
85 best French schools in Paris

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Education information

Learning French in Paris is an opportunity to master the language spoken in more than 60 countries of the world, get acquainted with the rich French culture, visit romantic Paris or enjoy the famous Cote d'Azur.

French language courses in Paris are especially popular among the foreign students. French occupies an honourable 3rd place in terms of study, second only to English and German. Initially, being the language of aristocracy and science, and in the first half of the XX century the international language of diplomacy, it still does not give up its positions. This is the "working" language of such organizations as the UN, UNESCO, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the Olympic Committee, etc. French is the native language of almost 120 million people, it is spoken in more than 60 countries around the world, in 29 it is the state language. But, of course, it is best to learn this language not in its homeland – in France.

Deciding on the studying in the best French school in Paris, the foreign student solves the problem of overcoming language barrier, as he starts its practicing in real life situations on everyday basis. The foreign students simply adopt a living spoken language from native speakers in its natural environment. Another advantage of studying in Paris is that the programs of language schools in France are developed taking into account the peculiarities of the students' native language. This facilitates the process of teaching and mastering French, the phonetics and spelling of which cause difficulties for many foreign students. One more undoubted advantage of French language courses in Paris: you will be provided with an unforgettable vacation, trips, excursions, communication, introducing this charming country, its cities and provinces, historical monuments, traditions and culture.

Study French in Paris – specifics of studying

The French language schools in Paris are well-equipped classrooms, a strong teaching staff specializing specifically in teaching the language for foreign students, advanced techniques and excellent living conditions. Students are placed either on the school's campus or in host families – in this case, you are provided with a permanent practice of French!

Courses in French schools in Paris vary depending on the intensity of studying, the initial preparation level of students, the age of students, program duration and specialization. Groups are usually not numerous, and are made up of representatives from different countries, which significantly enrich communication. Below the classification of language courses is provided:

  • As a rule, the main language course is from 15 to 20 lessons per week and lasts from two weeks.
  • Intensive language courses also last for two weeks, but students are expected to take from 20 to 30 lessons per week, or from 34 to 38 lessons at super-intensive.
  • The long-term course in some language schools in Paris is 12 weeks, in others up to 41 weeks of 15-26 lessons per week. The foreign students will be offered in-depth language study plus academic education, as well as teacher consultations necessary for admission to secondary or higher educational institutions in France, or to prepare for the DELF/DALF language exams.

The best French school in Paris in the summer for foreign students

A large number of "vacationers" come to study French in Paris in the summer. As a rule, they are interested not only in academic knowledge, but also in an entertainment program. And French schools have something to offer them! The French, with their characteristic taste for life, are able to create something special even from language lessons.

So, for lovers of physical activity, courses "French/English + sports" are offered. It can be aristocratic golf, traditional tennis or fashionable surfing. Some language schools offer an even more refined two—week program - "French and French cuisine". There is a general English course (morning grammar and vocabulary classes), supplemented in the afternoon with an introduction to the lifestyle "a la Francaise". You will be taught to understand the subtleties of traditional French dishes and varieties of cheeses and wines, you will get acquainted with the life stories of your favorite actors, chansonniers and masters of high fashion, you will see the masterpieces of French cinema.

For lovers of French painting, the schools have developed another two-week program "French and Art", in which, in addition to the French language course, excursions, art practice, photo classes, acquaintance with the cultural heritage of this wonderful country are organized. In a word, study and travel not only with benefit, but also with pleasure!

Language schools in Paris fees for foreign students

The price of French courses in Paris consists of the cost of the studying and accommodation itself. If we talk about the first, then, traditionally, a standard course will cost less than intensive or individual classes with a teacher. The cost of living is affected by the level of apartments, the type of food and the city itself. So, courses in Paris will cost almost twice as much as in a similar program in a less iconic city. For example, a week of study at a language school in Paris according to the standard program will cost about 1,500 euro, not counting flights and pocket expenses. In Nice or Montpellier, you will pay no more than 1,000 euro for the same program. It is recommended to take about 500 euro per week for other expenses – entertainment, travel, food.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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