2018-07-30 11:57:12

Education in London for foreign students

Education in London for foreign students

London is not just the capital of Great Britain, but also the lively political, economic, cultural and educational center of the country. Education in the best English schools and universities is a big step towards a successful future. Parents who make major investments in the education of their children will certainly see the results: while studying at the best educational institutions in Great Britain, students receive not only academic and linguistic skills, but also life experience, become independent, get acquainted with foreign students, communicate with the best teachers in world.

English education is a guarantee of quality and compliance with high world standards, and daily communication in English will allow you to master it perfectly. Regardless of the length of the course, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultural environment of London, to study its history, to visit sights, to communicate with local residents.

London has the largest number of educational institutions in England:

  • language schools
  • private schools
  • international colleges
  • universities
  • summer camps.

General education system in London for students under 18 years old

Stages of education:

  • kindergarten, or preparatory classes (Pre-Prep Department) - 4-7 years
  • primary School (Prep School) - 8-12 years
  • middle classes (Senior School) - 13-15 years
  • senior, graduating classes (Sixth Form) - 16-18 years.

After graduating from the school in accordance with the British system of education, graduates receive a GCSE (The General Certificate of Secondary Education) diploma, after which most graduates continue to study under the A-Level program.

Approximate cost of school education at different stages:

  • primary classes - from 3,570 £ / term
  • middle classes - from 5,250 £ / term
  • senior classes - from 6,100 £ / trimester.

The curriculum of the primary school includes a large number of compulsory subjects: in the middle and high school students a large selection of profile subjects is provided so that they have the opportunity to go deeper into the study of interesting directions and prepare for entering the first year of the university.

Schools in London are divided into 2 types:

  • public;
  • private.

Foreign students often choose private schools for admission, which are of the same or a separate type of education - for boys and girls.

By the form of visiting and living:

  • boarding schools;
  • half-board;
  • day school.

Preparing for University London

A number of universities accept 2 types of certificates for admission:

  • A-Level (16-18 years) - a two-year in-depth course of the British education system includes the study of core subjects to choose from, and the confirming certificate of the end of the program is accepted by a large number of foreign universities.
  • International Baccalaureate (16-18 years) - the international standard of the pre-university program: the IB certificate is equally highly regarded around the world and is considered one of the best programs of the senior classes.

Students for admission to top universities and applicants who have never studied at a foreign school need to complete a pre-university course at a minimum:

  • International Foundation - from 4,000 £ / trimester. The program is designed for foreign students who do not have the experience of education in an international school, but who want to continue their education under the bachelor's program. Course duration - 1 year.
  • University Pathway Program - from 14,995 £ / year. The preparatory program, the successful completion of which guarantees entry to the university for 1 course of bachelor's degree.
  • Preparation for the Master's program - from 10,000 £ / year. The program is focused on enrolling in the magistracy, postgraduate study (duration - 6-12 months). The course provides an opportunity to improve academic English, actualize existing and acquire new knowledge in the relevant subject area.

Getting higher education in London for foreign students

Most universities in London occupy top places in the rankings of educational institutions. Types of courses:

  • baccalaureate;
  • magistracy;
  • doctoral studies.

The average duration of a bachelor's degree is 4 years, but in terms of architecture, medicine, and dentistry, this period can be increased to 7 years. The master's program is designed for 1-2 years, doctoral studies - for 2-3 years.

A sample list of top universities and colleges in London:

  • Brunel university
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • London School of Business and Finance
  • Institute of Education University of London
  • Imperial College London.

Inquired directions:

  • engineering;
  • business, law;
  • natural Sciences;
  • medicine;
  • management.

Summer vacation in London for children

During the holidays, foreign students can spend time in London, combining study and rest - a wide variety of programs allows you to find a camp in accordance with the interests of the child. Types of programs for students:

  • football academy;
  • tennis camp;
  • horseback riding;
  • camp with golf;
  • rugby camp;
  • family summer courses;
  • course in medicine;
  • programming, IT;
  • course in law;
  • school of leadership;
  • year course in the study of architecture.

Participants of children's camps are under the supervision of educators around the clock: the best teachers are engaged with them, and free time from study is intended for travel, recreational activities, team games, creativity, communication with peers.

Linguistic programs in London for students of all ages

Learning English in London is a complete immersion in the language environment and daily practice of your skills, and learning on the linguistic courses in England is prestigious and popular. The curriculum of language programs includes:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • listening;
  • vocabulary (increase of vocabulary);
  • written speech;
  • speaking (spoken English);
  • phonetics (correct pronunciation, accent correction);
  • improvement of communicative abilities.

The main directions of linguistic programs for children and adults:

Examples of educational institutions in London

  • Harrow Summer School - a language school of joint education for students from 10 to 17 years specializes in English language courses + has a large list of additional programs: tennis, golf, rugby, football, dancing, piano lessons. The cost of studying on the course is from 1,250 £ / week.
  • London School of Economics and Political Science is the London School of Economics and Political Science, which is included in the TOP-3 universities in Britain, where students receive bachelor's and master's degrees. For foreign students, applied specialties in finance, economics, social policy are offered. Lectures on political science and government management of students are read by leaders of many countries, outstanding personalities were present at the university: Bill Clinton, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Dmitry Medvedev, Nelson Mandela and others. The price of education is from 4,850 £ / term.
  • Brunel University is a young university in the UK, but there are already 10 research institutes and 8 faculties. The achievements of scientists of the university in the field of sports medicine, oncology, ecology, electronic music, material processing (in the industrial sector) are of international importance. Bachelor and Master's programs are available for graduate or postgraduate education, and to prepare for university entrance, foreign students enter pre-university programs: International Year One and the International Foundation. The cost of education is from 12,250 £ / year
  • Harrodian School is an independent private boarding school where students can live in comfortable residences, and in their free time to spend time outdoors, doing sports or creative activities. Numerous sports fields and recreational areas are available on campus. At school, you can get a full secondary education: students from the age of 4 are admitted to primary school, GCSE and A-Level programs are available. The cost of education is from 4,302 £ / term
  • Global London College (GLC) is a center of higher and professional education with a chamber, friendly, friendly atmosphere. For foreign students courses are available: preparation for IELTS, business English, English for lawyers, bankers, for the fashion industry, English with a study of national culture. The cost of participation in the program is from 631 £ / week.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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