
121 best English schools in Toronto, Ontario

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Education information

Studying language in Toronto, Ontario is highly demand way for education in the best, prestigious educational institutions for foreign students. Any student will find a description of international programs, their tuition fees, ratings and reviews for each course, and SMAPSE managers in international education will help you choose the most suitable program for studying from the list. FREE services and assistance in enrolling and applying to partner schools and universities in Toronto, Ontario for foreign students, the number of places is limited.


If we consider accessibility and quality, the level of education in Canada is considered one of the best in the world. In the prestigious QS ranking, Toronto regularly ranks first in the ranking of the top best student cities and is considered one of the most desirable places to study abroad. Toronto has everything for a comfortable life:

  • International community;
  • Various options for entertainment;
  • Natural locations;
  • One of the best educational system.


94 best English language courses in Toronto, Ontario for international kids, children, teenagers, students and adults. For your convenience, we combined the best schools with descriptions of programs and prices, their rankings, feedback from students. You may also want to contact our experts for detailed advice or to make a booking. We are official representatives of the majority of institutions listed on the website and all the enrolment services are FREE of charge. Places are limited. Check for the special offers in a separate section of the website.

Language tests: types, academic educational programs in Toronto, Ontario

For many who are seriously thinking about studying, starting a career abroad or migrating, the question arises of professional education of written and communication skills. The first stage on the way to Canada may be preparation for the international exam.


List of the main international exams:

  • TEF;
  • TCF;
  • IELTS;


Linguistic centers, language schools and universities in Toronto will provide effective educational conditions. Professional educational staff are usually native speakers, they will be able to tell the structural features of each exam and successfully prepare you for the time of passing.

Best English courses in Toronto: advantages, features

There are many linguistic schools and language camps in Toronto that offer a large variety of educational courses to choose from:

  • General English course;
  • Intensive language programs;
  • Preparation for language tests (for example, IELTS or TOEFL); Preparation for admission to school abroad;
  • Group study programs.


Many private schools where foreign students can study cooperate with world leading universities, so graduates of Canadian institutions of secondary education have very high chances of successful admission after graduation.


English educational courses differ by length:

  • Basic week program;
  • Monthly courses;
  • 1-year programs.


During the summer and vacation periods, language camps are held on the basis of year-round boarding schools. Foreign students can stay in the residence of the school without any problems. Another accommodation option is a host Canadian family. Each of the options has its advantages, so the second option is more suitable for younger students.


Language educational courses also include extracurricular programs and entertainment block.


List of the main additional activities during educational process:

  • Variety of sports (hockey, football, basketball, and others);
  • Creative activities;
  • Different excursions;
  • Visiting museums, parks, shopping centers;
  • Organized trips to different parts of the country.


By studying English in Toronto, foreign students can not only improve their level of foreign language proficiency, but also broaden their horizons.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

What makes English so special for families from all over the world?

In 2023, statistics show there are about 1.5 billion people around the world who speak English both natively and as a second language. English is the global language for business, tourism, aviation, sciences, and media (to name a few).

It is most essential for families in that this will allow for the younger generations to have innumerable employment opportunities within and outside their birth country.


Tuition fee of the top English language courses in Toronto

Regarding financial costs, learning English in Canada also has its own peculiarities. Tuition fee in Canada will be lower than in other English-speaking countries, such as the United States or Great Britain (by about 20%). One week program of language learning in Canada will require costs in the range of 500 to 1000 $CAD.

Tuition fee includes:

  • Chosen educational program;
  • Accommodation (boarding school or host family);
  • Meals;
  • Educational materials;
  • Extracurricular activities;
  • Excursion program.


If the school does not imply boarding for students, an additional item of expenditure will be the search for other accommodation option (selection of a host family, search for apartments and other options).


Some services are paid additionally to tuition fee:

  • Round-trip air tickets;
  • Visa services;
  • Insurance for studying abroad;
  • Transfer in both sides;
  • Educational deposit;
  • Entrance fee.

All necessary information foreign students or their parents could find at the website of the educational institution or at the official group at social media. You can also contact to SMAPSE local manager for all additional information.

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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