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University of Chicago Summer School

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Description of University of Chicago Summer School

Summer camp programs for children are developed and conducted jointly with leading US universities, and the first institution opened its doors to students as far back as 1984. A wide variety of studying programs from preparatory courses for applicants to combined programs is intended for students from around the world 9-17 years who have shown outstanding results in studying a particular subject, have remarkable abilities and talents.

Preparatory programs for applicants give students the opportunity to fully adapt and integrate into the educational environment of the United States, to develop language and subject knowledge and skills intensively. Courses designed for gifted children involve learning more than 80 disciplines: both classical academic subjects (technical and from the school curriculum) and creative or sports electives.

Studying in summer camps at universities is an ideal chance for gifted children to communicate with talented peers who share their hobbies and interests, to learn more about an attractive discipline, to deepen and update their knowledge. University are well equipped and are ideally suited for high-grade, comfortable and convenient studying.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in University of Chicago Summer School

Program name
01.06.2019 - 30.08.2019
from 6795.00 $ / 3 weeks
from 6795.00 $ / 3 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

The pedagogical team firmly knows that gifted children require a non-standard, special approach: children have the right to independently design their curriculum, focusing on their own interests, inclinations, abilities.

The school day is divided into 4 periods, each student attends independently selected subjects and disciplines - one lesson takes 90 minutes (thus a full course takes about 3 weeks, or 15 sessions). Academic classes can be attended all 4 times a day - this is the maximum possible intensity of the program: 6 hours a day, or 20 hours a week. Teachers of the school recommend that children form a balanced and diverse curriculum: 2 periods to attend classes for their own interests, during the first period to study a fundamentally new and unfamiliar subject, and devote one period to creative pursuits.

E-Level Course (9-10 years)

In this module, young students study the humanities, science blocks, mathematics and technology, attend interdisciplinary classes.

1.Humanitarian unit

• Create the future!

The program for futurists from all over the world: representatives of different nationalities, languages, carriers of various customs and cultures will try to create a picture of a common future together. This is an attractive chance to feel like a real visionary, try to catch the trends in world development and give them a forecast. Will there be an environmental disaster or will mankind save the Earth? Will utopian states be created? Will a single civilization prevail? Children together will learn to express their thoughts and ideas on paper, make bold predictions, analyze the problems and progress of the modern world, build a variety of development strategies and model possible scenarios for the future of the planet.

• To be or not to be?

Shakespeare continues to be relevant - the genius of the great writer, poet and playwright does not fade even hundreds of years later. The course will introduce young students to the work of the great Master with the help of books, films, various theatrical productions; Lessons are very active, with a lot of interactive elements and techniques, so you can not get bored with children.

2. Mathematics, science and technology

• Algebra for the future

Long before the intensive school course of algebra, interested and inquisitive students can get acquainted with the basic laws of this science, they will get a general idea of ​​algebraic subtleties, they will get basic knowledge and skills. Lessons include a large number of useful development games, so information is assimilated in an easy game form.

• Riddles of the genetic code

Genetics can be safely called one of the most promising, complex and interesting modern sciences. Why are viruses so tenacious and changeable, how can they spread at such a speed? What is hidden in the double helix of DNA? What can scientists do, using the latest achievements in this field? How can genetic discoveries help us in real, everyday life? The students will be able to find answers to these and many other questions in this course.

• Colonization of the Cosmos

For those students who from childhood could not take their eyes off the night sky and dreamed of becoming cosmonauts, there is no course better! What is it like to experience overload and work in weightlessness? Can a person ever colonize space? Students use a special simulator ship to feel the moment of flight to other planets, "meet" with aliens, learn how one can live not on Earth and how a person plans to conquer other planets of a huge universe.

3. Interdisciplinary studies

• Espionage: secrets and science.

Modern technologies in the life of modern society - this is the core of this course. Students learn that innovative satellites can watch a person around the clock, literally looking in the window of his bedroom, and many devices that delight the viewers of James Bond films exist in fact and are actively used in life. Do you still not believe in special agents?

