2020-06-02 00:00:23

Holstein Gate - “branch” of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Germany

If you are attracted by unusual architectural structures such as the Tower of Pisa, a visit to the Holstein Gate is a matter of honor. The structure had 2 main functions: it served as the gateway to Lübeck and served as a recognizable symbol of the city, built in the typical medieval Gothic brick style. The secret of the unusual shape is simple: in the Middle Ages the gate was part of the stone fortification of the city, and when it was dismantled, they decided to keep the gate - the citizens became very attached to this symbol. It seems that the gate is about to collapse on you - but it is not so: they have had to endure many trials, which they have withstood with dignity.

Construction history

The fortification complex, which includes the Holstein Gate, was built in the 15th century. The port city of Lübeck, located on the Wackenitz and Trave rivers, was of strategic importance, so special attention was paid to the defense system. The armoring included:

  • The Holstein Gate, the main entrance through which the main road passed.
  • Powerful walls.
  • Corner towers with watchtowers
  • Earth ramparts
  • Water ditches.

In 1864 it was decided to dismantle the fortress, but it was decided to keep the gate, which became a symbol of the city.

Holstein Gate today

The gate is two towers connected by a central span. The windows are loopholes, the towers themselves are made of red and black glazed brick. The gate has 5 floors, the first is missing. From the inside of the tower is solid, and from the outside you can see a gap of 3.5 meters between them.

In 1950, a museum of the history of the city was opened inside the gate. Local authorities like to use the landscaped area in front of the attraction for citywide events.

Interesting Facts

  • On the outside of the gate in gold letters the inscription "Inside - consent, outside - peace.
  • The object is under the protection of UNESCO.
  • The main purpose of the construction of the Holstein Fortification was to repel the attacks of the Kingdom of Denmark.
  • The gate - the main symbol of Lübeck, whose image is printed on banknotes and stamps, minted on coins, used on the coats of arms of some brands.
  • In 1855, local residents collected 700 signatures for the demolition of the gate, but the authorities did not give the document a go.
  • The gate that came down to us was not the only one in the fortification, there were three in total.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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