
Bristol Grammar Private School

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Description of Bristol Grammar Private School

  • Year of foundation: 1532
  • Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Age of students: 4-18
  • Number of students: 500+
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Type: full-time school.

A mixed independent day school for children aged 4 to 18 was founded in 1532 on the basis of a royal charter to teach good manners and literature to wealthy Bristol merchants Robert and Nicholas Thorne. It is divided into four sections:

  1. primary school (4–7 years),
  2. junior school (7–11 years),
  3. high school (11–16 years old),
  4. Sixth Form (16–18 years old).

In 2016, The Good Schools Guide named the junior school one of the best preparatory schools in the UK. High School and Sixth Form are considered to be among the top independent schools in the South West of England in terms of academic performance.

In 1767, the school exchanged seats with another institution bearing the name of Elizabeth, as a result of which the number of students decreased significantly, and the school fell into decay. The administration managed to bring things back to normal by 1812. During this period, the school moved away from the classical concept of education, which led to its closure in 1844. But in 1847, after a three-year hiatus, bristol Grammar School reopened. From 1877 it moved to Tyndalls Park, in 1879 the first buildings were opened: the director's house, where the junior school is now located, and the Great Hall. Additional classrooms, a spacious courtyard and a shooting range were added. Subsequently, a number of buildings were converted into rehearsal rooms and art workshops. In 1900, a preparatory school was opened (in 1928 it received its own building on Elton Road).

The preparatory hall is currently occupied by the McKay Theatre. Since the war, the school has been systematically and consistently mastering Elton Road; new classrooms and a sports hall were built, and the Center for Design and Technology was opened on the playing field.

Since 1946 it has been a gymnasium with direct funding, since 1979 it has been an independent school. A year later, co-education was introduced here, although the admission of girls to the Sixth Form had begun two years earlier.        

Faculties and colleges

High school has six Houses, or faculties, named after famous leaders. A student is assigned to one faculty as soon as he or she enters high school, and remains in his or her faculty until he or she leaves school. The houses hold performances, music competitions and sports tournaments.

Things to know about

It was originally located in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The motto of the school Ex Spinis Uvas, which translates as "Bunches of Thorns" is a play on words based on the names of the founders Robert and Nicholas Thorne.

At the base of the foundation is a stone containing a time capsule. According to legend, it contains copies of the newspapers The Times and Bristol, as well as a parchment document containing an account of the bookmark ceremony. It was laid down on June 10, 1877 and has not been discovered since then, despite active searches.

Class sizes range from 25 students per teacher in the lower grades to one-to-one lessons in some Sixth Form groups.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Bristol Grammar Private School

Program name
Last booking 5 weeks ago
All year round
from 3675.00 £ / term
from 3675.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Grade school

  • Age – 6-8 years;
  • Duration – 2 years;
  • The language of instruction is English.

From the moment of enrollment in school, children will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, the education in which is based on the balance of adult and children's activities with the active use of game teaching methods. Children will study the world, will begin to master the modern language, artistic methods of fine arts and design, physical culture, attend dances, swimming, forest school.

The school can offer compact classrooms with caring classroom teachers and assistants. The programs are designed to stimulate enthusiasm and independence, instilling in the child a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge for life. Here, students are challenged, but at the same time supported and encouraged, celebrating successes and not stinting on praise.

The topics of the lessons may differ from the generally accepted ideas about primary school; it could be Roald Dahl's imagination, castles, space objects, the history of Bristol and English piracy, and more. Within the framework of the classical program, children study English, mathematics, natural science, information and communication technologies, PSHE, history, geography, religious studies, modern language, are engaged in physical education and games, music, drama and art.

From the moment of enrollment until the end of the Sixth Form, the educational process is complemented by numerous trips and trips, both local, such as a walk to the suspension bridge, and more distant, such as for field work on the Somerset coast, an archaeological expedition or a visit to the evacuated GWR Museum.

The school regularly invites external experts; they tell about the rainforests and their inhabitants, the history of the Vikings, the life of the blind and guide dogs. Such thematic events open up to children all the diversity of the world, enriching their experience and depth of understanding of life.

Junior School

  • Age – 9-11 years;
  • Duration – 3 years;
  • The language of instruction is English.

In the lower grades, children acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for high school and subsequent stages of an academic career, based on the base obtained in primary school. The basis of education is the pleasure of knowledge and enthusiasm, which, coupled with small classes under the guidance of specialized specialists of the highest level, guarantees the maximum number of opportunities.

A broad and comprehensive curriculum becomes deeper as you get older, providing a solid knowledge base. Children here are allowed to ask questions, encouraging independent abstract thinking, the ability to try and make mistakes, so as not to be afraid of mistakes, but to learn from them, strengthening perseverance, confidence and perseverance.

The main task of the third grade will be a smooth transition from primary school to more independent and thoughtful work in the lower grades, where children are expected primarily independence and curiosity. In addition to the disciplines studied in primary school, students are engaged in French, technology and design. They will also have a weekly PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lesson taught by the class teacher.

