
Study in Seoul 2024

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Education information

South Korea's education system is undergoing rapid development. If since the middle of the XX century there has been an increase in the number of preschool, school and higher educational institutions in the country, then the XXI century was marked by the active entry of South Korean universities into the international arena. At the same time, the share of foreign students in the country is growing from year to year.

Seoul is the capital of South Korea, an ancient city, a huge metropolis where beautiful old buildings in traditional Korean style are adjacent to tall skyscrapers. The "city of paradoxes" is what Seoul is called for its architectural contradictions, diversity of traditions and cultures. It is one of the economic, tourist, cultural and scientific centres of Asia.

Reasons for studying in Seoul

  • Seoul is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. University campuses are located in blooming gardens, and students study in ancient buildings-monuments.

  • The Korean education system is one of the most progressive in the world. Local schoolchildren have abandoned traditional textbooks: an electronic form of education has been introduced here. Most of the books in university libraries are digitized. Free Internet access is available everywhere, even in transport and metro.

  • There are many beautiful parks, palace complexes, imperial palaces in Seoul: studying can be combined with pleasant excursions. The suburbs of Seoul are especially popular among tourists — small cities where ancient monuments and theme parks are located.

  • The city has developed gastronomic tourism: there are hundreds of cafes and restaurants with delicious and inexpensive food.

  • The cost of tuition, accommodation and meals in Seoul is much lower than in the cities of Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand. At the same time, Korean education is appreciated all over the world. In recent years, education in Seoul has become popular: the development of advanced technologies attracts more and more foreign students to this country.

  • Seoul has a high level of security.

Education in Seoul – core features

School education in South Korea includes 3 stages. The first two – primary and secondary schools are mandatory to attend. At all school levels, the duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. The academic year is divided into semesters. The first one starts in March and lasts until mid-July. The second semester is from the end of August to the tenth of February. The academic load varies from a few lessons in elementary to 11 in high school.

Secondary education in Seoul is accompanied by heavy academic loads: students attend additional private classes, do independent work, spending a total of 16 hours a day studying. This helps students achieve high results. Such trends are explained by the fact that students from childhood tend to enrol in the top universities of the country in the hope of securing a bright future with a prestigious job and high earnings. Secondary education is implemented both in state and private educational institutions. In Seoul, both types receive funding from the state, although its volume in private schools is less than in public ones.

Higher education in South Korea is built in the image of the American model, colleges and universities belong to higher education institutions. About four dozen major universities are located in Seoul.

Education in Seoul for foreign students – organization of studying

The secondary schools in Seoul are designed for children from 12 to 15 years old. The program lasts for 3 years. Studying, as a rule, is also organized in one classroom, but different subjects are taught by different teachers. In secondary school, more attention is paid to discipline than in primary school. Schoolchildren are required to wear uniforms, certain hairstyles.

The following disciplines are studying in the schools in Seoul:

  • Mathematics
  • Korean and English
  • Exact sciences.

Additionally, the students study art, history, Chinese hieroglyphics, ethics, running a home economy. Also they attend physical culture classes.

In the last year it is important to get good grades and prepare for the entrance exams to higher education. To do this, many students have to take tutors or attend additional courses. After graduating from middle school, most students enter high school.

High schools have a specialization: there are scientific, language and art schools in the country. The studying program is very intensive and can include up to 11 subjects from the chosen field. After school, students are engaged in self-preparation. The high school is fully focused on passing the final exam, which good results allow to enter prestigious universities.

Universities in Seoul – specifics of studying

The studying takes place according to the Bologna system. The bachelor's degree includes 4 years of study, with the exception of medical programs and architecture. According to them, the program can last up to 6 years.

Many universities in the country offer "general" enrolment, when in the first year of study a student receives general knowledge in basic subjects, and goes to specialization only in the 2-3 course.

The Master's degree program is designed for 2 years. It includes the study of a number of disciplines (in the amount of 24 credits) and the conduct of master's research. To obtain a degree, it is also required to pass the final exam, the English language exam and defend a master's thesis. Master's and doctoral degree programs are taught at graduate schools.

Doctoral studies in South Korea can be both independent and integrated. In the first case, the studying takes place within 3-4 years. It is mandatory to master a studying course in the amount of 30-36 credits, pass a comprehensive exam and a foreign language exam, as well as defend a doctoral degree.

One of the most famous educational institutions in the country is Seoul National University, which is famous for achievements in medicine, robotics, information and communication technologies. Korea University is considered one of the most reputable and prestigious research universities in the country. Sungkyunkwan University is the oldest university in the country, established in the XIV century. It is famous for achievements in chemistry, biology, medicine. Seoul is also home to the largest women's university in the world — Ewha Womans University. Among the graduates of the university are politicians, managers, musicians and even a football referee.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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