
Study in Lausanne 2024

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Education information

Education system in Lausanne has established itself as one of the most effective and high-quality, and there is no doubt about it: the Swiss educational system is based on the best methods of the French, German, British and American schools. The system is based on several main characteristics:

  • Universality;

  • Versatility;

  • Priority on the education of holistic personalities;

  • The development of critical thinking;

  • The study of at least two foreign languages. 

Studying in Lausanne for international schoolchildren, teenagers and students is one of the best educational tourism routes in this country.


International students or their parents will learn on this page about the features of academic programs and linguistic courses in Switzerland:

  • Requirements for applicants;

  • Tuition fees;

  • Main educational benefits.


Our site contains a list of the best boarding schools and top universities in Lausanne, in addition, summer camps for children in Lausanne have won great fame.


Particular attention should be paid to the fact that there are no uniform educational standards in the country - each canton has its own nuances of admission and educational process. For professional help, please contact SMAPSE managers: their advice on enrollment and admission to educational institutions abroad is free. SMAPSE is the official representative of educational institutions abroad (not an intermediary!) And works only with trusted institutions that provide a comfortable environment for foreigners.


Study in Lausanne in 14 best educational institutions for children, pupils, students: you will find program descriptions, prices and reviews for every course. Our consultans will help you choose the right program of studies. Free admission services without intermediaries to our partner schools, colleges and best universities in Lausanne. Official representatives. Discounts on the official prices are available for international students, places are limited.

Studying in Lausanne - facts and perspectives

Studying in Lausanne for foreign students will provide international students with relevant, high-quality knowledge, learn several languages, and greatly expand educational horizons. The city attracts travelers from all over the world with its unique architecture, luxurious vineyards, which fell under the protection of UNESCO, history, as well as the development of infrastructure. The city itself is clean, well groomed, and the inhabitants are polite and welcoming. The campuses of prestigious educational institutions are located in an ecologically clean, picturesque environment, on the shores of Lake Geneva or in the vicinity of the Alpine Mountains.

For international students in Lausanne, there are a variety of long-term and short-term educational programs of different specificities and targeted areas:

  • Primary education in Lausanne;

  • Middle classes;

  • High school;

  • Higher education;

  • Bachelor;

  • Master;

  • MBA School;

  • Winter Education: Christmas in Lausanne + English / French;

  • Summer education for children: Lausanne camps for children;

  • Summer and leisure for adults;

  • Preparation courses;

  • Academic style;

  • Language courses before entering a university;

  • Special programs - Foundation , etc.;

  • Language learning + outdoor activities;

  • Standard;

  • Language learning + hobbies.

Leading Lausanne boarding schools for foreign students


Lausanne's private boarding schools have many advantages, from proven effectiveness curricula to comfortable living conditions. The choice is offered to undergo education in the educational courses of the leading countries of Europe - Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, USA, France:

Secondary education in Switzerland , especially in Lausanne, is the best possible option for high-quality and prestigious studies for schoolchildren in Europe. Particularly popular is education in middle and senior grades - at the age of 12-14-16, children are already psychologically stronger, ready to receive new experience, striving for independence. In addition, this period is also convenient because from the point of view of efficiency and practicality, it can give a lot to the future: to adapt to a foreign academic environment in comfortable conditions, receive a prestigious Swiss certificate, prepare for admission to a leading European university.


Higher education in Lausanne -TOP universities in Switzerland

It is very comfortable to get higher education in Switzerland: no matter what the language of instruction will be, in a country with four national languages foreign students can communicate with locals who speak excellent English, and in the case of Lausanne, also French. 

In Switzerland, including Lausanne, there are the best European universities, which are consistently in international rankings. Higher institutions are especially strong in the research field, which is financed mainly by private organizations. Here foreign students will find many classic directions, as well as innovative ones. Universities of Lausanne are known as institutions that educate highly specialized professionals. List of popular destinations in an educational field:

  • Tourism;

  • Hotel and hotel business;

  • Catering business;

  • Consulting;

  • Marketing;

  • Management;

  • Management of banks and real estate.

