate, solving one of the global problems associated with chemistry. In general, the starting salary level for young chemists is considered to be one of the highest.

In order to become a student at one of the chemical faculties abroad, foreign or Russian applicants will need to fulfill a number of conditions:

1) For admission to the undergraduate will need:

  • Age at least 17 years old
  • High school diploma
  • Results of a test for knowledge of a foreign language (varies by country, but most often it is English).

2) For admission to the Master's program you will need:

  • Age not less than 20 years
  • Bachelor 's degree in the chosen specialty
  • Foreign language test results.

These are the minimum requirements that foreign students may encounter upon admission - the full list of conditions for admission to a specialty related to chemistry will depend on the country and the university chosen.

The best universities for studying chemistry abroad

SMAPSE experts will tell you about several universities where foreign students can get a quality chemical education abroad. There are specialized higher schools in many countries, however, some states can be distinguished especially due to the large number of universities.

For example, America is recognized as the leader country for the provision of chemical education, since there are more than 50 universities, institutes, colleges to study this area and all its areas. The second place in the number and quality of higher schools with chemical faculties is China (21 educational institutions), the third place is Germany (19 higher schools), and then comes the United Kingdom (16 universities). TOP-5 in chemical higher education is completed by France .


A country


University of California, Berkeley

USA California

Well-known world university for preparing specialists in such fields as information technology, physics, biology, economics, and of course, chemistry. The University of California is the oldest university in the state, with a rich history of the chemical elements discovered in it and scientific breakthroughs. Students will receive specialized education in one of the colleges of the college of College of Chemistry. The educational structure consists of two departments: “Chemical and Molecular Engineering” and “Chemistry”, where undergraduate, master and doctoral degrees are available.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

USA, Boston

One of the famous technical universities in the country and the whole world, which is considered an innovator in the field of artificial intelligence and information technology. The Institute consists of a college with 32 departments and 5 schools in the main areas, which includes scientific and engineering schools. More than 60% of students choose the last school from the list, about 20% - scientific. The most popular specializations include computer science, physics, chemistry, electronic engineering, mathematics, biology.

Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich (ETHZ)

Switzerland, Zurich

It is one of the leading technical universities that does not leave the list of TOP-50 higher schools in the world and tops the rankings of the best universities in Europe. Numerous applied and exact sciences programs are offered in three languages - English, French and German. The list of Bachelor's and Master's courses includes chemistry, chemical engineering, as well as related specializations.

Kyoto University

Japan, Kyoto

Kyoto University ranks second in the best educational institutions in the country and 25th in the ranking of the best higher schools in the world. The university prepares young specialists in all key areas, including the fields of chemistry, physics and mathematics. In terms of achievements in these areas, it competes with the country's best university - Tokyo University. Kyoto Higher School has an international vocation in terms of teaching, and graduates with such a diploma are expected in any part of the world in a prestigious position. The university is widely known for its research on earthquakes, many achievements and discoveries in the field of medicine.

Technical University of Munich

Germany, Munich

The largest university in the country and one of the most prestigious in eastern Germany, having a very high level of education in technical and natural sciences. Bachelor's and Master's programs with a specific focus: biochemistry, food chemistry, chemical technology (and biotechnology). Studying takes place in German, therefore, for successful training candidates from other countries need to know it at a high level.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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