
Adult language courses in Houston, Texas 2024

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Education information

Houston is as diverse as any other major city. The foreign students will easily fit into the local multicultural community thanks to the huge number of international students who come all the time. One of the reasons for this influx is the oil and gas industry: many large companies are based in downtown or on the west side of Houston in an area known as the Energy Corridor. Many Britons, Europeans, Australians and Scandinavians live, study and work here.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are 50 trade, professional and business schools in the region specializing in law, healthcare, technological processes and other disciplines - they teach another 20,000 students.

Advantages of studying in language schools Houston

  • A huge variety of language courses in Houston: for students of any age, any level of knowledge, any goals, in any season and in any city;

  • The opportunity to constantly practice in conversations with native English speakers: it is American English that is considered the most common option in the world today;

  • The opportunity to save on courses - for example, in comparison with the UK or Switzerland, the USA has a more loyal pricing policy;

  • Multinational composition of residents and a huge number of foreign students – a guarantee of tolerance, politeness and good manners of people;

  • The widest opportunities for active, relaxing and informative recreation, excursions and trips – and all this can be harmoniously combined with an educational course;

  • The opportunity to change a student visa to a work visa and stay in the country as an official employee;

  • Legal opportunity to work during studying: F1 visa gives permission to work up to 20 hours weekly

  • At the end of the language program, each student receives a corporate certificate: it contains all your successes, the achieved language level, explanations are given on your level regarding each individual skill, and if you passed the language exam, then its results. Such a certificate or certificate will be a significant bonus to your resume or to a package of documents for admission to a private school, public school, university or college.

Offered programs in English language schools in Houston

The best language courses in Houston can be conditionally divided into several types, among which each foreign student will find an optimally suitable option for himself:

  • General English – standard (15-20 classes per week), intensive (28-30 classes), super intensive (35-40 classes).  Classes are usually group (6,8 – 10 people), but the students can choose the option in mini-groups (2-3 people + a teacher) or individual lessons (one-to-one courses). There are usually no initial requirements: even the most beginners (Beginner or Elementary level) are accepted.

  • Preparation for language exams – TOEFL, IELTS, CELTA and others. Usually, there are 20-25 classes per week in groups of 6-12 people. For these entry–level programs, knowledge will no longer be enough - usually Houston language schools require a level from Intermediate.

  • Business English: 20-25 classes per week – in groups, mini groups or individually. The course is not for beginners: to enroll, the foreign students will need to demonstrate a level from Intermediate and above.

  • English with living in the teacher’s family – very comfortable and effective course. 25-30 academic hours per week plus constant improvement of language skills, correction of errors in direct communication with a qualified teacher. The level of initial knowledge can be any (from Beginner/Elementary).

  • English + hobby/ English + rest - as a rule, these are low-intensity courses (10-15 hours weekly), combining language lessons with a huge number of leisure and entertainment activities. Such programs can be both seasonal and year-round, have a clear theme (for example, “English + cinema”) or cover little by little all areas of creativity, sports and complement them with excursions, entertainment and beach holidays.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

At what age do foreign students usually enter English schools?

Our programs are for ages 16+. Nonetheless, the average age of our student population is between the ages of 18-35. 


Language schools in Houston fees for foreign students

The cost of studying on the language courses in Houston depends on its duration, format, and initial knowledge of the applicant. On average, the foreign students will have to pay about $ 3,500 for 4 weeks of study. The  educational course can also be combined with beach holidays and surfing, and a four-week study will cost about $ 3,200.

When booking a program at a language school in Houston, take into account some surcharges that are not included in the program price and must be paid additionally:

  • Consular fee (from $ 160) and visa costs, including translation and certification of documents

  • Air tickets

  • Mandatory medical insurance (usually paid on a weekly basis)

  • Meeting and seeing off at the airport, round-trip transfer (if the school does not organize it)

  • Courier delivery of documents, receipts, payment receipts, visa invitation.

Also, schools may charge additional fees for textbooks, books and materials, additional electronic resources – and it is logical that an increase in the intensity of classes will affect the cost of the program. Also take into account the fact that tuition and accommodation in high season – usually in the summer months – entails a separate surcharge (usually it is $ 25-$ 95 per week per person).

Language courses in Houston – enrolment requirements

The package of documents for a foreign student who wants to enrol in language courses in Houston usually includes:

  • Application form (application form filled out according to school standards)

  • A copy of the pages of the current passport

  • A receipt for payment of the training course (usually the full cost is required)

  • A receipt for payment of the registration fee.

Each language school can ask you for other documents – for example, a certificate of English proficiency (if you are enrolling in a complicated course – Business English and others). In addition, immediately after you receive a visa to the United States, you will need to submit it to the selected school.

After arriving in America and before the start of lessons, all students, as a rule, pass an entrance test: it determines the available level of knowledge and skills and distributes them to the appropriate study group (some schools offer to take such a test online, even before arriving at school). Such tests are conducted regularly, usually every 1-2 weeks, in order to identify the progress of students, the level of academic performance and promptly correct gaps in knowledge.

Usually US language schools hold check-in on Sunday: so the student can already pass the distribution test on Monday and on Tuesday proceed directly to the selected educational course.


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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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