Every week the whole day is devoted to a program of activities, in which each child can choose a new activity or favorite hobby, chat and play with his friends. A wide range of clubs (more than 30) will make it easy to find an occupation of interest for everyone.

In grades 4-5, children are encouraged to learn by trial and error. Based on the basics laid in the 3rd grade, the child will continue to take lessons in English, mathematics, science, ICT, history, geography, religious studies, French, physical education (including swimming), as well as games, music, dance, drama, art. Friday is still reserved for free classes.

As they get older, the proportion of subject teachers in the program increases, swimming and forest school disappear from the program; they are replaced by food technology lessons, where students learn to cook, and then textile technology. Separate classes are held in classrooms and laboratories of high school, which expands the horizons of students and gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with other buildings and teachers.

By the end of the sixth grade, children are well prepared to move on to the next stages. At the same time, great importance is still attached to the extracurricular program and recreation.

Last booking 1 weeks ago
All year round
from 5391.00 £ / term
from 5391.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

High school

  • Age – 12-16 years;
  • Duration – 5 years;
  • The language of instruction is English.

The school offers an extensive and exciting curriculum, offering students a rich selection of subjects – in total, high school students can choose 25 different options in exams – from Russian and Latin to dance and computer science, and all of them are taught by specialist teachers.

Schoolchildren who cannot cope with the academic load can count on the help of a specialized support group; successful students get additional opportunities for self-realization.

The seventh grade is considered one of the most important: children move to a new school, make new friends, join one of the Houses - faculties, with which the life of a student will be connected until graduation.

Along with the basic disciplines – English, Mathematics and Science – children will also study art, design and technology, drama, French, games, geography, history, information technology, Latin, music, philosophy, religion and ethics, physical education and Spanish. Classes are small, with no more than 16 people, and subjects such as art, DT, information technology, and music are taught in small groups to provide more support and opportunities for practice.

In the 8th grade, the natural sciences are divided into physics, chemistry and biology. Children can continue to learn French and Spanish or replace them with Russian or German.

One day a week will still be devoted to electives. This can be dancing, cooking, cutting and sewing classes, swimming, classes in the library or excursions, and in the eighth grade - canoeing, mountaineering or medical care.

Ninth-graders receive even more one-on-one support. Students study 13 subjects, including Basic English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and a Foreign Language. You can choose additional subjects from the humanities, creativity and performing arts, languages and technology. By the end of the ninth grade, this set will be reduced to 10 disciplines that children will study in preparation for the GCSE.

In the upper grades, the program is fully focused on preparing for the GCSE/IGCSE qualification for exams in the main subjects: mathematics, English, English literature, three sciences, humanities and language. This set is supplemented by three more subjects, which in total gives 11 GCSE exams.

The child's progress will be carefully monitored throughout the training period to make sure that the workload and opportunities are proportionate.

All year round
from 5391.00 £ / term
from 5391.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Sixth form (A-level)

  • Age – 16-18 years;
  • Duration – 2 years;
  • Language of instruction – English/

Sixth Form has more than 300 students, and the size of the school is a serious competitive advantage, as BGS can offer students the widest range of A-level courses. A-level courses aim to develop critical skills and learning styles, serve to develop independence and serve as a means of engaging with the wider academic community.

Teens will become part of a vibrant and supportive community where learning and socializing go hand in hand, fostering an atmosphere of friendship and developing a sense of camaraderie as they approach the final stage of their careers. In this they are facilitated by small - often designed for 1-2 students - classes with highly qualified teachers and modern equipment.

The school offers 31 A-level courses to choose from, which opens up an unusually wide scope for a combination of subjects and interests. Teenagers study three subjects on the first level of sixth form and 3 more on the second. If necessary, teachers will provide students with the necessary assistance and conduct consultations.

If desired, in addition to the three basic ones, students can take an additional subject that allows them to expand their horizons and conduct in-depth research. This can be an AFA Creative Writing course, an Advanced Project Qualification (EPQ) and additional mathematics, a Core Maths qualification.

All year round
from 5391.00 £ / term
from 5391.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

International Baccalaureate

  • Age – 16-18 years;
  • Duration – 2 years;
  • The language of instruction is English.

The IB Diploma is an alternative to the A-level, offering instead of narrow professional training breadth and multidisciplinarity, but at the same time a rigorous academic approach.

Students who choose the International Baccalaureate program for themselves pass three subjects at the basic and three at the advanced level. Each course is accompanied by coursework and test papers, final exams after the end of the two-year program. In addition to the subjects chosen by the students, they will also have the main elements of the IB: the theory of knowledge and the extended essay. This allows you to develop important learning skills and conduct independent research in accordance with your interests and chosen direction.

The program is full of extracurricular activities with elements of creativity, sports and physical education activities. Volunteering or practical work experience outside of school is also a necessary element; all this is counted as part of the program and is taken into account when defending the diploma.

Accommodation, meals, prices

Bristol Grammar School occupies a triangle of land between the University of Bristol on the Side of University Road, the former Dingle Department Store on the underside, and a series of houses on the Elton Road side known as Tyndalls Park. Currently occupies most of the houses on the street.

