
Study economics in Austria - 4 institutions

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Education information

Austria is one of the most comfortable countries for foreign citizens to move and live in. Foreign children can get secondary education here for free, the necessary conditions for adaptation are provided for them in schools, the quality of education is high, and the certificate obtained will not need to be confirmed when entering universities in any of the EU countries.

The secondary education in Austria is divided into two stages:

  • Primary school – 6-9 years;
  • Secondary school – 10-14 years.

At the 7-8 grade stage, special attention is paid to the choice of a specialty or a future academic program. Depending on the career choice course, various practical exercises are organized with excursions to industrial facilities and company offices. By the 9th grade, a student faces a choice between secondary technical education or continuing his studies in high school for admission to university.

Interestingly, open days in schools are held in February, and the acceptance of documents begins in March. The academic year begins in October and lasts until the end of June with a break in January.

Economic programs in Austria – main specifics

Secondary education in Austria provides for the beginning of studying from the age of 6 — at this age, children enter primary classes — Grundschule, where they study for four years, and after graduation continue to study in secondary classes — Hauptschule. The students get acquainted with arithmetic through games. Interactive forms are developed by experienced teachers who lay in them elements of arithmetic knowledge and skills. The game system allows you to develop thinking, distribute the workload and teach children the elements of mathematical operations.

The next stage of teaching maths in private schools in Austria begins at the age of 11. At this age, special classes are held aimed at identifying abilities in mathematics. Pupils are divided into three or four groups, according to their abilities. The program for all groups is the same, but the intensity of studying in time is different. The level of tasks that the student performs corresponds to their level of knowledge and abilities.

Already in high school in Austria, the students choose a profile direction: mathematics, humanities, language, creative, sports, etc. With each subsequent class, the number of subjects to choose from increases, thanks to which students make up almost individual educational programs based on personal interests. The principles of teaching children contribute to the full involvement of children in the educational process so that studying abroad brings pleasure, joy, results.

All students in maths schools in Austria strive to complete an additional program, which is taught for them by special teachers. Skills related to filling out grant applications and receiving grants themselves are acquired here. The implementation of grants provides an opportunity to prove themselves in science.

The best schools for economics in Austria for foreign students

Economic education abroad, studying economics in Europe at the secondary school level is possible in high school, as part of the programs of preparation for admission to higher education. Foreign students choose an academic direction with an in-depth study of economics, related subjects:

  • Business;

  • Law;

  • Economics;

  • Accounting.

List of educational programs of preparation for admission to best universities in the world includes:

  • A–level;

  • International Baccalaureate;

  • Foundation;

  • GCSE.

Studying at the best high schools for economics in Austria according to university preparation programs, will be a great advantage for foreign students, allowing them to equalize the academic performance of graduates of economics colleges in Austria, to deepen their knowledge of basic, specialized subjects.

The GCSE program is available for international children entering after grades 8-9 of the home local school, and after grades 9-11 they can apply for A–level. International applicants who have a certificate of full secondary education are admitted to the one-year Foundation program.

The International Baccalaureate program is suitable for foreign students. It is open to students aged above 16, the MYP (Middle Years Program) program is available for students of 11-15 years according to the International Baccalaureate system.

The best economics in universities in Austria – specifics of studying

Austria offers higher education under the supervision and funding of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research. 11 private and 23 public universities in Austria provide students with a wide range of degree programs in economics and business. State universities specialize in various fields of study, private universities allow successful students to study several subjects at the same time: combine the study of economics with psychology, biology, social sciences.

Since 2001, the students of Austrian universities no longer receive free education, but students from the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA) who complete their studies in a minimum period (three years), do not have to pay tuition fees. International students must pay tuition fee starting from 700€ per semester.

Bachelors of Economics explore all factors related to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, analyze both small-scale (microeconomics) and global (macroeconomics) economic factors. Bachelor's degrees in economics offered by universities and economics colleges in Austria teach students how to optimize economic activities to improve the welfare, prosperity of economic actors, consumers.

Studying economics in Austria is suitable for those who are used to using mathematics, numbers. Economics is a universal subject related to a wide range of other disciplines, a kind of universal language that can be applied in many contexts.

TOP economic graduate schools in Austria

  • Webster University Vienna is a non-profit private university, the Austrian branch of a successful American educational institution. The first Webster University was founded in 1915 in the USA (St. Louis, Missouri), and the first international department was opened in 1978 in Geneva. Founded in 1981, Webster University Vienna is located in a cozy, well-groomed area near the centre of the Austrian capital - from year to year it is included in the top 40 universities in Austria, offering effective modern training programs for students from all over the world. Teaching is conducted in English, in German you can study individual disciplines. Webster University Vienna became the first university in Austria with business education programs.
  • International Business School Vienna is a prestigious business school that awards degrees on behalf of the British University of Buckingham. The school gives a unique opportunity to students: they study in one of the most beautiful cities in the world in English and receive a British diploma. Education here is focused on innovation, moving away from classical education in universities. The educational space, which harmoniously combines the office environment with the school, is organized in small classrooms, where students are provided with access to equipment and sufficient time to communicate with the lecturer.
  • The School of Management of the Vienna University of Technology teaches professionals and experts. At the Centre for Continuing Education of the Technological University, the School of Management offers MBA programs with a specialization in the field of technology, and the business school is designed to improve the skills and further studying of specialists in need. The school offers what professionals and business leaders need to move companies forward and contribute to the economic growth of their businesses. Courses are offered to help with digitalization, preparatory programs for IPMA, a globally recognized certification exam for project managers.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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