
Learn English language abroad

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Education information

Today, many foreign students dream about studying English in Europe. SMAPSE offers more than 100 of the best language schools, centers, camps and colleges in Europe where international students can get advanced English courses. Studying English in European countries becomes more and more popular year after year, English language courses are offered in almost all countries of the world. 

English language schools and colleges provide a wide range of programs and courses of different duration and cost: you can study English on any continent!

The question of where it is better to study English, is relevant for everyone who is going to get acquainted with the direction of educational tourism. SMAPSE experts recommend making a choice based on academic goals - your further educational plans should correspond to future studies. In addition, if you want to get Higher education in Europe , you can also choose courses in Australia, New Zealand, Britain. If studies or work are planned in the United States, the rational choice will be a language program in the American version, such courses are offered in the States, Mexico, or Canada.

English courses in Europe are the most effective and useful method to significantly improve language level in a short period of time. In addition, learning English is a prerequisite for those students who plan to receive secondary or higher education in Europe in the future. 

Today, English has the status of an international language: it is difficult to find a person who does not know at least a couple of words or expressions in it. This is not at all surprising, because most international negotiations of various levels are conducted in it: English is really universal and widespread. 

Studying in European countries is now available to almost anyone. Despite the fact that the cost of learning English in European schools and camps can range from several hundred to a thousand dollars in the most ranked educational institutions, almost everyone will be able to choose suitable English language courses for themselves. Learning English in Europe allows students to easily enrol in foreign educational institutions and to obtain secondary education in the UK or higher education in the USA. 

In the column on the left, select the educational program and type of institution you are interested in to clarify the parameters. You can see the cost of each of the presented educational institutions on the page: there are available options, but there are also elite, ranked educational institutions.

The best countries for studying English in Europe

Actually, studying English in European countries is a great opportunity to become fully immersed into the language environment. Besides, the question of price is often decisive for future students, as the cost of English courses in Europe varies from country to country - but suitable English programs can almost always be found.

The question of where in Europe it is better to study English is relevant for everyone who is going to get acquainted with the direction of educational tourism. The experts recommend choosing an English course based on academic goals. 

British programs are considered to be the most expensive. Practically, today it's possible to find available options even in London, in Oxford, etc. British English is available for foreign students throughout the Foggy Albion, each region is spoken in its own dialect. Proper pronunciation can be worked out in Edinburgh, an aristocratic variant can be mastered in London, and in Scotland the language is strongly accentuated.

Studying English in the USA and Canada  is an excellent option for independent students. These countries are often chosen by senior students, young professionals. Canadian and American centers occupy a leading position.

Adult students also choose to study English in Europe primarily because of tourism opportunities. English for adults in its American-Canadian version is not only lessons, but also an opportunity to relax on the Malibu beaches, to get acquainted with the business capital of the world by New York, to go on a surf in Florida, go on a safari to one of the reserves in the Rocky Mountains, or to get acquainted with the unique Canadian tundra. English in European countries can be interesting!

Similar English courses are also offered at 100 of the best language schools in:

  • Malta – Malta was a part of the British Empire, and still the citizens speak almost classical English here. The main advantage of English courses in Malta is the low cost of studying  compared to  learning English in Great Britain. Malta is one of the world's most famous centres of tourism and recreation. Here foreign students can combine business with pleasure: to significantly  improve language skills and to have a good rest on the seashore in their free time.

  • South Africa

  • Germany

  • Spain

  • Ireland – language schools offer high quality English courses, which are in no way inferior to the education received in the UK or the USA.

  • Great Britain - England is the birthplace of the English language. Over centuries the educational traditions have been formed, which nowadays are known in the world. The most gifted and ambitious students come to the UK to receive secondary and higher education. Studying English in England is a guarantee of a high quality of education.

  • Canada – the country was a part of the British Empire. Nowadays, Canada is a country of immigrants. For many years a unique multinational and friendly atmosphere has been developing here. Besides English, the French language has a status of state language. In addition to high-quality language education, foreign students will be able to get unforgettable impressions from trips outside the city here – Canada has beautiful nature and fresh mountain air.

  • Australia and New Zealand – this is another region for studying English in the best language schools and camps. Eternal summer and sunshine are always here, the Great Barrier Reef and the warm ocean reign are main sights of the region. The cost of language courses is lower compared to the USA and Great Britain. A unique characteristic of these countries is the opportunity to engage in active sports, such as diving, surfing and others.

  • USA -  the country with the second most common and popular English language variant in the world – American English. It is better to start preparation here for enrolment in institutions of secondary or higher education in the US.

Leisure programs in any of them will not disappoint the discerning traveler.

On average, the cost of studying during one week in European language school varies from 400 to 2,000 euro excluding air tickets and visa processing.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

What makes English so special for families from all over the world?

In 2023, statistics show there are about 1.5 billion people around the world who speak English both natively and as a second language. English is the global language for business, tourism, aviation, sciences, and media (to name a few).

It is most essential for families in that this will allow for the younger generations to have innumerable employment opportunities within and outside their birth country.


