
Study in St. Gallen 2024

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10 18 36 72
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10 18 36 72

Education information

Arnold I. Szepesi
Global Direct Sales Manager in EHL Hospitality Business School

Regarding boarding school rankings, what criteria are used, and can we really trust them nowadays?

Honestly, I'm not the biggest advocate for educational rankings. While they have their uses, I believe they often lead to more confusion and errors than benefits. These rankings typically focus on final grades, putting pressure on teachers to ensure high average scores and, in turn, stressing students out before exams. I'm not against exams per se, but I do advocate for a more rounded, project-based approach with ongoing assessment. After all, some students might struggle with exams but excel in practical, real-world applications of their knowledge.

Most rankings feel quite subjective. Ideally, they should consider factors like student satisfaction, post-secondary education opportunities, semester performance, faculty characteristics, and much more. But remember, this is just my take.


General statistics on education in St. Gallen

General information about Sankt Gallen

Country Switzerland
Region Saint Gallen SG
Region 2 Wahlkreis St. Gallen 1721
Region 3 St. Gallen 3203
Population 70,572
Time Zone Europe/Zurich

Coordinates of Sankt Gallen

Time Zone Europe/Zurich
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 47.423910000
Longitude 9.374770000
Elevation (STRM3) 684 m.

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Mrs Patricia Woodhouse
Ex-director of Surval School Montreux

Patricia Woodhouse worked as the Principal at Surval Montreux until 2021. She is a London University graduate and has more than 35 years of experience in secondary education. She worked in 9 schools - 7 boarding schools and 2 daytime. She worked with students 4-18 years old: the music director, the head of the residence and the head of the boarding school, the deputy head, the head and the director. She believes that safety is one of the most important criteria when choosing a school.

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