2018-07-30 11:57:10

Summer holidays in Canada, summer holidays in Canada for children and schoolchildren

Summer holidays in Canada, summer holidays in Canada for children and schoolchildren

In order to make the children's holiday unforgettable, Canada has all the conditions: there are wonderful opportunities for a full rest in the country with good ecology, affordable prices and safe conditions. The most positive feedback is left by parents and children about vacations in language camps and schools: children can spend an unforgettable summer, make new friends from different countries and improve their language skills (as well as personal qualities), become more independent and self-confident .

Advantages of children's recreation in the camps of Canada

  • Canadian schools and summer camps open special programs that take into account age, language proficiency and personal qualities. For children, the most favorable conditions for development and interesting, meaningful recreation are created.
  • Much attention is paid to the development of sports skills - the unique nature of Canada will allow you to get acquainted with a variety of sports: rafting, windsurfing, kayaking. In the camps there is a modern sports equipment, here children participate in various team sports - rugby, basketball, football, tennis and much more.
  • Language schools and camps have the task of acquainting students with the characteristics of the academic environment of Canada. You can find special preparatory courses, which will be an excellent option to prepare and become interested in studying abroad, to bring up knowledge of the basic subjects before the entrance examinations.
  • Most schools are in stunning locations where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Canadian nature and spend a lot of time in the fresh air.
  • The camps in Canada are taught in French or English . Depending on the age of the children, different linguistic programs are waiting, and for very young schoolchildren, special courses have been developed, in which the game form of instruction prevails. For older students, prepared programs are more intense, but not less interesting and exciting. All students are waiting for interactive and interesting assignments, which are fundamentally different from the educational program of the school.

Accommodation options in Canada during the holiday period

All tourists from abroad are waiting for comfortable living conditions, as a rule, on the territory of residences (accommodation is most often in a room for one or two people). The rooms have everything you need, and in the camps and language schools it's easy to find laundries, lounges and Internet cafes. A three-times-a-day meal system with a wide choice of dishes from Canadian and international cuisine is designed for children.

Features of training in summer camps in Canada

For the period of holidays for foreigners special programs are being developed that allow to spend the summer with the maximum benefit. As a rule, programs are harmoniously combined courses. Principal areas for children's leisure are:

  • a training part aimed at developing new academic knowledge of skills that will prove useful in school and will help to adapt to students who plan to study abroad
  • linguistic part - all being in the camp is subordinated to the goal of removing the language barrier in order to bring students to a higher level of language proficiency, to supplement the lexicon, to perfect pronunciation and grammar
  • cultural component - the organizers of the camps are trying to include the best attractions of Canada in the children's holiday program, to reflect the entire originality and beauty of this country
  • the leisure program: a vacation in Canada is first of all fun and rest! Every day there are parties, competitions, competitions and hikes that will not let you get bored.

In order for the guys to get rid of the language barrier as quickly as possible, the groups are formed taking into account the age and level of language proficiency. Being side by side with guys from other countries, children quickly start to be friends and communicate in English. English classes are held in the morning five times a week. It is important to note that children with good language knowledge will definitely feel comfortable, but for children with zero language knowledge, the camp will be just as great a place to develop their knowledge. Separately it is worth mentioning the teaching staff of language schools and camps: there are highly qualified professionals from prestigious educational institutions in Canada who adhere to the principles of individual education.

Leading Summer Schools in Canada: Programs and Values

Examples of institutions

Features of the programs

Age of pupils

average cost

Private Boarding School Columbia International College of Canada

  • Canada Platinum includes 15 lessons per week, accents are placed on conversational skills and listening + sports and creativity
  • Canada Gold - learning French and English
  • Canada Silver - for children with zero language knowledge
  • Canada Bronze - the classic combined course "English language + excursions"


From 4250 $ CAD

(3 weeks)

St Giles Junior summer Toronto , St. Andrew's College

The academic course consists of 15 lessons per week + a rich entertainment and excursion program was developed. Separate attention deserves a great location in the park area near the metropolis of Toronto, which opens up wide prospects for acquaintance with the city


From 1800 $ CAD

(7 days)

Camp on the basis of the top university Village Camps Trinity University

For foreigners, accommodation is offered in the residences of the university - this is a great opportunity to begin to get acquainted with student life in Canada. Intensive course consists of 20 training sessions per week + children spend a lot of time on trips around Toronto and its environs


From 3550 $ CAD (for two weeks)

Stanstead College

In the leading school of Quebec it is offered to take courses in Spanish or French. Maximum immersion is guaranteed at the expense of 20-25 hours a week, dedicated to learning a foreign language. From July 1 to July 28 a summer camp is held, in which the instruction is conducted in an unobtrusive manner: children go to rest by the fire in the forests, on the beach, visit national parks and much more


Starting at $ 4650 CAD

(4 weeks)

Elite Camp at the Royal Elite International Academy

The elite international private school offers courses ESL (English as a Second Language). At the end of the course, students are given a certificate and a score sheet. The camp accepts new students every Monday of the summer. This place is perfect for children who are thinking about further education in Canada: there is a specialist on the school's territory who advises those wishing to enter the universities of the USA and Canada.


From 2000 $ CAD

(4 weeks)

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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