
Primary, secondary education in Boston, Massachusetts 2024

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Education information

Studying in foreign countries is distinguished by its quality and prestige, and secondary education is also gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to studying in American schools, schoolchildren have all the necessary conditions for comfortable adaptation to study in an international environment, obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills for admission to foreign universities. Boston is a popular student city: it is here that the universities of the famous Ivy League are located — Harvard University, Massachusetts University of Technology and many others. Hundreds of balanced educational programs have been developed here for foreign students. Boston is an excellent intellectual environment for the versatile improvement of their knowledge and cultural education: there are many museums, art galleries and cultural and entertainment events.

Secondary Schools in Boston. Guide for international students

Studying in Boston follows a structured progression across three main levels:

  • Primary Education in Boston (Ages 5-10):

    • At this level, children delve into fundamental subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and the basics of natural sciences.

    • Additionally, they explore music, physical education, and drawing.

  • Middle School (Ages 11-14):

    • This stage introduces compulsory subjects like mathematics, history, natural sciences, and English.

    • Students also have the flexibility to choose 2-3 subjects of their preference.

  • High School (Ages 15-18):

    • High school students gain the autonomy to select their subjects, typically focusing on those required for university admission.

Simon Kizhner
Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

What advice do you have for applicants to American schools and why?

Take the time to study schools: seek information yourself and trust your educational agents, their experience and knowledge. Focus on those schools that fit your specific goals.

Ask questions! Attend job interviews, school trips, connect with staff and admissions.

Prepare well for exams - SSAT, ISEE or TOEFL - learn the rules for writing essays.

And, of course, discuss with your family the financial possibilities, the conditions of each school.

Go for it!


Key features of Secondary Education in Boston

One of the standout educational programs is the American High School Diploma, which caters to both American and international students. Upon completion, students receive a secondary education diploma.

For students in grades 11-12, the option exists to enroll in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The IB diploma holds global recognition and provides an advantage when applying to prestigious universities worldwide, offering comprehensive preparation for university admission.

In grades 11-12, students can also choose to tackle one or multiple subjects at an advanced level through the Advanced Placement (AP) program. With 34 subjects taught at a university's first-year level, completion of the AP program grants students a competitive edge in university admissions.

Students typically devote 5-6 hours per day to their studies. At the end of each academic year, exams gauge their knowledge, facilitating progression to the next grade. Graduates from private schools in the USA are often well-prepared for university entrance exams. Additionally, students enjoy a rich extracurricular life, with a wide array of creative and sports activities, as well as cultural programs. Holding a secondary education diploma from Boston opens doors to some of the world's best universities.

Secondary Schools in Boston. Cost and Fees for Foreign Students

Public education in Boston is free for all, including foreign students. On the other hand, tuition fees for private schools in the state typically range from around $15,000 per year, with the most prestigious institutions commanding prices as high as $45,000-$50,000 annually. These fees generally cover various aspects of studying abroad, including accommodation, meals, textbooks, school uniforms, leisure activities, registration fees, insurance, English language courses, preparation for final exams, and the option to participate in sports activities.

How to apply to Primary Schools in Boston

To secure a school education in Boston, foreign students should apply approximately a year in advance. The application process entails providing a specific set of documents, including:

  • Academic transcripts from the past 3 years, along with current grades.

  • Recommendations from teachers in English, mathematics, and the class teacher.

  • A personal essay from the student.

  • Responses from parents regarding their child.

  • A description from the head of an extracurricular club or sports section.

Additionally, students may need to undergo an interview with the admissions committee, either in person or online, and submit results from English proficiency tests such as SSAT or TOEFL/IELTS.

Some schools offer 1 trial semester admissions and commence recruitment in January. Certain international schools may even waive the GMAT and TOEFL requirements, conducting their own entrance exams instead.

Top 3 Secondary Schools in Boston

  • CATS Academy Boston:

    • This prestigious boarding school operates based on the foundation of the Catholic school Trinity.

    • CATS Academy offers high-quality educational programs in both the USA and Britain for international students.

    • Situated in the picturesque town of Newton, the school provides an elevated level of service.

    • The international students follow a program devised by Uri Feldman, an alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which grants them a dual diploma: a school diploma and a Certificate of Excellence in Global Business.

    • Students attend lectures at some of Boston's finest universities.

    • The academic rigor at CATS Academy prepares students to gain admission to top-notch universities in the USA.

    • International students can choose between residence or host family accommodations.

    • Tuition costs begin at $17,850 per semester (half an academic year).

  • Cambridge School of Weston:

    • This institution offers effective programs tailored for international students.

    • The school boasts an impressive teaching staff, with over 80% of teachers holding academic degrees.

    • The high school program is modular, allowing students to focus on their priority subjects.

    • Learning emphasizes practical knowledge, with students actively engaging in laboratories, various projects, and research.

    • The annual cost of studying starts at $59,400.

  • Walnut Hill School for the Arts:

    • This school specializes in a unique program that integrates academic studies with various forms of art.

    • Ideal for gifted young individuals, the School of Arts boasts a 100% success rate, with all graduates moving on to renowned universities in the country.

    • Students enjoy comfortable living arrangements in 2-3 person rooms with amenities.

    • Tuition fees begin at $28,900 per semester.

Learning programs-summary information

Name Meaning Equivalent Min. age Duration,
Next stage Cost
GCSE General certificate of secondary education secondary education (non-accomplished) 14 1–2 A-Levels 15,000 USD+
A-Levels Advanced level secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 15,000 USD+
BTEC Business and Technology Education Board secondary special education 14 2–3 University/ work 15,000 USD+
Oxbridge Preparation Preparing for Oxford and Cambridge secondary education (accomplished) 17 1 University 15,000 USD+
International Baccalaureate International baccalaureate secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 18,000 USD+
Foundation/ Pathway Year Preparatory year admission to the 1st year of university 17 1 University 14,000 USD+
NCUK The Northern consortium 2 year university 17,5 1 2 year University of NCUK 13,000 USD+
Special Preparation (Medics/Math/Business) Specialized training - 14 optional optional 4,000 USD+
Academic English Academic English Language school 8 + 6–12 months School or University 8,000 USD+

Advantages and disadvantages of English schools

Advantages Disadvantages
The opportunity to enter the best universities in England, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Europe, the world Expensive
High quality of education and academic standards Strong workload
Perfect English after graduation The need to change the social environment; it takes time to adapt
Useful contacts The difficulty of choosing the most suitable school for the child, requires a qualified specialist

Top 21 boarding colleges in England 2024

1 Cardiff Sixth Form College
2 National Mathematics and Science College
3 Abbey College Cambridge
4 d'Overbroeck's College
5 MPW London
6 CATS Cambridge
7 Kensington Park
8 DLD London
9 King's College St Michael’s
10 Bellerbys Cambridge
11 Chelsea Independent College
12 MPW Cambridge
13 Bellerbys Brighton
14 CATS London
15 St Clare's Oxford
16 Bishopstrow College
17 CATS Canterbury
18 Bellerbys London
19 Ealing Independent College
20 Cambridge Tutors College
21 Abbey Manchester
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Simon Kizhner
Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

Simon is an expert in the field of secondary education. He has been working in Regional Admissions at Léman Manhattan Preparatory School for more than 5 years. He is a Cornell University and SDA Bocconi graduate. Simon believes that studying at an elite, competitive boarding school is a truly unique experience as pupils forge strong ties with peers and teachers. Living in a boarding school, they can focus more attentively on their studies, which will lead to more serious success - and in their future careers as well.

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