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2021-06-15 19:38:49

Simon Kizhner

Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

What makes US boarding schools so popular with parents around the world? Why do families value US elementary and high schools so much?

An elite, competitive US boarding school is a truly unique experience. Pupils forge strong ties with peers, teachers, because they both study and live together! Living in a boarding school, they can focus more attentively on their studies, which will lead to more serious success - and in their future careers as well.

At Leman Manhattan Preparatory School, we offer an International Baccalaureate (IB) program and are proud of our statistics on graduate admissions to the best universities in the United States and the world. An elite school in the heart of New York offers you a rigorous academic environment and at the same time vibrant, varied, exciting sports and extracurricular activities, an international close-knit community - students, teachers and parents.

As for ranking of the best boarding schools, what criteria are used? How accurate is it today?

For rankings, many details and criteria are used, each formula is different: here is the percentage of admission to prestigious universities, the ratio of teachers and students, the number of teachers with advanced degrees, the severity of requirements for graduates and applicants, the quality and variety of educational programs, the percentage of boarders. Even demographics and campus details are taken into account! Out of the rankings can be extracurricular, non-academic life - social events, athletics tournaments.

Look at the statistics from Leman Manhattan Preparatory School:

  • 975 people - from kindergarten to 12 years old
  • 100 people study at the boarding school
  • 50+ nationalities
  • 18 people in the middle class
  • 80% of teachers with advanced degrees
  • 45 sports teams
  • More than 80% of graduates entered the TOP-50 US universities.

What are the most important questions parents ask when choosing a school in the USA?

The main thing to consider is how the chosen school suits your child, his habits, ambitions, interests. In principle, the criteria that are taken into account in the rankings will become good determinants: class size, names of universities that graduates choose, composition of the student community, location, etc.

Leman Manhattan Preparatory School, as one of the first independent schools in Lower Manhattan, has a remarkable “neighborhood” history and reputation, but has a global perspective. The location between New York City's most significant cultural attractions as well as the International IB Program - the gold standard for college and university preparation worldwide - provides an excellent preparation for our graduates. They are confident leaders, true motivated citizens of the world.

When is the best time for application? What should applicants prepare for?

Typically, applicants start at the beginning of the academic year prior to the one in which you intend to begin your studies. September-October is suitable for drawing up a list of priority institutions, visiting their territories personally, communicating with admissions committees. At the end of the year, it is time to draw up and send applications, prepare documents (do not forget that foreign students need translation and notarization!), Including certificates and report cards, to do compulsory vaccinations and insurance, etc.

Now, due to the pandemic, it is difficult for us to organize personal visits to the school, so we created a full-fledged virtual tour with a 360-degree view on the Leman Manhattan Preparatory School website.

The deadline for accepting applications is December 1. After that, you can apply on the basis of rolling (Rolling Admission).

What subjects have been most commonly chosen in recent years?

Of course, these are STEM subjects: mathematics, engineering, science, computer coding. Humanities courses are not losing ground. Look not at the names of areas, but at their essence, components, content - and objectively assess their uniqueness, the opportunity to benefit the academic community.

Leman Manhattan Preparatory School, as an International Baccalaureate school, implements modern and effective approaches at every stage - from the early years to the Diploma Program in grades 11-12. The last Diploma course is a two-year, academically challenging, rich and balanced program that will well prepare students aged 16-19 for university and future careers. We develop students intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. According to statistics, holders of IB diplomas are 20% more likely to enroll in the most elite universities in the United States - including Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Stanford and Duke University.

Does every school strive to get into the TOP rankings?

Ranking is a useful tool, but not perfect. Everyone should evaluate the selected schools in terms of suitability for a particular child.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected student numbers? How do schools help students during this time?

Leman Manhattan Preparatory School is completing its hybrid technology studying before spring break. Through our effective and intelligent COVID-19 mitigation planning (and homeland security protocols, of course!), We maintain a healthy and safe environment that minimizes the spread of the virus. We look to the future, the spring semester and 2021-2022 with cautious but optimistic.

How difficult is it for a talented student to get a scholarship? What are the usual discounts and grants?

Scholarships at Leman Manhattan are considered individually: they take into account both the need of the family and its financial capabilities, as well as the student's personal merits - academic performance, extracurricular achievements, sports successes on a national scale. Usually the discount does not exceed 10%, which, given our tuition fees (in 2020-2021, it is $ 93,000), is a rather substantial amount.

What age do foreign students usually enter American schools?

Usually, foreign students come to the boarding school to prepare for admission to the university, to increase their chances of being enrolled in a truly prestigious university. Compare: 78% of boarders confidently confirm their readiness for admission - and only 36% of daytime students are also sure of this. Leman Manhattan offers programs in grades 9-12.

Do all schools offer ESOL support courses to international students? How important is it?

At Leman Manhattan, you can count on the comprehensive support of ESOL, but we expect students from abroad to come to us with a good level of English. Ideally, you should start your main course with native English speakers at their level.

How much should parents leave for additional expenses besides studying and living fees?

Studying at a boarding school at Leman Manhattan costs $ 93,000: you can focus on this amount as a full annual budget. This amount will cover everything you need from the moment you pick up your child at JFK Airport in September until they leave in June:

  • Studying course
  • Accommodation and meals
  • All weekend activities
  • Medical insurance
  • Spring Break Trips, Thanksgiving
  • Transfers
  • 4 sets of brand uniforms
  • Cleaning services, laundry
  • Tariff plan for using a smartphone, laptop
  • Books and tutorials
  • Sports club membership card
  • Visits to selected colleges and universities (twice a year)
  • Supporting language program ESOL.

What other aspects do parents consider when choosing a school?

Opportunities for the growth and development of the child - both in and outside the classroom, the diversity of the school community. We are proud of our location in New York, because this is how we can use its cultural opportunities for our students: world-class museums and theaters, summer internships, visits to the world's largest corporations and research centers.

What advice do you have for applicants to American schools and why?

Take the time to study schools: seek information yourself and trust your educational agents, their experience and knowledge. Focus on those schools that fit your specific goals.

Ask questions! Attend job interviews, school trips, connect with staff and admissions.

Prepare well for exams - SSAT, ISEE or TOEFL - learn the rules for writing essays.

And, of course, discuss with your family the financial possibilities, the conditions of each school.

Go for it!

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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