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2022-07-18 16:16:06

Who in the world has the maximum number of monuments?

Who in the world has the maximum number of monuments?

Humanity tends to keep the memory of past eras, significant events and personalities that had a huge impact on the people, country, culture or the development of civilization as a whole. We are accustomed to immortalizing the memory of great outstanding people in textbooks, official biographies ... and monuments cast from metals or carved out of stone. Monuments will remind of this man for centuries, without collapsing and practically not aging.

Outstanding people who made brilliant scientific discoveries, discovered new lands, freed tens of millions of people from oppression, quite in every era and country. Such personalities are often remembered, reports are written about their activities and research is conducted, and some of them are awarded monuments. The number of metal or stone statues can be different, but for people, especially distinguished ones, their number can be in the hundreds and thousands around the world.

People are characterized by an interest in mythology, mystery and a certain sacredness, so they immortalize their idols and loved ones, casting monuments for them and believing that in this way personalities will live forever, albeit in their hearts.

Researchers conducted a calculation according to which the greatest respect and honor among mankind was achieved by one person who was born 2022 years ago - Jesus Christ. Christians believe that the martyr deserved eternal memory, reflected in numerous monuments, thanks to his dedication, uncompromising attitude towards evil, generosity and educational activities. Monuments to Jesus are located all over the planet, where there is a Christian society.

In Rio de Janeiro there is a legendary monument to the Son of God, whose height is 38 meters. This cultural masterpiece is one of the tallest statues of Jesus Christ in the world and has become one of the most popular attractions on the planet. The monument is located on the top of Corcovado. Christ rises above the world with his arms outstretched to the side and looks into the distance.

It is not known exactly how many monuments of this person exist, since his image in different forms is present for each Christian church, the number of which is unrealistic to count. Among the popular monuments to God's descendant is a statue in Bolivia, which is even taller than a sculpture in Brazil.

Monuments are also erected to other biblical characters, for example, the apostles Paul, Andrew, Peter, John the Baptist.


Representatives of other religions also have lights, which are installed monuments and sculptures around the world. One of the characters about whom billions of people still keep a memory is the Buddha - a person, according to the beliefs of Buddhists, who lived in the VII-VI centuries BC. Most often, monuments to the Buddha are created in the East, but his teachings are spread throughout the planet, and in different parts of it you can find a sculpture of a recognizable character. One of the most popular Buddha statues is a 71-meter figure carved into the rock 1300 years ago in Leshan.

Immortalized personalities of our time

Next in popularity and number of cast monuments are the personalities who led the socialist movements of the twentieth century. The most famous representative of the communist movement is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the recognized leader of the world proletariat. More than 6,000 monuments were erected to him only on the territory of the countries of the Soviet Union!


After the collapse of the USSR and the fall of socialism as the main system opposing capitalism, the number of statues of Lenin began to decline. In Ukraine, for example, a process of decommunization has been underway for several years, during which monuments to the leader are demolished or dismantled, and all communist symbols have been declared illegal.

On the territory of Ukraine, by the way, the most popular monument to their national poet and artist - Taras Shevchenko. More than a thousand sculptures located throughout Ukraine and abroad are dedicated to the Creator.

The modern era of the development of civilization has taken a new turn, so soon, perhaps, there will be another (or not one) personality, whose activities will be discussed around the world, and his influence on the world will be so great that the memory of him will want to be immortalized in hundreds and thousands of sculptures, statues and monuments.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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