
Study in Amsterdam 2024

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Education information

Today, Amsterdam attracts a wide range of foreign students from all over the world with high-quality educational services and amazing nature. Many international students choose studying in Amsterdam as it's a great opportunity to combine effective courses with exciting rest. SMAPSE offers TOP-10 prestigious schools and universities located in Amsterdam where international students can get high-quality and balanced primary, secondary and higher education, as well as study various language courses.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Introduction to Studying in Amsterdam

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, offers a cosmopolitan educational environment suitable for schoolchildren, teenagers, and students of all ages. For the youngest international learners, starting from 2 years old, preparatory classes are available where skilled educators facilitate smooth adaptation to the educational process. The city boasts a range of educational institutions, including schools with instruction in English or Dutch, prestigious English-speaking international schools, and bilingual classes. Popular international programs are also available for newcomers, easing the transition into the local language and culture before they embark on full-time studies alongside local students.

Types of Schools in Amsterdam:

  • Classic Schools: These follow the standard state academic program and are publicly funded.

  • Special Schools: Utilizing innovative teaching methods, each with its own parent-led board. These schools receive state funding and parental contributions.

  • Extended Schools: Offering programs for talent development in areas like music, art, and sports.

Given Amsterdam's diverse population, representing 180 nationalities, many special schools are religious (Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish) but are tolerant of students from different or no religious backgrounds. The focus is on providing quality education and nurturing societal values. Teaching methods in special schools vary:

  • Montessori Schools: Emphasize free education, with teachers guiding rather than strictly evaluating students.

  • Waldorf/Steiner Schools: Focus on teaching areas that align with the child's natural inclinations.

  • Dalton Schools: Develop children's decision-making and independent responsibility skills.

  • Jenaplan Schools: Promote shared responsibility among children, parents, and teachers, integrating all life aspects into the learning process.

Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

What advice would you give to potential students before applying to a university?

Be proactive and start your application early, ideally almost a year in advance. Seek recommendations from your teachers and academic advisors. The earlier you apply, the more time universities have to consider your application, and the more time you have to explore your options and make an informed decision.

Higher Education in Amsterdam: Programs, Ranking, and Cost

Amsterdam is globally recognized for its high standard of education, attracting over 10,000 international students annually for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Its top universities consistently rank high in global standings. The tuition fees for international students vary, ranging from €3,000 to €14,000.

Amsterdam’s universities offer numerous programs in English, accommodating international students without Dutch language skills. They also provide transitional programs like the International Foundation or International Year One, tailored for students from different educational systems.

Language Programs for Foreign Students in Amsterdam

The city's best language schools offer diverse options for children’s summer vacations and adult education and leisure. Children as young as 3 years old with limited language skills are accepted into Dutch courses, making it possible for families to enjoy educational holidays together, with language centers organizing adventurous leisure programs for both parents and children.

Four Benefits of Studying in Amsterdam for International Students

  • English Proficiency: Locals are fluent in English, ensuring a smooth transition for those studying in Amsterdam, whether for a year or just for the summer.

  • Homework Policy: In Amsterdam schools, it's not customary to assign homework before high school, allowing families to enjoy their evenings without the stress of schoolwork.

  • Cost-Effective Education: Studying in Amsterdam is more affordable compared to schools and universities in the UK or the USA, while still offering education comparable to Europe's finest institutions.

  • Post-Graduation Opportunities: The Dutch government grants graduates from the University of Amsterdam the right to remain in the country for an additional year to seek employment or engage in research practice.

Applying for a Study Permit in Amsterdam and Navigating Fees

For international students looking to study in Amsterdam, understanding how to apply for a study permit is crucial. The process involves meeting specific entry requirements, which vary depending on the chosen program and level of study. The cost of study in Amsterdam is a significant consideration, with fees differing based on the institution and program. However, the investment in education in this dynamic city promises rich cultural experiences and high-quality academic opportunities. For those seeking the best programs to study in Amsterdam, thorough research and consultation with educational experts are advisable to find a course that aligns with their academic and professional goals.

General statistics on education in Amsterdam

General information about Amsterdam

Country Netherlands
Region North Holland
Region 2 Gemeente Amsterdam
Population 741,636
Visitors 4,300,000/year
Time Zone Europe/Amsterdam

Cost of living in Amsterdam

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 455 680
Food 212 449
Transportation 76 224
Communications and utilities 80 102
Clothing 30 113
Sports and leisure 24 111
Total 878 1,681

Accommodation in Amsterdam

Shared room outside of centre 460
Shared room in city centre 687
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 861
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,157

Coordinates of Amsterdam

Time Zone Europe/Amsterdam
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 52.374030000
Longitude 4.889690000
Elevation (STRM3) 13 m.

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Taleen Chaalan
Amadeus School Vienna Former Admissions Officer

Taleen has been working as an Admissions Officer and Manager at Amadeus International School for more than 3 years. She is a Lebanese American University graduate and has more than 6 years of experience in the field of secondary education. She focuses on involving students in extracurricular activities and encouraging artistic pursuits, aiming to develop well-rounded, empathetic individuals prepared for modern challenges.

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