2021-11-11 23:10:29

TOP-5 reasons to study in the USA for foreign students

TOP-5 reasons to study in the USA for foreign students

Studying in the United States is considered prestigious, but most often we are stopped by the fear that it is expensive, difficult and incomprehensible. As a result, we do not even try - and in vain! Here are five reasons to apply for admission to an American university.

It is not difficult to do

Now there are detailed online courses that help you easily and without unnecessary stress to prepare for admission to an American university. The course will explain how to choose a suitable university, how to get a grant for studying and what documents are needed. If necessary, consultations with a specialist are available to help solve complex issues.

Learning is also not difficult

Another frequent fear is the differences in the education systems. As experience shows, this is not a problem: in American universities, a system of curatorship is widespread, within which each student can turn to a mentor with any question. Curators make the process of getting used to new conditions as painless as possible and help to navigate in the choice of courses, the features of the educational program, planning a balanced curriculum. Reviews of foreign students about this system are extremely positive: they note that curators are almost always in touch, help to make schedules, give recommendations for homework, introduce American culture and even remind of deadlines.

Safe in the U.S.A.

Often we hear on TV that something is constantly happening in the United States: murders, hurricanes and other disasters. To find out the real picture, it is useful to go to a meeting with those who are studying or have already studied in the United States. There, students of American universities talk about the fact that universities have a well-established rapid response system and at the slightest threat it is enough to press the "alarm button" so that the police quickly arrive. Also, all campuses have contacts of services that you can contact if you have any problems.

The pandemic doesn't get in the way

In the United States, measures to prevent COVID-19 are widely used, and a vaccination campaign is in high swing. Students have the opportunity to study online, and in the case of a face-to-face visit, the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological centers are taken seriously. If you have a few more years to go, then most likely by this point most of the restrictions will have already been lifted.

You can get a grant

The United States has a huge number of foreign students, not least due to the fact that the country is actively investing in education for foreign students. With high grades and a confident level of English proficiency, it is not difficult to get a scholarship that will partially or completely cover the cost of studying at the university.

It should be remembered about the existence of community colleges, education in which is much cheaper and allows you to save half the cost of studying at the university, if you choose a program 2 + 2 (two years of college and two years of university). By the way, Steve Jobs, Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood and Walt Disney received a diploma from a public college at one time - in general, you can not worry about the quality of education.

If you have already decided that you want to try to enter an American university, then it is useful to read the tips compiled by experts:

Tip One

Sometimes children are so tired of school that they do not feel the desire to learn further. In this case, it is useful to give them a year of rest, which is a common practice in the West - so they will rest and better consider their future plans. The gapyearcan also be used for work or preparatory courses, which helps to better prepare and properly build priorities.

Tip Two

It also happens that it is difficult for a child to decide on the choice of a further place of study. In this case, career guidance specialists advise asking the child to imagine his future in 10 years and think about how to achieve the desired. In the absence of a certain image, it is worth giving the child time to think and try himself in different qualities during the free year.

Tip Three

To minimize the stress that is inevitable in preparation for such an important event, you need to start preparing in advance and carefully study the information about the country and the American education system as a whole. An important point is the thoughtful planning of actions during the preparation for admission, which will avoid many troubles. We advise you to start studying two years before admission.

Tip Four

Another resource that can provide significant assistance in preparation is online courses. They offer high-quality preparation for exams, help with questions of application and choice of university, provide personal consultations with specialists - the details will depend on your preferences and the capabilities of the service.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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