
Top 2 French courses in Monaco

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Education information

We have combined a list of best institutions Monaco to learn French language and also their rankings for international children and teenagers, as well as foreign students and adults. For your convenience please read detailed descriptions of the schools and programs, specified prices and students testimonials. Our specialists will help you to choose the ideal course. FREE services provided when enrolling in partner institutions, the number of places is limited.

List of assistance options from SMAPSE:

  • Selection of institutions;

  • Advice on preparing a package of documents;

  • Detailed information about the requirements for filing and enrollment deadlines.

The population of Monaco is made up of representatives of two dozen nationalities. The indigenous inhabitants - Monegasques - are a little over 5%, and the French and Italians predominate. Learning French in Monaco is a popular international program that allows foreign students to combine study and leisure in one of the elite regions of Europe. 

Main advantages of studying in Monaco: 

  • Classes with a native speaker;

  • The opportunity to stay in a family or the best hotels in the principality;

  • A large list of entertainment and extracurricular programs, including options from visiting the Oceanographic Museum to prestigious casinos. 

All this includes academic programs for children and adults in the top language educational courses in Monaco.

French language courses for international students in Monaco

The list of schools for foreign students and adult students includes top linguistic educational institutions offering students two types of programs:

  • General French courses

The teaching methodology within the framework of the general French language course is aimed at students with any level of initial preparation. Small groups are formed taking into account the results of the entrance test. The educational program includes tasks on the formation of communication skills, the development of new vocabulary, the development of grammar and syntax. Students can choose individual instruction, completely built on the basis of the tasks of a particular student, the format of the “2 + 1” group, which assumes language courses for adults and foreign students in Monaco in a group of two people.

  • French and entertainment

Organization of the course “French and entertainment events” involves the combination of language classes and relaxation. For international students who want to improve their overall language proficiency, spoken French, overcome the language barrier, living in the family of an experienced teacher will be an excellent accommodation option. Students themselves determine the topics of classes - the teaching methodology and its intensity correspond to the needs of the student. The entertainment module includes:

  • Walks in the best parks and gardens of Monaco;

  • Sports;

  • Trips to museums and exhibitions;

  • Visits to iconic city festivals and sporting events;

  • Shopping.

Vacation programs with a language courses for foreign students in Monaco

French courses for adults, children and students in Monaco include vacation programs with language learning with different content and forms of studying:

  • French + entertainment

This is a standard vacation program that allows to combine study and leisure: in the morning, students attend academic classes, and in the second they go to museums, theaters, shops, casinos (21+).

  • French + culture

The linguistic program is focused on the study of general French, the development of communication skills. Particular attention is paid to visiting cultural and historical heritage sites.

  • French: Wednesday Dive

The teaching methodology without the traditional classroom lesson system: foreign students are immersed in the linguistic and cultural environment, increase the linguistic level in the process of natural communication and overcome emotional discomfort. Places of visit, cultural and natural routes are coordinated at the planning stage of the course, taking into account the preferences of students.

All three programs imply the possibility of individual or group education, the cost depends on the chosen intensity. Accommodation for foreign students during the holidays - in families, full or partial board. Living in the family of a leading teacher allows international students to practice the acquired language skills in everyday communication. Courses are open to students of any age: 

  • Preschool (3+);

  • School;

  • Students;

  • Adult students.

Additional education in Monaco for children, schoolchildren and students, learning languages ​​in Monaco

There are educational institutions in the country that offer programs of additional education, language learning and combined programs for recreation and study. Educational courses are offered both on the basis of private institutions and specialized language centers, a large number of languages ​​​​are available:

  • French;

  • English;

  • Italian;

  • Spanish;

  • Russian;

  • Chinese and others.

Combined programs include language classes, especially French, and leisure activities, for example: studying the culture and history of the country, entertainment and activities, summer holidays and activities, various sports and creativity. The teachers of the centers have an exceptional level of qualification and rich experience in working with foreign students, they build a comfortable working atmosphere in the classrooms. Courses in which the student studies and lives in the teacher's house are very popular, which provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the lifestyle and rules of conduct. Both in language centers and in classes with a teacher, a system of complete language immersion is practiced, which implies 100% use of the language being studied throughout the day: 

  • In the classroom;

  • In communication with teachers and classmates;

  • At different events;

  • During excursions.

Due to the high quality of the programs and the professionalism of the staff, foreign students significantly improve their level in a short time.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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