2022-11-28 20:50:02

Top 3 Reasons to Love Norway

Norway is a country that is constantly included in the lists of the best places to live, develop and travel. Norwegian nature is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, and the salaries of local residents are much higher than in the rest of Europe. Travelers from all over the world are very fond of Norway and want to see it with their own eyes. There are many reasons why the Scandinavian country is so popular among tourists, and tens of thousands of people fly here every month.

Diversity of nature and architecture

Being in Norway, you can see hundreds of unique natural and architectural landscapes. In this country there are forests, and rivers, and valleys, and glaciers, and colorful villages, and megacities with skyscrapers, and mountains, and the ocean. Norway is a small country and so many natural manifestations are concentrated on this territory that tourists do not believe their eyes.

The most popular place among nature lovers in Norway are the fjords, which are most often caught in photographs. Here, people seem to fall on another planet, because the landscapes of the bays amaze the imagination with their beauty.

On the territory of the country there are also beaches. In Norway, there are steep and rocky shores, jumping from which will entail death, and there is also the usual shore, strewn with sand or pebbles. In the south of the country there are resort towns, where lovers of swimming in the water and sunbathing come. Nudist beaches, by the way, are a common phenomenon in the country.

Sights and souvenirs

The Scandinavian state offers the guest many interesting sights, the study of which takes many days. The Cathedral of the Northern Lights in Alta, the Triangular Arctic Cathedral, the Emmanuel Vigeland Museum, the Stavirka in Borgunn are the most popular structures built by local architects and descendants of the Vikings.

Local roads are also becoming popular among travelers. The Atlantic highway, for example, was laid across the ocean, thanks to which tourists go here to take pictures. The Flåm railway track has the largest slope of the ascent in the world – the road even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Norse mythology is popular all over the world, and the Norwegians themselves treat it with love and respect: both children and adults believe that mythical characters in the form of trolls, sea monsters, sirens and others exist in reality. They name many objects after fantastic monsters - trolls are especially popular: the Troll Bridge, the rock called the Troll Language, the Wall of Trolls.

Locals regularly hold Viking festivals, to which they come in the armor of their ancestors, have fun, create performances of legendary battles, drink ale and have fun with all their hearts.

Travelers do not bring from Norway the usual souvenirs in the form of magnets, postcards, mugs or maps of the area - guests like the work of local designers so much that they bring home furniture, appliances, clothes, lamps.


Scandinavian cuisine predominantly consists of fish, which is sold in local stores in abundance. Norwegians love a special cheese that tastes like boiled condensed milk with salt - this combination is unusual for guests, but the product has become a favorite among travelers.

Locals love to go fishing and catch fish, which literally goes on the hook itself - there is a lot of it in the bays, and even an inexperienced fisherman will return home with a good catch. Mushrooms and berries grow throughout the country almost behind the fence of houses, so you can collect it without restrictions, you just need to distinguish poisonous from non-poisonous.

Self-service shops are gaining popularity in the country - shops where Norwegians come, collect the necessary products, go to the cash register and pay for purchases. There are no cashiers and security guards in such stores, but all Norwegians honestly pay for every product that they want to take out of the store. Such places work at the expense of the honesty of local people and surprise all travelers.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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