
Study economics in USA - 121 institutions

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Education information

Today, US schools, colleges and universities are the most popular among foreign students from all over the world. SMAPSE offers TOP-90 schools, colleges and universities in the USA where international students can get advanced economic edication. Economic education in US TOP-90 schools, colleges and universities is a great step towards successful international career. 

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

U.S. High School Economics Education

US high schools teach economics primarily in high school at the preparatory level. Obtaining a certificate of complete secondary education at a prestigious US school will be a great advantage for foreign students planning to enter universities focused on economic studies.

American pre-university programs with in-depth studying of economics:

  • High school Diploma is a program for students at the age of 14-16. This isn't an easy course as all disciplines are studied in depth, which gives high-quality preparation in the chosen direction, sufficient for admission to the chosen university. Much attention is paid to thorough studying of a wide range of subjects: economics, macro-, microeconomics, the principles of higher mathematics, statistics, practical exercises, more general disciplines (law, history, geography).
  • The Diploma + Advanced Placement course accepts students who demonstrate high academic results. This is a complex program involving intensive studying of disciplines at the university level. The course is a preparatory stage before university studies. Statistics over the past 5 years show that 75% of graduates have received more than 3 points in AP exams.
  • The rich, challenging International Baccalaureate program is available for 11-16 years old students. They choose 3 academic disciplines according to the standard program and 3 more in depth. Specialized disciplines for applicants entering universities with an economic bias: mathematics, law, economics, business, statistics, geography.

American TOP schools with a high-quality education in economics:

University Education in America for international students

Economic high education in the USA and programs in economics at American universities is a strategic choice and a serious investment in a future successful career in the field of finance. American universities, leaders in preparing highly paid economists, offer many educational programs in various academic areas. For successful preparation for admission and comfortable studying, it's better to determine the direction in advance.

Main areas of economics at universities in the United States:

  • international trade;
  • world economy;
  • finance, credit;
  • accounting, analysis, audit;
  • economic theory;
  • taxation.

TOP-10 US universities of economics: QS World University-2018 ranking

  • Harvard University is an elite university that offers education with a specialization in economics of the highest level. Undergraduate programs in a number of core economic specialties last 4 years. Of greatest interest to foreign students is Harvard Business School, which once developed a case-based teaching methodology and offers students sophisticated innovative Master's programs, MBAs, studying among future top-level world-class specialists. The cost of undergraduate programs is from $ 56,000 / year, Master's programs - from $ 70,000 / year.
  • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most selective universities in the world. MIT provides high-quality education, the best job prospects for its graduates. Sloan Business School offers economics programs for bachelors, masters, doctors, as well as prestigious MBA courses. Price - from $ 58,240 / year.
  • Stanford University is a prestigious American university located in Silicon Valley. The University’s School of Humanities and Natural Sciences offers a number of programs (undergraduate, graduate) with a study of economics. Stanford Business School is in the TOP-10 of similar US institutions, offers Master's programs, MBA for future leaders in the business sphere. The cost of the programs is from $ 49,000 / year.
  • The University of California, Berkeley offers a highly competitive economic education. The College of Humanities, Natural Sciences offers programs for future bachelors, masters, and doctors of economics. School of Business named. Walter Haas is one of TOP-10 best business schools in the world and offers Master's degrees in business administration, in doctoral studies with a specialization in economics. The price for a year of study is from $ 42800.
  • Princeton University is among TOP world universities with a study of economics. Undergraduate College offers courses for future economists in undergraduate programs, Graduate School is focused on doctoral programs, there are Master's courses in economics. The cost of the annual course is $ 41,820.
  • University of Chicago, namely the Business School. Buta of the University of Chicago offers a number of deep, rich programs in economics, finance, a rich research base and training from world expert economists. The price of the annual program is from $ 48,253 / year.
  • Yale University has two departments teaching economics: Yale College offers undergraduate programs in major economic areas, and Yale School of Management offers master's and doctoral programs in Economics and Finance. The cost of a studying year is from $ 45,800 / year.
  • Columbia University prepares bachelors for several economic programs: among the Master's and Doctoral programs, the Master's program in finance and risky investments is popular. The price of a year for foreign students is from $ 46,846 / year.
  • The University of Pennsylvania offers programs in economics at the elite Wharton School of Business, in such areas as accounting, finance, insurance, risk management, statistics. Awarded bachelor's, Master's, PhD degrees. The cost of a one-year course is $ 69,340.
  • Northwestern University  it's the largest American university offers diverse programs in economics at the Bachelor, Master, Doctor level: an introduction to micro-, macroeconomics, an introduction to applied econometrics, micro-, macroeconomics, as well as several advanced  programs for preparing specialists. Price - $ 47,251 / year.

Additional qualifications in economics in the USA for foreign students

A high level of employment among graduates of economics departments at prestigious universities in the United States is associated not only with TOP quality education, but also with the certification system adopted by American universities. The most popular certificates confirming the high level of economists:

  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant) - a popular document confirming the highest qualification category of an accountant. The certificate testifies to deep professional knowledge and skills in the field of accounting, audit, taxation, business law. The award of certificates is controlled by the American Institute of AICPA.
  • CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) - a prestigious certificate for professionals in financial markets. The award procedure includes 3 exam levels, assumes more than 3 years of professional experience, is a member of the CFA Association. The certificate gives the right to work in the financial sector anywhere in the world.
  • CFP (Certified Financial Planner) is the most widespread and demanded certificate in the world, confirming the qualifications of a professional in the financial sector. Economists take a 6-hour exam consisting of 170 questions.

Any of these documents improves the chances of graduates to have a successful career in the economic and financial spheres abroad, including in the USA.

Programs in Economics at US camps for foreign students

Studying economics at academic camps in America includes a wide range of programs and disciplines. Despite the short duration of specialized programs, they provide the highest quality of knowledge in selected areas due to the intensity of classes, leading teachers invited from TOP universities, meetings with experts. Most elite summer schools are based on TOP universities with a specialization in economics, which gives an additional opportunity to get acquainted with universities and colleges that are selected for further studies. The programs of summer schools allow you to combine intensive and serious education (for many of them, received loans are counted upon admission) with a rich and interesting extracurricular program.

List of leading US academic camps with economics studies

The name of the program


Course duration

Cost of education

Pre-college program

Secondary School Program

Harvard university

2 weeks

7 weeks

from $ 4600

Summer Institute for Gifted Students

Princeton University

3 weeks

from $ 5795

Pre-college Scholars Summer Living

Academic Talent Development Program

University of California, Berkeley

6/8 weeks

4 weeks

from $ 8150

Business Economics Program at UCLA Summer School

University of California, Los-Angeles

2-6 weeks

from $ 4999

Pre-college program

Pennsylvania University

2/3/6 weeks

from $ 4299

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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