
Study in Sliema 2024

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Education information

Education abroad is relevant and in demand for students of any age: excellent conditions have been created for children in which they can get a good rest, comprehensive development and harmonious upbringing. Teenagers and adults will gain no less valuable experience here: special areas are being developed abroad in which they will be able to realize a variety of goals, improve language skills, get acquainted with other traditions and people of different nationalities. Malta is a popular destination among students, which attracts foreigners with high-quality programs, the opportunity to practice the language and, of course, comfortable conditions. This island is often called a paradise with an ideal climate for life - at the same time it is a European state with a developed economy and high growth rates. Education in Sliema for schoolchildren, teenagers and students will give foreigners unforgettable emotions and fundamental knowledge of English.

Our website contains the best language schools in Sliema, as well as all the necessary information - prices, rating, admission conditions and range of programs. SMAPSE is the official representative of educational institutions in Malta, and not an intermediary: on our website the prices of the educational institutions themselves. The company's managers are ready to provide you with professional assistance, inform you about current discounts, promotions, and help you choose the right educational center. Please note that the proposed consultations are free of charge.

Sliema is a city located on the northern coast of Malta. From a small fishing village, Sliema has turned into a luxurious resort, expensive and pompous. There is a developed infrastructure, fashionable hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues. This place is also known as a shopping center: there are many boutiques and shopping centers. One of the main attractions of these places are the beaches and the embankment, carved directly from the rocks. As for education, Sliema is known for its linguistic centers, the learning process in which is built according to the best British methods - we will talk about the schools of Sliema in more detail.

Education in Sliema, Malta for international students - advantages and facts

Studying in the best language schools in Sliema offers many advantages for students:

  • Visa requirements are more simple than in Europe. Malta is a member of the Schengen Agreement, but more liberal migration rules have been established in the country
  • Prices for programs are lower - in comparison with top countries such as the the UK and Switzerland, the cost will be lower by 30% on average
  • The friendly local population is one of Malta's main strengths: students quickly find contact with smiling hospitable locals
  • Paradise conditions - among the European coasts it is the warmest state with a subtropical climate
  • Sliema educational institutions are accredited by the Maltese Ministry of Education: all centers are state-controlled and have an impeccable reputation
  • There are two official languages in the country - Maltese and English , and British teaching methods and principles have become native here (Malta remained a British colony for many years).

Sliema language schools - learning features for foreign students

At the beginning of the studying period, students undergo entrance testing to determine the level of knowledge, and then all students are divided into groups according to the level of knowledge, goals and other nuances. Classes are mainly held in the morning: students learn language skills - speaking, reading, writing, and listening, and a lot of time is devoted to practice. The expansion of the vocabulary takes place without much effort due to the communicative approach to learning: students are fully involved in the learning process, begin to use new constructions and words in the first lesson, working in a group and performing various tasks.

Studying is quite interesting and fruitful. Experienced teachers use various interactive tools, interesting didactic material. In order to give the classroom dynamics, teachers use a game form of teaching. At the end of each week, students will receive a little testing designed to determine linguistic progress. Upon completion of studies, students pass the final test, which determines their level of knowledge: it will be recorded in a certificate confirming the completion of the language course. Please note that such certificates are quite prestigious and give you certain privileges, but they alone are not enough to enter a university abroad. Universities accept internationally recognized certificates, for example, IELTS and TOEFL - but in Malta you can take a preparatory course and then pass an exam to receive an international certificate.

Leading language centers in Sliema: types of courses for foreign students

Students from abroad will find a wide range of courses:

  • General description

English courses in Sliema, Malta - This is a popular educational area that is based on cutting-edge ideas and British teaching methods . An important aspect of effective language learning is language immersion and the removal of the communicative barrier. Directions for foreign students differ in many ways: they take into account the various characteristics and characteristics of students (age, level of difficulty and intensity, student goals).

  • Types of programs

Students can take language courses, fully focusing on learning foreign, mastering reading, speaking, writing and listening skills, and may prefer mixed options, which in addition to academic workloads also include an entertaining or educational part.

  • Mixed directions

Combined courses, or “English +”, include the most interesting leisure part, which the student can choose depending on his preferences: mastering a new sport, dancing lessons, a cooking class; You can study the culture and art of Europe, or prefer an active recreation program.

  • For specific purposes

In addition to a large number of leisure options, students have an opportunity to master the academic style, prepare for study abroad, learn the basics of the future profession, etc.

  • Result

Regardless of the type of course the student is waiting for quality classes and experienced teachers who will help bring English to a higher level. The result of the study will be a prestigious certificate of completion of a language course in Sliema.

How to enter a language school in Sliema?

  • Choose an educational center and course
  • Pay course fee and registration fee
  • Collect a package of documents for school
  • Provide all the necessary information for the visa center
  • Expect an invitation letter from a school representative.

English courses in Sliema - types and prices:


Lessons per week


Price (week in Euro)

General English 


Starter (entry level)

From 170

Intensive course


From 260

Preparatory courses for studying abroad / passing international exams


Intermediate (Intermediate)

From 280

Business English



From 325

Professional English



From 350

The cost of a language course in Sliema usually includes:

  • Introductory testing
  • Academic load (at least 15-20 lessons per week)
  • An entertainment program organized on the school grounds
  • Exit program - various trips and excursions around the island
  • Medical insurance
  • Accommodation
  • Nutrition
  • Outdoor activities - sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, horse riding, water sports, etc.)
  • Creative clubs (classes in music, drawing, dancing, etc.).

Options for placement during studies for schoolchildren and students:

  • Host families
  • Boarding school
  • Hotel / apartment.

General statistics on education in Sliema

General information about Sliema

Country Malta
Region Tas-Sliema
Population 11,318
Time Zone Europe/Malta

The cost of living in Sliema

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 289 414
Food 178 395
Transportation 23 149
Communications and utilities 52 61
Clothing 25 94
Sports and leisure 30 87
Total 597 1,200

Accommodation options in Sliema

Shared room outside of centre 292
Shared room in city centre 418
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 488
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 623

The Coordinates Of Sliema

Time Zone Europe/Malta
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 35.912500000
Longitude 14.501940000
Elevation (STRM3) 40 m.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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