2018-07-30 11:56:48

How to get education in Switzerland

How to get education in Switzerland

Any education in this country e, of course, has a high reputation throughout the world. Absolutely everything that is connected with Switzerland is of an expensive and qualitative nature. Along with the state (or cantonal) education, which is directed primarily at local residents, there isboarding schools , aimed at foreign students. In comparison with private schools in other European countries, a higher percentage of visiting students is in Swiss educational institutions.


How to get education in Swiss schools

The compulsory level of education in schools in Switzerland starts from 6 to 11 years in primary school and lasts from 12 to 15 years in secondary school. It is worth noting that the school program differs depending on the canton, so somewhere in the program of primary school lasts up to the fourth, and somewhere to the fifth or sixth grade. And before passing the child to primary school, parents usually give it to preparatory preschool classes, where children are taught from the age of 4.

Also in Switzerland, pupils and their parents can choose a school based on the country in which the training will continue. It can be a German programAbitur , French Baccalaureat , the Italian Scuola Secondaria Superiore, the British General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE and A-level 999.15] High School , as well as a universal pre-university programInternational Baccalaureate (IB) . Of course, each type of schools has its own special atmosphere.

What are they taught in Swiss schools?

The best teachers from all over Europe work in private schools in Switzerland, hence the very high level of pupil preparation.

  • The curriculum. In Switzerland, the methods of education are based primarily on the methods of such famous teachers as Johann Pestalozzi, Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, who believe that freedom is necessary to form a person. This does not mean that there is no serious approach to academic training. On the contrary, the training takes place in a psychologically comfortable environment, allowing the pupil to maximize his abilities.
  • Foreign languages. The schools of Switzerland provide an opportunity to study in any of the main European languages and combine the best features of the Anglo-American, German, French and Italian schools.
  • Establishment of promising acquaintances. Communication with students from different countries can be children of politicians, diplomats, businessmen. Such communication gives a unique experience and helps to build perspective communications. To this end, in some schools, special emphasis is placed on training manners, the art of acting in diplomatic circles, and conducting a conversation - in general, becoming a worthy representative of a high society.
  • Physical development. As befits the higher education institutions, special attention is paid to sports. The rich equipment and good geographical location gives the pupils the opportunity to practice such sports as downhill skiing, snowboarding, hockey, and in the warm season horse riding, mountaineering or yachting.
  • Tolerance and Tolerance. It has long been the case that people who spoke 4 different languages lived in the neighborhood of Switzerland for many years in the neighborhood. Therefore, this country is considered the center of world diplomacy and transfers these values to pupils of their schools.
  • Creative approach. One of the fundamental principles of Swiss schools, which begins to be introduced already at the stage of preschool education is the development of the child's personality, the study of the surrounding world through a creative approach. For this, children have the opportunity to additionally engage in scientific laboratories or go to chess classes, get involved in music, singing or dramatic art.

How many years of studying in Switzerland?

The acquisition of secondary education here takes 12-13 years, that is, at the age of 18-19, students are already moving to higher education or Can receive professional training and get a job.

Tuition fees

Boarding schools in Switzerland cost around 55-65 thousand dollars a year. This amount includes meals, sports, excursions and various trips, as well as laundry and insurance. Of course, the cost may vary slightly depending on the institution.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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