2020-08-21 12:18:23

The new reality of the tourism industry: the pros of closed borders and the cons of international tourism

The new reality of the tourism industry: the pros of closed borders and the cons of international tourism

Today the reality of the tourist world is such that holidays abroad are not available for tourists. Some travelers have revised their vacation plans and are eyeing the resorts of their countries, while others, on the contrary, are following the latest news and are waiting for the resumption of international tourism. Tourism industry experts are confident that even in such difficult conditions, you can find advantages

Advantages of banning travel abroad

  • The fair sex is worried about how they will look on the beach and strive to bring the figure in perfect shape, losing weight for the summer season. With the lack of the opportunity to go to an international resort, the need for exhausting diets has disappeared.
  • Often travelers, while on vacation in warm regions, get severe sunburn, and some are allergic to the sun. Banning travel abroad will allow tourists to protect their skin
  • Hotels hosting international guests in modern international resorts offer a breakfast buffet that starts in the morning - travelers have to get up very early to catch their morning meal. However, due to the current circumstances, vacationers will be able to enjoy a good sleep on vacation.
  • Banning travel abroad will allow people to save time and nerves in the absence of queues at the airport and problems with luggage. People will not have to spend extra money on souvenirs, resort fees and costs associated with parking and car rental.

Disadvantages of international tourism due to the pandemic

  • It should be noted that the infection was imported from abroad and, despite the improvement in the epidemiological situation, the risk of infection with coronavirus remains
  • Under the current conditions, organizing a trip abroad is problematic: air traffic is severely limited, and foreign consulates are closed, which makes it impossible to obtain visas
  • If a tourist managed to get abroad by some transit method, then he will have to go through a mandatory two-week quarantine
  • In modern conditions of uncertainty, a person who finds himself in another country will be unprotected.

The advantages of prohibiting travel abroad can be considered conditional: after all, most tourists enjoy the trip itself and the impressions it will give, and do not pay attention to various little things. In the meantime, the issue of resuming international tourism in full is being resolved, travelers can have a great time at local resorts.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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