
Study in Lugano 2024

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Education information

Asking the question of what is attractive about studying in Lugano for schoolchildren, teenagers and students, you can hear answers about the huge selection of curricula, about easy admission to the country's university without exams (a diploma from a local school is enough), mastering several foreign languages at a high level. You will hear about the highest comfort and safety of living in an ecologically clean area of one of the most developed countries on the planet - Switzerland.

Programs at boarding schools in Lugano for international students

If you are interested in studying in Lugano, then it is important to know that for foreign students the doors of private boarding schools are open. Their total number in the entire mass of children receiving secondary education in the country is 30%. It is almost impossible to get a place in a public school (except for a long stay on the territory of the city for the entire student’s family). To understand the criteria to choose the best closed boarding schools in Switzerland for children, you first need to decide on the program that is preferable for a child. Private educational institutions teach schoolchildren and teenagers in the following programs:

  • English
  • American
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • International educational course - International Baccalaureate.

All programs differ in the number of studying hours of a particular foreign language, the variety of academic subjects, the intensity. It is important to note that the diplomas of private boarding houses in Lugano are recognized in all countries of the world, and if it is decided to go to a university in Switzerland, then the examinations (most likely) will not have to be taken at all.

The educational system of Lugano includes 3 mandatory stages: elementary school, secondary and senior, where you need to determine your future occupation. Studying in a high school at prestigious boarding schools, students have to choose one of the programs:

Course name


International baccalaureate

2 years of study according to international standards and a diploma allowing you to enter any university in the world.


English system; 2 years of compulsory subjects + several to choose from; admission to any university in any country.


Preparation for a business school; core sciences and the curriculum are selected individually for each student.

High school diploma

American and Canadian standards; the diploma is recognized in English-speaking universities around the world;


Preparation for universities in the UK: admission according to the results of final exams; full programs - 2 years, but there are shortened options.

Advanced placement

Selected subjects are studied at the university level, which guarantees subsequent admission; You can apply to universities for the 2nd year.

Features of the education system in Lugano for international students

One of the unusual features of studying in Lugano is a division of all students of the best boarding schools into groups according to academic performance and further plans for higher education. There are 4 groups of schoolchildren, whose curriculum will differ significantly depending on their inclinations and the degree of interest in the lessons:

  • students with the highest scores who want to enter a university in Switzerland or Europe;
  • schoolchildren who plan to limit themselves to vocational school education;
  • students with moderate subject load;
  • children who have certain difficulties in the process of mastering the school curriculum.

The cost of a year at a boarding school in Lugano for foreign students is about $ 60,000: this amount, in addition to tuition, includes accommodation in a residence and full boarding.

Language schools in Lugano for foreign students

A key feature of the courses in Lugano for international students in the field of foreign languages is an ability to immediately offer 4 languages to choose from: English, French, Italian and German (and sometimes even more!). Depending on the purpose of visiting linguistic schools and the level of language proficiency, students can choose one of the programs:

  • individual tête-à-tête instruction with a teacher, including from 20 to 40 foreign language lessons per week;
  • group classes with a load of up to 40 hours a week;
  • intensive courses in small groups from 8 to 12 people, including 20 lessons on language study + 10 lessons - on studying the culture and traditions of Switzerland (music, art, cuisine).

Duration of courses usually varies from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the needs of the student. Most language programs (except for specific summer camps) are available year-round, so you can improve a particular language at any time suitable for the student. The initial requirements for the level of speech differ in different courses, but in any case, you can choose a program for a student with insufficient knowledge of the language. The general mandatory requirement of all linguistic schools is the student's age of 16 years.

Each lesson of the program - whether it is a lesson on cultural subtleties or grammar - lasts 50 minutes. At the same time, the courses are designed in such a way that students with any, even the maximum academic classroom load, have time for excursions, relaxation, free communication and everyday cultural acquaintance with the life of Lugano.

The cost of one week of study ranges from $ 300 to $ 850 - and this is the price exclusively for academic studies. Accommodation in a residence or a host family on a half-board basis will additionally cost $ 250-$ 400 per week.

General statistics on education in Lugano

General information about Lugano

Finance type Nonprofit
Organization type Public
Established 1996
Abbreviation USI
Teachers 699
Students 2,999
Religion None
Academic calendar Semesters
Admission None
Gender limitation No limits
Campus type Urban
Financial aid Available
Exchange programs Available
Library Available

Cost of living in Lugano

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 543 711
Food 282 646
Transportation 48 299
Communications and utilities 96 101
Clothing 33 123
Sports and leisure 58 237
Total 1,060 2,116

Accommodation in Lugano

Shared room outside of centre 548
Shared room in city centre 718
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 796
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,115

Coordinates Of Lugano

Time Zone Europe/Zurich
Latitude 46.010080000
Longitude 8.960040000
Elevation (STRM3) 284 m.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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