
Study in St. Julian 2024

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Education information

St. Julian's is a Maltese city located along the Mediterranean coast. This is a popular tourist route with a developed infrastructure. As for education, in this city the language schools of Malta have become widespread, which have become the hallmark of the city in terms of education.

On our site there are the best linguistic centers of St. Julian with a detailed description of programs for Russians, admission conditions, rating of educational institutions and prices. Our managers are ready to provide you with professional assistance in choosing a language center, clarifying about current discounts and promotions for foreigners, their consultations are free. SMAPSE is the official representative of the best educational institutions of St. Julian and is not an intermediary. On our website you will find only proven and effective courses that are worth the money.

Studying in St. Julian for high school students from abroad

Features of studying in Malta, education and life in Malta:

1. A country with a multicultural historical heritage

Many dreamed of owning this flowering island: the island was ruled by Greeks, Romans, Arabs, French, and until 1964 Malta remained a colony of Great Britain. All this has made a great contribution to the local culture - this is why the island attracts the attention of such a large number of tourists.

2. Climate and infrastructure

Among the coast of Europe, the island has established itself as the warmest - there is a subtropical climate, and the average annual temperature is up to + 23C. Thanks to the beautiful weather in both winter and summer, the Maltese climate was named the best Earth's edition of International Living.

3. Economic and other indicators

Surprisingly, Malta is quite a European city with a high level of development and a very high human development index. In terms of population density, the country ranks 7th in the world.

4. Educational system 

Malta's education system is based on British curricula and teaching methods. The country has two official languages - Maltese and English - which made the island a very popular educational route in terms of language courses. Higher education can be obtained in the only one on the island and in one of the oldest universities in Europe - the University of Malta.

5. Prices and requirements

Bachelor's programs last 3 years and are conducted in English, the cost of training in them is 30% lower than British prices. Malta is also distinguished by its sparing admission conditions in comparison with universities in the United Kingdom.

English courses in St. Julian for international students

Malta has established itself as one of the largest and most popular centers for studying English in Europe. Due to the fact that the island was a British colony for a long time, English is widely distributed here and is the second official language. We safely recommend you courses in St. Julian for the following reasons:

1. Cost

Compared with other English-speaking countries, program prices are much lower, 30-40%.

2. Wide range

You will find here a wide selection of variations with different target orientation, intensity; the organizers take into account different parameters when drawing up courses, so it’s almost impossible not to find the right one for you.

3. Quality

Educational system in language centers has much in common with the principles of the British one - you can take effective courses and get acquainted with the British teaching methodology. 

4. Comfort and safety

Your stay in Malta will make comfortable low prices for food and housing, the ability to combine lessons with outdoor activities.

Leading language schools in St. Julian: types of courses for foreign students

5 easy steps to study in St. Julian:

  • Decide which school you want to study at and which program is interesting to you.
  • Pay Malta School's registration fee, come to know of placement
  • Submit your documents to the staff of the linguistic center
  • Collect a package of documents for a student visa
  • Wait for the invitation from the chosen linguistic center and confirmation of the reservation of accommodation, which is issued on the organization letterhead - it is necessary for applying for a visa.

Favourable climate makes this city popular all year round, adult students: as a rule, prefer to come here in autumn and winter, because in summer the centers are crowded with students from all over the world.

The learning process fully coincides with teaching in European language centers.



Number of lessons

Language requirements

Price (week in Euros)

Standard courses:

The program is aimed at the development of reading, writing, speaking, listening and listening skills. The level of difficulty is determined by the initial level of student language proficiency.



From 170


Designed for motivated and purposeful, ready to work hard and study compressed material in a short time.


From 260

Exam Preparation:

Modern language testing requires special preparation. Students study the exam structure, become a skilled hand in doing tests. 



From 280

Business English:

The objectives of the area: mastering business English, studying special vocabulary, developing communication skills and getting to know the peculiarities of doing business in the international arena.



From 325

Professional course:

An opportunity to increase language proficiency in a narrow professional field: teaching, engineering, construction, medicine, etc.



From 350

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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