
Study business in China - 4 institutions

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Education information

To get a higher business education in China, it is enough for Russian students to have documents on education in their home country - agreements on the equivalence of diplomas of both countries have been signed between Russia and China . The leading position that China occupies in the international trade market and the low cost of education make this Asian country attractive for foreign business students. According to statistics, economic, marketing, managerial, etc. programs are the most popular and rated in terms of the quality of education. 

It is possible for students from abroad to get a sought-after and prestigious business education in China in local and partner universities with other European countries at the level of:

  • Undergraduate
  • Magistracy
  • MBA.

Undergraduate education at the best business schools in China

Most of the modern curricula of prestigious universities with a focus on business education in China represent an international direction - trade and business contacts. The main issues that are included in the methodological development:

  • Basic knowledge in economics and management
  • Theory of International Trade
  • Foreign trade, its operational mechanisms
  • Study of the Chinese and global economies
  • Foreign trade marketing, etc.

Graduates of undergraduate departments representing the best business education for foreign students in China can begin to engage in international business, marketing, management or get a Master's degree. For foreign students, there is the possibility of staying to work in China: some universities are willing to extend a student visa to look for work - so the percentage of foreign graduates is much higher.

The duration of obtaining a prestigious higher business education in China is 4 years, the cost of undergraduate universities with a focus on entrepreneurship and commerce in China is about 10,000-12,000 yuan per semester. Separately paid a registration fee of 200-240 yuan and medical insurance - about 500 yuan.

In Chinese universities, students of business departments are required to observe a strict discipline of visits, unlike European universities, but they are more loyal to students in exams - open book exams are accepted at many universities when a student is allowed to use the book. Teachers welcome analytical thinking, the ability to gather information, and participate in discussions.

Master's degree in business in China for international students

Master's programs in international business education for international students in China at the best universities in the world over the past 3-5 years have been recognized as one of the TOP among Asian countries. High-quality education from leading certified business professionals and teachers is represented by 150 universities in China. The duration of the study of business programs is 2 years, devoted to the deep study of the chosen discipline, the research work reflected in the dissertation. One of the advantages of Chinese magistracy is the possibility of developing an additional specialty with the right to teach at universities after the final stage - defending a dissertation and obtaining a Master's degree.

Requirements for students from abroad to study for Master's degrees at prestigious universities in China :

  • Higher education diploma
  • Language certificates - HSK (Chinese) 4-6 points and / or IELTS from 5.0 ( English ). It is advisable to pass the exam closer to admission to the university, since the certificate is two years old - it will be valid just before graduation.
  • Age up to 35 years, if an applicant applies for a grant
  • Graduation notes
  • Recommendations 
  • Sometimes an entrance test or interview: at the interview they ask to demonstrate their research projects, research papers, etc.

After making a decision on enrollment, an invitation is sent to the applicant, on the basis of which a student visa is issued. The total cost of training sometimes includes payment for accommodation, but if it is a separate expense, it will be about $ 10 per day, and in China the price of rented individual housing is approximately equal to the cost of a hostel.

Some popular programs of rating universities representing prestigious business education in China for students from abroad:

Educational institution

Master's Business Programs in China

Sorbonne School of Economics, Shanghai

World globalization and international economy

Hult International Business School , Shanghai

International Business (MIB)

Antwerp Management School, Shanghai

Sino-European business

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu

Sino-European Economics and Business Administration Studies.

Prestigious MBA programs in China for international students in leading business schools

The prestige of MBA programs with a focus on entrepreneurship and international education for foreign students in China has grown rapidly - the first Chinese business schools were created in 1991, and in the 2000s, the country already ranks as the leader in the best education rankings in Asian countries. Accredited MBA courses in business administration operate in partnership with foreign universities in the USA , England , Switzerland , etc. The cost of studying such courses is from $ 8,500 to $ 25,000 per academic year.

The main teaching staff in joint schools are foreigners with international experience, the language of instruction is English, French, Japanese and other languages of the partner countries.

The second category of business schools operates at local universities, where the main teaching staff is Chinese who lecture in Chinese; the cost of an academic year here is from $ 4,000 to $ 8,000 per year. Due to the high level of teaching, graduates of these schools are successful entrepreneurs, managers in foreign companies. If the MBA course is necessary to pass only for a “tick” and prestige, for a small fee you can find schools with a low rankings and finish the course in absentia without interruption from work.

The most popular and prestigious schools representing the best business education in China for students from abroad:

You can get high-quality business education in popular ranking schools in China in 3 formats:

  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Remotely, distant.

One of the most sought after and prestigious MBA study programs for students in China is executive, an elite course for top managers and senior executives. In China it is possible to find an MBA course in almost any business specialization: international trade and business, law and marketing, strategies and international management, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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