
Best private schools in Montenegro 2024

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10 18 36 72

Education information

Today, Montenegro is very unique and popular destination for studying abroad. SMAPSE offers you one of the best private boarding school where international students can get advanced and balanced courses: Knightsbridge Schools International Montenegro. This school provides a wide range of courses, you can choose from intensive language courses to special studying programs for teachers. This private boarding school is the best choice for those who wish to combine effective studies with exciting experience of studying abroad.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts at any time as they are always ready to help you and answer all questions.

Educational system in Montenegro

Nowadays, the educational system of Montenegro meets European standards. It inclides educational systems of Germany, Austria, and Great Britain. More and more foreign specialists are involved in the work and development of teaching approaches. Based on a fundamental level of knowledge, the system has an excellent impetus for development and transformation. 

Secondary education in Montenegro includes 2 levels: primary and secondary. The main stage is mandatory for everyone - it includes 9 classes (from 6 years old), after which you can go to 10 grade or to a vocational school. Graduates of the 12th grade receive a certificate and can enter universities. State institutions in the country are free and available for all, private ones are paid.

Private schools in Montenegro: prestigious education for foreign students

The system of private institutions in the country is under active development. With the increase in the number of foreign citizens living and working in the country, the demand for prestigious institutions is increasing. Several private schools work here, and different types are available. Education is conducted according to the following standards:

  • British (Cambridge program from kindergarten; standard English program; GCSE, A-Level)
  • International (IGCSE). 

Institutions are distinguished by an exceptionally high level of education provided. Here you can choose an appropriate standard for certain purposes - for example, there are a lot of English-speaking residents in the country. British standards are represented by prestigious British and international courses. Programs are accredited by the Ministry of Education, relevant organizations and institutions. Each level includes a certain set of disciplines and subjects: for example, in high school students choose priority sciences and study them in advanced mode. Particular attention is paid to the following items:

  • English
  • Russian language
  • Serbian language
  • Foreign languages (German, French, Spanish, Italian)
  • Math science
  • Story
  • Geography
  • Computers and Information Sciences
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry.

Teaching staff is composed of foreign and native specialists: all teachers are exceptionally highly qualified, university degrees and rich work experience. Small groups allow to pay maximum attention to each student, to help in the personal development. After the end of studying, relevant certificates and diplomas are issued, graduates enter prestigious universities in Europe, America or Asia.

Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.

What would you say is the most important when choosing a Spanish school?

This is the quality of support and work of the management, the opportunity to study at IB, the prestige of the school and the percentage of successful completion of the diploma stage of IB, recommendations for further universities. It is worth considering the national "recruitment" of campus students, opportunities for extracurricular development and activities, the availability of medical services and consultations, opportunities for language immersion. Is education at the chosen school based on the values you share? Is the school a close-knit community? Is academic support good?


Opportunities for personal development and self-realization in private schools in Montenegro

Private schools offer not only a high level of academic preparation, but also the comprehensive development of the child and personality - creative, athletic, spiritual and moral. The school campuses are equipped according to the best international standards - there is everything you need for sports, physical activity and creativity. Montenegro is famous for its beautiful and environmentally friendly nature: annually about 1.2 million tourists visit the country from various countries. All conditions for outdoor activities, beach holidays, hiking and trips are created. Students can enjoy not only courses, but also extra-curricular activities. 

Advantages and disadvantages of English schools

Advantages Disadvantages
The opportunity to enter the best universities in England, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Europe, the world Expensive
High quality of education and academic standards Strong workload
Perfect English after graduation The need to change the social environment; it takes time to adapt
Useful contacts The difficulty of choosing the most suitable school for the child, requires a qualified specialist

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9 Ross School
10 Deerfield Academy
11 The Village School
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16 Darlington School
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21 The Cambridge School of Weston
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Top 14 best schools in Switzerland 2024

1 College Du Leman
2 St. Georges School Montreux
3 Institut Monte Rosa
4 Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
5 Saint-Charles Collège et Lycée
6 Leysin American School
7 Hochalpines Institut Ftan AG High Alpine
8 Aiglon College Switzerland
9 Institut Le Rosey School
10 Institut Montana Zugerberg
11 Champittet College
12 Brillantmont International School
13 Surval Montreux
14 Ecole Pre Fleuri
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Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.
Esther worked as a Head of Admissions, Engagement and Outreach at San Patricio Toledo International School until 2021. She is an expert in primary and secondary education. Esther also has a great deal of experience in teaching, marketing, translating and coaching. She thinks that it is important to consider the environment, educational institutions rankings, historical and artistic heritage, nature of the people, and unique traditions and folklore when choosing a place to study.
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