• In balance.

Have you ever wondered how bridges work? How rope walkers and gymnasts do not lose their balance during the most complicated stunts? How do motorcyclists keep a huge speed on just two wheels? The answer lies in the balance. Students learn how balance affects the nature and ability of a person to move, learn gravity, concepts that operate in the universe and the cosmos. Students are waiting for a lot of exciting games in which they will simply need to keep their balance and not fall! In addition, this course will teach children to seek balance and harmony within themselves, ask questions and find answers within their minds.

• In the pool with sharks

An excellent course for young entrepreneurs burning their own ideas! Have you come up with a business that will bring in a big income? Do you know what kind of goods everyone will buy? Have you understood how to raise the trading process to an unprecedented level? Discuss your idea with like-minded people, listen to praise and constructive criticism, practice in public speaking, learn how to work in a team. Students will be told in detail about the main methods and tools of sales, will teach how to build an effective marketing plan.

J-Level Courses (11-12 years)

In this module, young students study the humanities, science blocks, mathematics and technology, attend interdisciplinary classes.

1. The Humanitarian Bloc

• Fanfiction

Are you reading "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings"? It seems that ordinary everyday life is missing something? On the program, each student will be able to create his own characters, plot and denouement, using the motifs of original works of fiction, learn more about the technology of creating favorite characters and books.

• Language of law

The best course for admirers of legal science. Students will learn more about the foundations of the legal language, learn to participate in general debates and discussions, improve the ability to think critically, argue and defend their point of view. For students a large number of role-playing interactive games are planned - one can feel like an incorruptible judge or an eloquent lawyer, a harsh prosecutor or an accused.

2. Mathematics, science and technology

• Chemistry in our lives every day

Did you know that the biggest chemical laboratory is our everyday life with you? Students will conduct many interesting experiments with various, but customary ingredients - from food to household chemicals, learn about the features and properties of different elements, the effect of chemical compounds on human health and the state of the planet.

• Introduction to Algebra

Students learn more about functions, equations, polynomials, master classical mathematical concepts, and get to know more about this outstanding science, concealing many secrets.

• Human Biology

Many of the new professions of our time are somehow connected with health and with the field of medicine, so understanding human biology is fundamentally important is a chance to realize how you can help the health of all mankind and personally to yours! In the classroom, students will examine the various features of all human biological systems, see how they seamlessly work together during human life, sleep and rest, movement and immobility, learn how nutrients are released from food and delivered to the cells of the whole organism.

• Physics and kinetics

Kinetics is a special section of mechanics that studies the energy of motion, it is present in every moment of human life and nature. To assess the impact that kinetics has on our life and civilization is truly impossible! The study of kinetics is necessary for progress in many fields of knowledge: engineering (agrarian and electronic), chemical, biomedical, civil, mechanical, construction, nuclear and aviation.

• Biomechanics of life

Did you know that the animal is slightly longer than two inches - the strongest on Earth? How can whales spend so much time underwater? Biomechanics is a science that applies various mathematical theories to the study of living beings of our world. Children will be able to learn a lot about the amazing and diverse living world of our planet - and who knows, maybe one of the students in the future will choose a career as a bioengineer?

• Optics: the science of light.

With optics, we come across every day without realizing it: the work of web cameras, wireless mice, TV would be impossible without the development of this branch of science. The science of light will open to students amazing aspects of the action of prisms, optical pyramids, will tell about a variety of light technologies. You will be able to see a world that was never noticed before!

3. Interdisciplinary studies

• City of the future

Who among us at least once did not want to design your own city? And to think up, what will civilization look like in the future? This discipline is an excellent chance to create your own urban center using knowledge of mechanics, chemistry, engineering, physics and energy.

• Think outside the box

Do people around you often call you an eccentric or a dreamer? This means that you have a non-standard, special way of thinking and a vision of the world! Try to see the world without the usual stereotypes and frames - remember that many great scientists during life also were not understood, they were treated with distrust and suspicion. Every unusual thought is worthy of respect - who knows, maybe it will be the solution to the problems?