Types of English courses in TOP-100 language schools abroad

Today, students, who have chosen one of the TOP-100 language schools in Europe, confirm the effectiveness of the methods presented in schools and educational centers. Each student for a short study time has increased the level of English proficiency.

Specific results depend on academic goals, the student's ambitions and the specifics of the selected English language courses, as well as the selected language school in Europe.

Today, you can take a different approach to the process of studying English. Reviews of students of short and long-term language courses in European countries will help the beginner to assess the advantages and characteristics of both.

In each country, several types of English programs are offered:

  • summer language camps - they allow you to quickly learn or improve the language, In addition, they offer very attractive tuition fees. This variant of studying English is not only effective and profitable, but also very interesting - students are always offered an interesting and diverse extra-curricular program.

  • Academic immersion courses are suitable for those wishing to study in an English-speaking country. They are designed specifically for adult students and university entrants.

  • Standard and intensive English language courses allow foreign students to choose the intensity of their classes. Each student can learn the language at a comfortable individual pace.

Also in English-speaking countries, many other programs are offered. You can select the most suitable option with the help of a SMAPSE expert.

English courses in Europe allow foreign students to receive effective language education and useful skills, not only related directly to the language – after all, such educational trips also allow you to get a unique experience of living in European countries! 

The studying process and language practice do not end with the lessons, as the foreign students live in residences on the school territory or in host families. In both types of accommodation the international student is always surrounded by native speakers, regularly appealing to communication in English. As a result, the foreign student will practice skills acquired in the lessons in real life situations.

The vast majority of language schools and camps in Europe offer to foreign students a rich and varied leisure extracurricular program of events besides the educational language program. 

Everyday, after English lessons with the teacher, the foreign students go on group excursions, visit sights, go to theatres, museums, exhibitions or walk with friends. Such a combination of studying and pleasant rest allows one to immerse in the culture of European countries, to acquaint themselves with traditions and history. Moreover, trips and excursions are real practice of the English language with its native speakers. Prestigious language schools in Europe organize creative circles and sport sections, in which students actively participate.

Specifics of choosing English courses in Europe

When choosing the European language camp, foreign student should take into account the following criteria: 

  • Decision on the country of studying – Great Britain, USA, Malta or Europe

Your educational goals and tasks will give you the accurate answer to this question. If you plan to continue your education or work in a certain country, it is better to choose a language course in the same country.  

  • Preferred educational programs play a decisive role in choosing English courses in Europe

  • The cost of studying

  • Since one of the most important conditions for learning any foreign language is an international educational atmosphere, we recommend choosing a language school for foreign students from among international-type educational institutions.

In such an environment the probability of using native language is minimal, and the studying process will be held at the highest level.

  • Duration of the language program

The standard duration of English courses in Europe is two week. However, foreign students can choose longer language programs. On average, the international students choose at least three weeks, more often – one month.

  • Accommodation type and meal schedule

As a rule, language camps in Europe offer accommodation in student residences or accredited host families.  For small children it is recommended to live in a host family, where necessary care and treatment are provided. A more optimal option for older foreign students is a comfortable school residence, where they practice language skills all day long.

  • Security 

This criterion depends on the chosen school and its location – the district, what objects are located near, and what is the distance from the campus to city centre. Detailed information can be received by analyzing reviews of students, who studied in the European school. Nowadays, each respectable school collects student’s impressions on the official website. You can write the author of the review to receive more detailed information.

English courses in Europe for foreign students – important points

Today, many students study English in European countries. Student’s reviews confirm the effectiveness of teaching methods in prestigious language schools.  During the short period of time, each foreign student significantly improves the language level. The studying results depend on academic goals, student’s ambitions and specifics of chosen English courses and language school.

Each European country offers several types of English programs. The summer adult and kids vacation camps are very popular among foreign students, allowing them to quickly learn and improve language skills at a reasonable price. Besides course effectiveness, the program is interesting: the intensive extracurricular program is organized for foreign students. Usually students study in the morning in language camps, after lunch the pupils can engage in different types of activities – sport, creativity, and walking in the city where the school is located. Evening time is devoted to entertainment events and conversation on the school territory. Moreover, the adult students can independently walk in the city and spend time in cafes.

Academic courses are designed for foreign students wishing to receive education in an English speaking country. Some language schools provide opportunities to study academic disciplines besides English (it can be Math, informatics, physics, chemistry, etc.). Such courses are chosen by international students, who prepare for studying in Europe or enrolling in ranking universities.

English courses differ in the intensity of studying:

  • Standard – 15-20 academic hours per week (3-4 hours of lessons in a day)

  • Intensive - 25-30 academic hours per week.

The cost of studying in an intensive program is higher compared to a standard course, however, its effectiveness is higher. 

SMAPSE experts recommend making the decision of studying in Europe in cases of having at least initial language knowledge. Initial language skills help to more quickly adapt to new culture and environment, to understanding of simple phrases and to obtain new knowledge.

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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