2021-12-27 17:33:35

TOP-20 universities in USA in 2022 Rankings

TOP-20 universities in USA in 2022 Rankings

Graduates of schools around the world dream of continuing their education in the United States, higher education in America has become an exemplary one for higher education in general, employers of all countries want to get graduates of American universities. The prestige of higher education in USA is based on high requirements for both teaching staff and students, excellent equipment of the educational process, close connection of higher education with science and real sectors of the economy.

The cost of education in the United States is higher than in other countries, except for the UK and in some places Switzerland. But the highest payment will not allow the student to relax, rather the opposite: American students will have to master a lot themselves, do independent projects. But in American universities, students are helped, guided, and a learning strategy is built.

Studying in the USA: higher education, opportunities

Going to university in America is not easy, but it is possible if you seriously prepare for admission. First of all, you need high scores of the English language certificate. The applicant must understand well why he needs to study in the United States, be able to correctly state all the arguments in the essay and convince the teachers at the interview.

Preparation for admission should begin in 1.5-2 years. It is worth getting acquainted in detail not only with the requirements of the chosen university, but also to learn more about the city itself, the state, the country where you are lucky enough to study.

To enter the University of America, there are several ways for foreign applicants:

  • To study in the final grades of the American school
  • Enroll in preparatory courses (International Foundation - for bachelors, Pre-Masters - for masters)
  • Take adaptive programs that allow you to enter the 2nd year of the university (Pathway, University Transfer Programme, International Year One from OnCampus)
  • Get a secondary vocational education (associate's degree) at a US community college, and then continue your studies at a university
  • Brilliantly study for 2-3 years at a university and transfer to a US university with the loss of the course
  • Get a bachelor's degree abroad and enroll in a master's or postgraduate program in the United States.

The cost of studying at a community college is much less than in higher education institutions, and the conditions for admission are milder. This is a great way out for those whose grades in the certificate are not the highest.

The United States of America is known for the high salaries not only of experienced workers, but also of young professionals. But the beginning of a career in the United States as a certified specialist is worth the effort and monetary investment. What to do? In American universities, there are many scholarships for the best students, as well as for those who find themselves in a difficult situation and cannot pay for further education. If funds are limited, it is worth studying the sections of university websites that talk about scholarships and grants.

TOP-20 US universities for education in 2022 for foreign students

In the United States, foreign students are attracted by prestigious specialties, scholarship programs, the opportunity to engage in science under the guidance of well-known scientists, internships in elite American corporations. Experts estimate that the vast majority of other foreign students study in the states:

  • California
  • New York
  • Massachusetts
  • Illinois
  • Texas.

The best universities in the USA for foreign students in California:

Silicon Valley is located in this state, so future students come here to gain knowledge about information technology.

Stanford University (Stanford University) is one of the best universities in the world, in recent years it occupies the first lines of American and world university rankings. The strongest areas are public administration, social sciences. Bachelor's degrees can be obtained in more than 70 specialties.

The famous California Technological(Caltech) attracts future specialists in the field of space, astrophysics, mathematics. There are the strongest programs in the field of chemistry, biology, as well as the humanities department.

The University of California, Berkeley (The University of California, Berkeley) is the leader of the world rankings of public universities. The strongest areas are natural sciences, information technology, and economics.

The best universities in the USA for international students in the state of New York:

Cornell University is one of the most innovative universities in the world, a strong scientific school. Students undergo several internships, acquiring practical skills. The strongest areas: Asian culture and languages, medical specialties, journalism.

Columbia University is also an elite educational institution with a worldwide reputation. The strongest areas: international relations, business, law.

New York University (New York University) is a prestigious university that enjoys world recognition. The strongest direction is art, but it is also one of the most popular: in 2020, less than 10% of applicants entered there.

The best universities in the USA for foreign students in Massachusetts:

Massachusetts Technology(MIT) is a longtime rival to California Tech, an elite forge of engineering personnel. The strongest areas: artificial intelligence, aeronautics, robotics, political sciences.

Harvard University is one of the most famous universities in the world. The strongest areas: legal sciences, economics, business.

Boston University offers a large number of specialties. The most popular are psychology, pharmacology, mass communications, mathematics.

The best universities in the USA for foreign students in Illinois:

TheUniversity of Chicago is a university with the highest scientific potential. Main directions: medicine, chemistry, sociology.

Northwestern University, a flagship in engineering and medical technology, is known for brain research.

The best universities in the USA for international students in Texas:

TheUniversity of Texas at Austin is a large university with a large number of research centers, museums, libraries. The strongest areas: energy, software, transport.

Rice University is a well-known American university, the main areas of research are: medical technology, nanotechnology, space, chemistry.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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