• Money like an account

A course for students who want to learn the basics of successful investing, accounting for money and increasing capital. More and more often young people become millionaires - who knows, maybe, your child is able to become a super-successful and financially secure person?

• Mnemonic consciousness

What do you remember about the earliest years of your life? And what is your best memory? Why are one things remembered better than others? Why do some people have a wonderful memory, and some find it difficult to remember their home address? The mysteries of memory thrill humanity for millennia. Classes will help students master the basic mnemonic techniques, understand the principle of the brain and memory, prevent the loss of memories. Special technologies and strategies for working with memory will allow you not to lose a single memory!

M-Level Courses (13-14 years)

In this module, young students study the humanities, science blocks, mathematics and technology, attend interdisciplinary classes.

1. The humanities

• Writing a script

Have you ever thought that with a script to your favorite movie or TV show you would have coped much better? In this course you will get this opportunity! Students learn the basic principles and tricks in writing scripts, learn how to work on characters and the storyline, will figure out which scenarios are of particular interest to them - and which will be of interest to producers and viewers.

• Brave Teens in History

Read heroic stories? Represented themselves in the place of Alexander the Great, Tutankhamun or Joan of Arc? And even these great historical figures were teenagers - and this did not stop them from leaving a significant mark in world history! During the classes, students learn more about their peers who have established world records, made brilliant discoveries or made important contributions to science, will be motivated and inspired by their examples. Also, each student will be able to analyze his personal abilities and characteristics, compare them with the time and age in which we live, and assess their similarities and differences with famous figures.

• Creative Communications

For the original idea in the modern world it is customary to pay a lot of money: non-standard and creative solutions are snapped up by world international corporations. Such participants will be able to develop similar skills, improve non-standard approaches to the problem and own thinking.

• Features of human behavior

What makes us do this or that way? What is the mystery of the differences in human behavior? How does it happen that different people have the same habits? This specialty will help pupils to better understand themselves and their behavior, to more fully analyze the actions of people around them.

2. Mathematics, science and technology

• Engineering in action

The simplest question is why does not a huge ocean liner sink and why does a heavy aircraft take off? Do not know the answer? Welcome to the course, where the teachers will explain how mechanics and scientists help us develop modern technologies and implement them.

• Medical Microbiology

One of the most striking recent scientific trends is the study of the characteristics of the human body through the science of microbiology (combining medicine and studying microorganisms). In this course, students will learn how tiny mushrooms, bacteria and viruses can cause very tangible effects and completely change the state of health, life and often the appearance of a person.

• Geoinformation system

Computerized data management system entirely works with a variety of spatial data. It is an opportunity to use convenient tools for creating maps and working with them, to introduce information into them, to find interesting solutions to contemporary world problems.

• DNA diagnostics

Genetics, although it is quite young by modern standards, science, but earned the title of one of the most interesting, complex and diverse. Students will get acquainted with the basic principles of genetic engineering, learn how scientific discoveries made in laboratories, are introduced into our daily life, how genetic knowledge is used in medicine, nutrition and agriculture.

2. Interdisciplinary studies

  • Theory of time travel

Do you think it possible to move to a distant past or future in the blink of an eye? If so, what is required for this? What are black holes and how can negative energy exist? A course for curious students who learn a lot about modern theories of instantaneous movement in time spaces - both real facts and scientific hypotheses. Why do not you create your own theory?

  • Global science: what future leaders need to know

To become a president or a political leader is impossible without knowledge of physics? This is true! Students of this course will learn what you need to know in order to make effective and measured scientific and social decisions, how you can calculate the consequences of an action. Becoming the leader of the state, you will not have a lot of time for long calculations and "estimates" of the expected result - use known physical laws! This program can study various areas: energy conservation, natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis, radioactivity, global positioning systems, nuclear weapons, spy satellites, etc.