The architectural dominant of the school is the Great Hall, opened in 1879, the largest in the United Kingdom and designated as an architectural monument. Its dimensions are 43 by 15 meters with a ceiling height of 15 meters. On the lower level there is a principal's office, a high school hotel and classrooms.

Activities Bristol Grammar Private School

Already in elementary school, students can find new friends and gain valuable experience by joining one of the clubs. These can be gardening classes, LEGO, cooking, choir, sports club for primary school; in junior school, the choice is complemented by arts, a business club, yoga, choir and orchestra, Russian language classes and various sports, including badminton, rugby and netball.

Each week, one day is devoted to the school program of activities, when students can choose a new task for themselves or indulge in a favorite hobby, spend time with classmates or teammates.

Sports permeate school life at all levels of education - here they know firsthand that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, and also believe that physical education strengthens mental health. The high school holds weekly sports at the Feyland site in addition to physical education classes in the gym. Seventh-graders pay close attention to rugby, hockey and cricket, netball, while in the 8-9 grades football, tennis and athletics become the main ones. Starting from the 10th grade, the game options are expanded to include gym classes, rock climbing, kayaking and running club, traditional team games. 

Schoolchildren represent their alma mater in local, regional and national competitions in such disciplines as football and rugby, swimming, badminton, athletics, squash and equestrian sports.

At Bristol Grammar School, art is considered a vital part of education.  The Performing Arts Center, opened in 2016, offers students access to state-of-the-art performance equipment, experience working together on a piece of music, drama or dance, which contributes to the development of a creative streak, flexibility, dedication, perseverance and teamwork skills.

All children take part in outdoor activities, numerous excursions, hikes and other activities – from the Forest School to sailing trips. This helps the child to gain self-confidence, try something new, become independent, take responsibility and share the joy of sharing leisure time together. Joint rest develops the skills of communication and teamwork, the ability to solve problems.

Highly popular is the Model UN organized at the school, on the platform of which the annual BGSMUN conference has been held since 2007.

Facilities and equipment at Bristol Grammar Private School

The true jewel of the school is the organ built by Vowles & Son; it was donated by William Wills, 1st Baron Winterstoke, in January 1880. At the time of manufacture, it cost 1,000 pounds, which in today's prices is equivalent to 2 million. The organ works, it is still used during meetings, concerts and divine services.

Classrooms are equipped with modern computers and projection equipment that allows lessons to be conducted using multimedia materials and augmented reality.

The school has a large plot of land in Feiland, where there are two hockey fields, tennis and netball grounds with asphalt pavement, five cricket fields and nine for rugby, football fields and an athletics stadium. Sports facilities are serviced by a professional service team. Sports classes are mandatory for students from grades 1 to 11 inclusive at least once a day.

Admission dates and extra charges

The school provides a discount of 5% for the second and subsequent representative of one family attending classes at the school.

The tuition fee includes:

  • Lunch on the occasion of admission to the 11th grade;
  • Stationery and educational literature (starting from the 2nd year of study).

For a fee, students can receive hot meals, including vegetarian, halal or kosher meals.

You can also buy an iPad or another tablet on credit.

Upon admission, a one-time fee (£300) is charged, regardless of age group; this payment is refundable, subject to full payment of the tuition fee after graduation. Payment can be made by cheque, bank or direct transfer, one-time or monthly payments (in this case, the amount of payment will be higher by 3%).

Additional costs:

  • Monthly payments to the director's fund in the amount of 2/4 of pounds for junior and senior students, respectively (this payment serves to subsidize excursions and other activities with the participation of students);
  • Insurance of £4.3 per semester intended to cover accidents;
  • £1 per semester to the parent association fund;
  • Exam fees.

Enrolment process

When entering the 3rd grade, children spend the day with teachers, solve the tasks aimed at assessing literacy, mathematical and everyday skills, the ability to speak and logical thinking. Comprehensive information about the entrance tests will be received by parents after submitting the application.

Future fifth-graders are evaluated for creative writing, verbal skills and the ability to independently solve emerging problems, without resorting to the help of adults, soberly assess their strengths, capabilities and resources.

High school applicants also pass entrance exams, including, respectively:

  • For grades 7 – 45-minute essay, tests on logic and abstract thinking, arithmetic and problem solving (the duration of each test is 20 minutes);
  • For 8 grades - written works in English and mathematics, a test of linguistic competence;
  • For grades 9-10 - in addition to the exams used in grade 8, teenagers take tests in natural sciences.

For admission, it is necessary to send an application by e-mail or in person.

Scholarships Bristol Grammar Private School

In recognition of a student's exceptional academic, athletic, creative and performing abilities, a scholarship may be awarded a scholarship designed to support development and designed to provide more opportunities for effective learning. Scholarships are available to high school and Sixth Form students.

In addition to the Merit Scholarship, there is a well-thought-out model of a scholarship programme to support schoolchildren in need; it offers a wide range of financial assistance, the amount of which, depending on the circumstances, ranges from 10 to 100% of the cost of education. Additionally, the school can subsidize the purchase of uniforms, educational equipment and stationery, tourist trips and other expenses.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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