
Study in Geneva 2024

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Education information

Today, Switzerland attracts a wide range of foreign students from all over the world with high-quality educational services and interesting culture. Many international students choose studying in Geneva as it's a great opportunity to combine effective courses with exciting rest. SMAPSE offers TOP-15 prestigious schools, colleges and universities located in Geneva where international students can get high-quality and balanced primary, secondary and higher education.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Arnold I. Szepesi
Global Direct Sales Manager in EHL Hospitality Business School

Regarding boarding school rankings, what criteria are used, and can we really trust them nowadays?

Honestly, I'm not the biggest advocate for educational rankings. While they have their uses, I believe they often lead to more confusion and errors than benefits. These rankings typically focus on final grades, putting pressure on teachers to ensure high average scores and, in turn, stressing students out before exams. I'm not against exams per se, but I do advocate for a more rounded, project-based approach with ongoing assessment. After all, some students might struggle with exams but excel in practical, real-world applications of their knowledge.

Most rankings feel quite subjective. Ideally, they should consider factors like student satisfaction, post-secondary education opportunities, semester performance, faculty characteristics, and much more. But remember, this is just my take.


School education system in Geneva

Primary School

4-6 years old

6-12 years old

Ecole Enfantine (2 years)

Ecole Primaire (6 years)

Secondary education

12-15 years old

15-19 years old

Cycle d'orientation (3 years)


Professional education

General secondary education

Maturite (compulsory education in Switzerland)

Higher education

after 19 years


Higher Professional Schools (HES)

Geneva, a hub for quality education, offers a seamless admission process to its primary schools for international scholars. The enrollment period typically starts in March, with the academic year commencing in August. Preparing a few months in advance ensures a smooth admission experience. Notably, Geneva's education system emphasizes bilingual proficiency from a young age, reflecting its location in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. Elite schools often teach in both French and English. To support non-native speakers, language courses are tailored to different age groups, ensuring a comfortable transition for children adapting to a new linguistic and cultural environment.

Middle school in Geneva is divided into three types:

  • Type A: Standard class sizes.

  • Type B: Smaller classes for students with average grades between 3.0 to 3.5.

  • Type C: Exclusive classes for high-achieving students.

The 'Cycle d'orientation' stage is crucial for students to explore future career options and select appropriate educational paths based on their interests.

Study in Geneva. Costs and Fees for foreign students

Geneva is home to 45 elite private schools, known for their high enrollment rates among European scholars. These schools offer the Swiss Federal Maturite and the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. The average cost for studying in these prestigious institutions, including accommodation and meals, is around 41,500 CHF.

Higher Education in Geneva

Despite its small size, Geneva boasts universities with a global reputation. These institutions offer comprehensive undergraduate, graduate, MBA, and doctoral programs in English. Doctoral programs are particularly acclaimed, with Switzerland ranking high in Europe for the number of doctorate holders. This academic excellence attracts both local and international students.

Study Language in Geneva for International Students

Geneva's multilingual environment, with four official languages, provides an extensive array of language learning opportunities. Language centers in the city offer courses in German, French, English, Spanish, and Italian. Additionally, there are specialized programs for various age groups and needs:

  • For children and school students: Summer camps with a scientific focus, winter language camps, and family education programs for young learners from 3 years old.

  • For students and adults: DELF courses, International Business Courses, Pre-Master's programs, and International Foundations.

Tuition fees for higher education programs in Geneva


from 8500CHF to 11500CHF


from 9000CHF


5200CHF to 37200CHF

Doctoral program in English

from 7000CHF

Geneva: A Multilingual Hub for Study Abroad Opportunities

Geneva's strategic location in a quadrilingual nation makes it an ideal destination for studying abroad. The city's language centers offer an extensive range of programs, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of international students. These centers focus on providing high-quality instruction in all four of Switzerland's official languages, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Language Classes Available in Geneva

Students in Geneva can choose from a variety of language courses, including:

  • German (Deutsch)

  • French

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Italian

These courses are designed to cater to different proficiency levels, from beginners to advanced learners.

Summer Programs in Geneva

Geneva offers unique educational experiences for younger pupils through various seasonal programs:

  • Summer camps with a focus on science and technology.

  • Winter camps emphasizing foreign language learning.

  • Specialized family education programs for children as young as three, particularly those needing to enhance their language skills.

These programs are structured to blend learning with fun, providing an enriching environment for young minds.

Advanced Language and Professional Courses for Students and Adults

For those seeking more advanced education or professional development, Geneva offers several specialized courses:

  • DELF Courses: These are specifically tailored for students preparing for the Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française, a recognized French language certification.

  • International Business Courses: Ideal for those aiming to excel in the global business arena.

  • Pre-Master's Programs: A preparatory step for undergraduate planning to pursue master's degrees.

  • International Foundation Programs: These courses provide a solid foundation for students aspiring to enroll in international universities.

General statistics on education in Geneva

General information about Geneva

Country Switzerland
Region Geneva
Region 2 Geneva
Region 3 Geneva
Population 183,981
Time Zone Europe/Zurich

Cost of living in Geneva

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 825 1,028
Food 437 808
Transportation 56 273
Communications and utilities 127 150
Clothing 37 136
Sports and leisure 59 217
Total 1,541 2,612

Accommodation in Geneva

Shared room outside of centre 833
Shared room in city centre 1,039
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 1,163
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,391

Coordinates Of Geneva

Time Zone Europe/Zurich
Latitude 46.202220000
Longitude 6.145690000
Elevation (STRM3) 400 m.

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Mrs Patricia Woodhouse
Ex-director of Surval School Montreux

Patricia Woodhouse worked as the Principal at Surval Montreux until 2021. She is a London University graduate and has more than 35 years of experience in secondary education. She worked in 9 schools - 7 boarding schools and 2 daytime. She worked with students 4-18 years old: the music director, the head of the residence and the head of the boarding school, the deputy head, the head and the director. She believes that safety is one of the most important criteria when choosing a school.

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