S-Level Courses (15-17 years)

In this module, young students study the humanities, science blocks, mathematics and technology, attend interdisciplinary classes.

1. The humanities

• The magic of writing

Do you think that you have a talent for writing and would like to show it to the whole world? This course will introduce students to various styles and literary techniques, authoring techniques, principles of composing compositions and plots and will teach participants to create real bestsellers and master the minds of readers.

• Origin of words and success in the SAT exam

Etymology (puzzles of the origin of words) is an exciting and amazing science that will reveal many interesting facts about world languages: some will seem obvious to you, and some could not even be imagined! Students in the course of training can significantly expand their lexical stock, learn to express themselves more fully and competently, correctly use complex words, and prepare for the international language test SAT.

2. Mathematics, science and technology

• Algorithmic thinking: mathematics for understanding the design of computers

At the heart of most modern technologies is mathematics, its various fields and areas - without the knowledge it is impossible to create and operate a single computer. Students will be able to find out which mathematical algorithms are used in the operation of digital devices, on the basis of which principles they operate.

• Introduction to the beginning of the analysis

A special course for students, which is important not only the question "how to calculate", but also "why it is worth calculating." Students will learn to provide the necessary information in a graphic form, consider the differences between the variables, the forms of various functions (linear, trigonometric, power, logarithmic). Also in the classroom, students will get acquainted with mathematical induction, the concept of irrationality and complex numbers. This is the most conceptual branch of mathematics that you can imagine!

• The proportions of the universe: the device of outer space

Always dreamed of knowing what the universe is and how it exists? Lessons in this area will give students an idea of ​​the composition of the universe and the processes that occur in it and have an impact on our planet.

• Biopsychology

Why do we respond to certain external stimuli in a certain way? How can you feel the sight of another person, if you do not see it yourself? Biopsychology studies the reaction of our brain to external factors and can provide answers to these and many other questions.

• Environmental Engineering

Preservation of the environment is one of the most important tasks of mankind at this stage of existence. How to preserve and improve the quality of our lives? How to stop the extermination of natural resources? Students will perform a variety of projects on design, engineering and rational use of natural resources that will help them find solutions to the global problems of our time. In addition, students learn more about alternative energy sources, public planning and urban design, different types of ecosystems.

• Astrophysics

A special course for students who want to understand the principles of the development of the universe, the movements of celestial bodies and the features of their interaction. Students learn more about celestial objects and the laws of their existence and movement, will learn to apply in fundamental processes various types of mechanics: quantum, statistical and Newtonian.

3. Interdisciplinary studies

• Social environment: "Good, bad, evil"

How much do you personally depend on social networks? Will you join the 75% percent of adult Americans who do not know their life without a smartphone? Students will be able to learn more about various problems and dilemmas of social networks, learn to use these benefits of civilization in the right way and not become dependent.

• Globalization and Macroeconomics

This course will tell students about the specifics of globalization processes, expand knowledge about the specifics of the global and regional markets, see future development prospects - and tools that can influence this development.

• Forensic science

Always been partial to the detectives? Do you dream of a fair punishment for all criminals? In this course you will learn how to conduct and read a DNA test, take fingerprints and compare them, analyze handwriting, find logic and personal image of criminals.

• System thinking and holistic approach

In this course, students learn that every thing, process or thought is inextricably linked with all the rest of the universe. Systemic thinking is the ability to see the world as a single system, full of interconnections, cause-and-effect chains.

A-Level Courses. Fine arts and acting (any age)

  • Creation of short films
  • Digital Photography
  • Broadway and the art of the musical: dance, vocal and acting skills
  • Acoustics - music in your ears
  • 2D-3D technology, drawing and sculpture
  • Improvisation in the genre of drama and comedy.

R-Level Courses. Fitness and relaxation (any age)

  • Fitness of the future - what is it?
  • Self-defense
  • Fencing.