At the universities of Lausanne, you can get education in the main levels: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate programs. All universities are divided into higher and applied universities (evening technical and business schools). The duration of studies in Bachelor's programs is 3-4 years.

Language centers of Lausanne: main study directions

The name of the program


Average cost (in Swiss francs, CHF)

General course

The classic direction for children and students of different ages and levels of language proficiency. The children are engaged in groups formed taking into account the level of language proficiency. The main task is to master the basic skills, especially communicative, and remove the language barrier.

From 1500

French / English for children

There are excellent vacation programs for international children in Lausanne: conditions are created for a good rest and fascinating language learning. A rich leisure program awaits children - sports events, discos, the price includes a basic package of excursions.

4000-5000 in two weeks

Preparation for language tests

This specific course is developed for each exam. Students study the structure of the upcoming testing, analyze tasks and train a lot on trial versions.

From 2000 (7 days)

University Preparation

As practice shows, without such a preparatory program, it is quite difficult to immediately merge into a new academic and linguistic environment. Similar areas are designed to enhance knowledge of school subjects and improve language skills.

From 1500 (7 days)

Business courses

There are various business English / French options for high school students, students, and young professionals. Such directions will help to master business vocabulary and learn a lot of useful things about conducting business negotiations, business correspondence and improving language skills.

from 4500 (week)

For work

Representatives of various professions, medicine, engineering, pedagogy, construction, etc. can increase their professional English and generally language competence in special courses taught by representatives of a particular professional field.

From 5000 (week)

Activities + outdoor activities

Students can choose not only lessons, but also an additional direction, which can include various types of activities - acquaintance with the history and culture of Switzerland, European cuisine and much more.

From 7000 (in 3 weeks)

Studying English in Switzerland

The most popular language to study is international English, close to the traditional British version: often the school invites a teacher from England, who must prove his qualifications to work with foreign students and multicultural groups. Each class is formed in accordance with the level of knowledge of students, the most homogeneous degree of knowledge and skills is selected. Often, foreign students combine the study of English and another foreign language, especially often participants in long-term educational programs resort to such a scheme.


English in Switzerland is not official, but it is quite widespread: there are special English schools in Lausanne that provide the opportunity to study all year round, summer and seasonal courses, and vacation camps for schoolchildren. The level of education is so high that after completing the courses, international students may well successfully apply for a place at a prestigious university in Europe.

Language camps for children in Switzerland

Summer schools and camps differ not only in language orientation - in some, the emphasis is on academic education, in others - on recreation and sports. In the first case, international students are offered a rich educational program with a load of 18 - 22 lessons weekly, which allows foreign students to quickly achieve high academic results.

In institutions with an emphasis on sports and recreation, children study about 15 hours a week, and sports can take 2-3 additional hours daily. The evening hours in schools are devoted to entertainment, which is organized by specialists and educators.

Vacation in Switzerland during the summer holidays is one of the most popular educational programs, but other seasons can be called quite in demand. Language camps in Switzerland work all year round and each season has its own advantages, which attract foreign students to join the program in particular period.

In the children's camps in Switzerland, of which there are about 250 in the country, a five-day week is adopted. Excursion programs are offered to students on weekends. Also sports are very popular part of the educational program. In winter, most students choose a ski destination. Vacation in Switzerland in summer involves active recreation, tourism (hiking, horseback riding, cycling, water).

Classes in non-standard formats contribute to the development of the communication skills of children and adolescents. The best practices used in the process ensure the effectiveness of education.

In addition, the educational system in Switzerland provides its guests with the opportunity to study in camps not only English: there are seasonal schools with the study of Italian, French, German. Moreover, some centers offer Spanish and Chinese courses.

The educational staff of each children's center are native speakers, communication with them allows foreign students to quickly progress in improving English, Italian, German, French as a foreign language.

General statistics on education in Lausanne

Cost of living in Lausanne

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 578 757
Food 389 734
Transportation 58 302
Communications and utilities 125 153
Clothing 33 122
Sports and leisure 53 174
Total 1,236 2,242

Accommodation in Lausanne per month

Shared room outside of centre 584$
Shared room in city centre 765$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 790$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,040$
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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