2019-08-14 16:31:44

Year of study in Paris: information for foreign students

Year of study in Paris: information for foreign students

What can give a year of study in Paris? In a relatively short period of time, students of school age and older will be able to get acquainted with the unique culture of France, take their French or English to a new level and get acquainted with the foreign system of education, which is significantly different from the domestic one. The cost of studying in schools and universities in Paris for foreign students is formed from several factors, but in general, educational programs for students are an affordable option. The leader in Europe in terms of prices is the UK, in which studies are considered the most expensive enterprise, and as for Paris, the prices here vary depending on the chosen program and additional bonuses.

The teaching methods in French schools and universities are characterized by greater freedom. No one is forced to study here, however, the responsibility in a successful (or not-so-very situation) lies entirely on the shoulders of students. Another important advantage of studying in French educational institutions is a prestigious international diploma. Here you can get an education in the most popular specialties, get a theoretical base and valuable practical skills.

Year of study in Paris for foreign students: bachelor and master

In Paris, there are many interesting areas for students, among which are medical specialties, design and fashion, business, management and tourism. Higher education in Paris can be obtained at elite schools and universities, higher schools are considered more prestigious. A distinctive feature of higher education institutions in France can be considered the lack of multidisciplinary institutions - each school specializes in a specific professional field. Practical specialties are very popular in France, as they are more resistant to various crises. Legendary institutions with a long tradition are the culinary school Le Cordon Bleu and the institute of fashion in the institute Instituto Marangoni Paris.

In the capital of fashion, you can find programs in several languages at once - French, English and Italian. Students study at bachelor's programs for 3 years, an annual internship is possible. The cost depends on many nuances, such as features of the program, intensity, the availability of additional classes, sports sections. An important place in the world ranking and the location of the university. The average price range for education is 10,000 - 20,000 .

Students of French universities are waiting for interesting lectures in the form of discussions in which everyone takes a direct part and expresses their opinion, modern technical equipment. For students, optimal conditions are created for the development of creative potential.

Tuition at a school in Paris for international students

Compared with other popular areas in the field of secondary education abroad - Switzerland, the UK, America - prices for foreign students in France are quite acceptable. The main thing to consider: the type of school and its place in the ranking strongly influence the cost. Studying in the state will be much cheaper, but despite the fact that studying in private boarding schools in Paris is an expensive pleasure, many foreign students prefer them. Graduates of French boarding schools leave positive feedback about the experience of studying in a private institution, noting the professional teaching staff and good conditions (small groups, well-equipped classes, safe and comfortable accommodation). The cost in a private boarding school in Paris varies in the following price range: from 5,000 per semester.

For students, it is better to start acquaintance with Paris on short-term programs - summer language schools in Paris are ideal for these purposes, the cost of which starts from 1,000 per week. In them, students are waiting for combined programs that combine study, entertainment, cultural component and sports.

Year of study English / German in Paris for foreign students

There are hundreds of linguistic and academic programs for students of any age, there is a course for everyone. The language schools of Paris create favorable conditions so that foreign students can get maximum pleasure and knowledge in the lessons.

For adults, excellent narrow-focus courses have been developed: corporate French courses, management courses, preparatory courses for passing the international language tests DALF, DELF, as well as Foundation's pre-university education. In specialized institutes you can find original courses that you will not find in any other country - for example, Spanish / French / Portuguese / English for fashion. The cost of such programs starts at 500 per week.

Studying after classes 9,10,11 in Paris: opportunities and prices

Students from abroad can follow the example of French students and enter the lyceum at the final stage of secondary education. For admission, you need to determine your future specialty and choose one of the proposed areas in the Lyceum, which are of several types: professional, technological and general education. Education here will last 2 or 3 years, at the end of which the lyceum student will receive a diploma National du Brevet certificate (indicating the field of study: literature, economics or natural sciences). The amount for tuition depends on the type of school (private, state or international) and will be approximately 6,000 - 12,000 .

Examples of one-year programs for foreign students in Paris

  • The Ecole des Roches language camp has developed the summer French + Horse / Tennis courses. The price includes accommodation on campus, meals like a boarding house, classes 5 times a week, etc. The price for three weeks is 3220 .
  • At the private boarding school Ecole de Tersac, students of 16 years old can enter the French Baccalaureate pre-university program, after which students confidently go to top universities (from 24,000 per year).
  • At the ESSEC Business School, bachelor's courses will cost about 10,000 per year, and a master's program costs from 2,000 €.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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