
Adult language courses in Barcelona 2024

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Education information

Barcelona, a renowned city in Spain, is a magnet for tourists and students globally, including those seeking the finest English language courses. This city isn't just home to world-acclaimed cultural sites; it also boasts top-tier universities and colleges. These institutions are a draw for international students due to their high-quality teaching, aligning with modern global standards, and their outstanding infrastructure.


Moreover, Barcelona stands out as a vibrant and contemporary city, celebrated as one of Europe's most beautiful. Its allure comes from its stunning architecture, enchanting coastline, the splendor of its art galleries, and its lively festivals.


For international students, studying in Barcelona offers an exceptional chance to immerse in the global student community, embrace Spanish culture, adapt to international educational norms, forge global friendships, and create unique and memorable experiences from their school years. Language courses in Barcelona, along with linguistic camps, are especially beneficial for children starting with no language knowledge. Here, they can gain invaluable practice in Spanish or English in daily life, while also getting acquainted with European culture and traditions, leaving them with lasting and extraordinary impressions.

Study English in Barcelona – the advantages for the foreign students

Pursuing education in Barcelona, a key cultural, political, and economic hub of the world, offers numerous benefits for students and schoolchildren globally. The city's language schools consistently rank highly for several reasons:

  • Language Immersion: In Barcelona's international schools, learning a foreign language (English or Spanish) happens effortlessly. Beyond classroom walls, language skills are honed through everyday interactions with peers, club activities, and sightseeing excursions. This immersive approach helps international students rapidly break down language barriers.

  • Cultural and Historical Insight: The best language courses in Barcelona provide more than linguistic proficiency; they offer a deep dive into the country's rich history and culture. As part of the European Union, Spain offers unique opportunities for cultural exploration. Top educational institutions often organize trips to nearby cities and other European countries, enhancing the educational experience.

  • Global Recognition and High Standards: Barcelona's schools and universities are renowned for their high ranking and prestige. They adhere to international educational standards, boast excellent reputations, and receive numerous positive reviews from students and parents alike.

  • Modern and Traditional Teaching Methods: Education in Barcelona is a unique blend of age-old traditions and contemporary teaching approaches, utilizing the latest technological advancements.

  • Affordability: Compared to other European nations, the cost of education in Barcelona is relatively low, making it an accessible choice for many.

  • Bilingual Programs: Many of Barcelona's prestigious schools offer bilingual programs, allowing students to become proficient in both Spanish and English.

  • Globally Recognized Diplomas: Degrees obtained from Barcelona's educational institutions are recognized worldwide, adding value to the students' academic achievements.

  • Excellent Infrastructure: Schools in Barcelona are equipped with top-notch facilities, enhancing the learning environment.

  • Ideal Climate and Safety: Barcelona's warm climate and high safety standards make it an ideal destination for international students, ensuring a comfortable and secure educational journey.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

At what age do foreign students usually enter English schools?

Our programs are for ages 16+. Nonetheless, the average age of our student population is between the ages of 18-35. 

Language courses in Barcelona – types of programs for the international students

  • Barcelona's traditional courses seamlessly blend education and leisure, creating an enriching experience for children and teenagers during the summer. These courses offer more than just language improvement; they're a gateway to exploring the country and indulging in diverse activities:

  • Language and Cultural Immersion: The summer courses are designed to enhance students' foreign language skills while immersively introducing them to Spanish culture. Participants get to explore Barcelona, engaging in various clubs and going on exciting excursions, which enrich their cultural understanding and language proficiency.

  • Academic Preparation Programs: These programs cater to students aspiring to study abroad. They focus on familiarizing participants with the academic requirements of foreign education systems. These courses not only significantly boost spoken language skills but also prepare students for future admission to universities, colleges, or schools in Barcelona or elsewhere in Europe.

  • Thematic Programs: These specialized programs combine language learning (English or Spanish) with sports, creative arts, or holiday-themed activities. Under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified teachers, children and teenagers can pursue their favorite hobbies. This approach not only enhances language skills but also fosters personal interests, offering a well-rounded educational experience.

  • In summary, Barcelona's language courses offer a dynamic blend of academic learning and recreational activities, ensuring that students not only advance their language skills but also enjoy a culturally rich and engaging summer experience.

English language schools in Barcelona – enrolment requirements

To enroll a child in a camp in Barcelona, especially for programs that don't require special scientific or business language skills, the documentation process is typically straightforward. Here's a list of the necessary documents for enrollment:

  • Copy of Passport: A photocopy of the child's passport for identification and travel purposes.

  • Insurance: Proof of health and/or travel insurance for the duration of the stay in Spain.

  • Medical Certificate: A certificate indicating the child's health status, including any allergies or medical conditions.

  • Color Photos: Two recent color photographs of the child, often used for identification purposes within the camp.

  • Financial Documents: Evidence proving the availability of sufficient funds to cover living expenses in Spain for the entire study period. In 2020, the minimum benchmark is based on the IPREM (Public Income Index for Multiple Effects), which is €537.84.

 Acceptable financial documents may include:

  • A bank statement showing account balance and, in some cases, a record of account transactions for the past few months.

  • A salary certificate for the last six months.

  • A sponsorship letter, if a third party is covering all expenses, affirming their financial support for the student's stay in Spain.

These documents are essential to ensure that all legal and administrative requirements are met for a smooth and secure educational experience in Spain.

Language courses in Barcelona fees

The cost of language courses in Barcelona for international students begins at around 200 euros per week. However, this fee can vary significantly based on several factors:

  • School Ranking: Higher-ranked schools often charge more due to their reputation and the quality of education they provide.

  • Type of Educational Program: Different programs may have varying costs. Specialized or more intensive programs might be priced higher than standard courses.

  • Duration of Study: Longer courses typically result in a higher total cost. Some schools may offer discounts for extended enrollments.

  • Intensity of Study: Courses with more hours of instruction per week or those that are more immersive may cost more than less intensive options.

  • Type of Accommodation: Accommodation choices, such as staying in a dormitory, a host family, or a private apartment, can significantly affect the overall cost of the course.

  • Entertainment Program: Courses that include extracurricular activities, excursions, or other forms of entertainment may have higher fees to cover these additional experiences.

Language courses in Barcelona ranking

In Barcelona's language schools, students can rapidly learn Spanish with the help of native-speaking teachers who utilize a communicative methodology and tailor their approach to each individual student. These schools are not only licensed to teach but are also accredited by the prestigious Cervantes Institute, ensuring a high standard of education.

The Spanish courses in Barcelona are diverse, catering to various needs and preferences:

  • Purpose: Courses are designed for different goals, whether for casual learning, professional development, or academic preparation.

  • Duration of Study: Options range from short-term courses for quick learning experiences to long-term programs for deep immersion.

  • Price: Course fees vary, accommodating different budgets.

  • Season: There are courses available throughout the year, with some tailored to specific seasons.

Additionally, students have the flexibility to choose from a variety of program types:

  • General and Individual Classes: Catering to different learning styles and needs, from group settings to one-on-one tuition.

  • Combination Courses: These unique courses allow students to combine language learning with cultural activities like flamenco or salsa dancing, cooking classes, and lessons in history or literature.

  • Special Occasions and Exam Preparation: Courses tailored for specific events like the traditions of Catholic Christmas or focused on preparing students for proficiency exams.

Barcelona’s language schools boast a professional team of experienced teachers, cozy classrooms, and comfortable accommodation options including homestays with Spanish families, student apartments, or school residences.

Here are some of the top language schools in Barcelona:

  • Enforex

  • Don Quijote


  • UAB Idiomes

  • Lingua Schools

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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