  • 7:30 am - general rise
  • 8:00 - 8:45 - breakfast
  • 8:45 - 10:15 - I period: The riddles of mathematics
  • 10:30 - 12:00 - II period: The theory and analysis of video games
  • 12:00 - 13:00 - lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:30 - III period: The food of the future
  • 14:45 - 16:15 - IV period: The dilemmas of the digital age of civilization
  • 16:30 - 17:30 - recreation, sport and creativity
  • 17:30 - 18:00 - free time for each student
  • 18:00 - 18:45 - Dinner
  • 19:00 - 20:00 - time for homework
  • 20:15 - 21:15 - evening entertainment program: quizzes, dances, games and parties
  • 21:15 - 21:45 - free time for young students
  • 21:45 - retreat for younger students
  • 21:15 - 22:30 - free time for older students
  • 22:30 - retreat for senior students.

Accommodation, meals, prices

Students of the summer camp of the University of Chicago are living in comfortable residences: the accommodation is arranged in groups (10-14 people of similar age and gender), each group has a mentor who helps children to solve organizational and everyday issues, participates in their academic and leisure life. Also on campus there is a laundry, which students can use for free.

The cost of the University of Chicago program is already included:

  • Tuition (20 lessons weekly)
  • Accommodation (residence, room for 2-3 people)
  • Food (full board)
  • Company certificate at the end of the program
  • Leisure, sports and entertainment program
  • Sightseeing program: every week - 1 excursion to the whole day.

Subjects and sports

Activities University of Chicago Summer School

A busy and entertaining leisure program is organized for students at the camp at the University of Chicago, including various events 6 days a week (except Sundays). Sunday is fully provided to the students themselves: they can walk or go in for sports, visit the laundry and library, chat with new friends.

During the day, students are provided with creative and sports opportunities for the campus - for example, swimming, volleyball, basketball, tennis, chess, football. In the evening, students are offered a variety of themed parties and shows, a karaoke evening and a casino, performances, games and competitions. Students can visit a disco, participate in an intellectual quiz or join a group film screening.
Saturday is a day of outings and excursions. Most students go to see local and regional attractions, visit research centers, natural and national parks, interesting and original cities of the United States.

On the last day of school, all students attend the closing ceremony: teachers share successes of each, issue brand certificates, prepare a slideshow, a copy of which students can take as a keepsake. Farewell party is a great way to remember the best moments of the course and personally see your own progress and achievements.

Note that for older students (15-17 years old) there are special privileges and certain freedoms that they can use, starting from the third day of their stay in the camp:

  • Self-climbing
  • Walking around the campus and visiting the dining room without an accompanying or mentor
  • Host friends at the residence
  • Independently invent and organize leisure activities
  • Go outside the campus (during the rest hour and in the evenings).


The University of Chicago is ranked fifth among the best universities in the US: its teachers, students and researchers were 78 Nobel Prize winners, and many well-known and respected personalities in the world are its graduates. The University was opened in 1890, its founders are the American Baptist public education organization and oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller. Most intensively, the university developed in 1929-1952: this is the time of great discoveries, research and innovation by Robert Hutchins, a world-famous physicist who is currently president of the university. Many of the newest methods are used in the teaching process and now: it is the principle of working with original documents, the study of classical sources, the use of live discussions during the lectures, complex examinations that replace individual subject tests. The University of Chicago always respects the personal position and the student's point of view, the argumentation and defense of one's own opinion is welcomed. The university is considered to be one of the best in the country in the field of economics, law and science. The university is located in Hyde Park - you can get to the center of Chicago in just 15 minutes.

Admission dates and extra charges

Program dates: from July 16 to August 5.

The cost of the program is not included and is paid separately:

  • Registration fee - 150 USD
  • Lingerie - 30 USD
  • Meeting and escorting the child on the way at the airport - (to be confirmed)
  • Seeing and escorting the child on the way to the airport - (to be confirmed)
  • Transfer (airport)
  • Medical insurance policy - 2 USD / day
  • Visa fees and services.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about University of Chicago Summer School

I'm interested in a summer camp in Chicago for a child of 14 years
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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