2020-08-21 12:19:20

Wherever you are, whatever you feel, it will always be with you. What is it?

Wherever you are, whatever you feel, it will always be with you. What is it?

Wherever you are, no matter how you feel, your education and ability for self-development determines your future. Family environment, school, childhood friends, hobbies, experience of relationships - much of this cannot be influenced, but the desire to get a better education, the strength invested in self-development can change a lot from childhood - knowledge and diligence can achieve high scores on graduation tests, go to a prestigious university, earn a scholarship, develop soft skills, or turn a hobby into a profession. Education and self-development are the keys to success that will stay with you in any crisis.

Investment in education

Investment in education pays off with high future earnings, and differences in degrees earned explain differences in salaries, earnings, and other outcomes. According to a 2016 report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the enrollment rate of students aged 20 to 24 in tertiary education has increased from 29% to 33% in 9 years. Education is still important for professional success and development, but one of the main problems in obtaining an education is the high cost. Those who invest about 30,000 $ per year in a private school, from 20,000 $ / year. In a university course, plans to receive 100,000 $ in annual income, depending on the chosen profession. Is it really so?

Finding a good job with higher education is easier

The price of education, including higher education, continues to rise, but is it paying off? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the United States, workers with a bachelor's degree / Masters have the best job prospects. Unemployment falls with each additional level of education - workers without a high school diploma have the highest unemployment rate, while people with a doctorate have the lowest unemployment rate.

Higher education levels lead to higher earnings: Workers with less than a high school diploma earn half as much money as workers with a bachelor's degree, and masters earn about 600 $ more bachelors. Generally, over a ten-year career, investing time and money in studies pays off regardless of the cost of higher education.

Different degrees bring different income

Different professions bring different financial benefits. When choosing your dream job, consider the potential gains and losses. The Art of the Renaissance course enriches your knowledge, but rarely fills your wallet, unlike a diploma in information technology. The best choice is a practical hobby app, a program that allows you to financially benefit from what you love.

Reduced tuition costs

Despite the high cost of higher education, there are ways to reduce it. According to the website, tuition fees will increase by 5% annually, and additional expenses (books, transportation, accommodation) will increase this amount. Ways to reduce spending: College savings accounts, loans, scholarships available to high schools and colleges.

Focus on the future

When we think of college, we often tend to look too directly at it - you pay a certain amount and study, and often you spend as much in a year as you can earn in that same year. But this is a lifelong investment: costs will bring benefits in the future - savings, investments, retirement, status, stability.

Beyond the financial benefits

Finance is not the only area of your life that depends on education. There are several studies indicating that the health benefits outweigh the financial returns. People with a higher level of education invest more in their health, are inclined to preventive medical care, get more opportunities for socialization, and increase social mobility for a university graduate, his family and children.

Higher education improves the overall quality of a person's life, making him more aware of the world around him. By investing time and money, you get a higher salary, more job choices, better health, increased social mobility, a secure future for you and your family, and an overall better quality of life. Despite its drawbacks, a college degree is still the best way to achieve a fulfilling life.

Not only higher education!

Life is changing rapidly: the Internet, Industry 4.0, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, Big Data will have a serious impact on the labor market. It is often said that 65% of today's jobs will disappear in the foreseeable future. How to stay successful in a changing environment, what skills to develop?

Alternative training programs

The world is changing - tomorrow's professions will be very different from today, new skills will be required. The demand for application development is at an all-time high today and there is a shortage of talented programmers. An IT bachelor's degree is not the only way to earn over 80,000 $ / year salary. There are intensive educational programs, courses that allow you to get a narrow, strictly professional skill and get started quickly.

Modern students have different learning styles. Choosing a 4-year degree, 2-year (Associate) programs, professional courses, evening school, online education, students begin to build their careers early, ensure higher job satisfaction in the long term.


Personal development covers a variety of areas, including physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual health. Self-development nourishes the mind and helps to acquire the skills, mental discipline necessary to achieve goals.

Self-development is necessary for professionals, it allows you to move up the career ladder.

Self-development skills in the profession:

  • Being an active listener is half the success of a good communicator. Concentrate on the content of the speech of colleagues and clients, memorize the information in order to react correctly. Use effective listening and communication skills during phone calls, interviews, meetings.
  • Human communication skills form a valuable team member. The ability to cooperate, motivate others, and develop social connections is useful for building relationships with colleagues, clients, and acquaintances.
  • Organize time, work, materials. Plan tasks according to priorities, do not take on too many projects at once. Stick to a plan for completing tasks to meet deadlines.
  • Work in difficult situations. When dealing with a problem, evaluate your options and determine the best solution. Seek advice, explore different scenarios. People who are able to think critically, solve complex problems, are more likely to make the right decisions.
  • Healthy self-confidence. If you are confident in your decisions, others will more quickly believe in you! Positive energy motivates, instills confidence in others, allows you to better cope with problems and achieve goals.
  • Be flexible - it makes it easy to handle change. Adaptable people are ready to work alone or in a team, manage multiple projects, cope with different conditions, accept new ideas. The ability to respond well to change makes situations less stressful for everyone involved.
  • Be truthful. Integrity is the foundation of positive relationships with colleagues and leaders. As a work ethic, stick to your own values. This will earn you respect and a good reputation at work.
  • Be committed and passionate! Passionate employees are productive, reliable, and perform well.
  • Motivate others. Leadership positions require confidence, a broad vision of problems, and communication talents. People with this natural background help the team to progress and be productive.

Education and self-development will help you stay in demand in any conditions. Invest money and time in future success - it will pay off!

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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