
Learn German language abroad

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Education information

German is the third most popular foreign language that is studied around the world, it is spoken by more than 120 million people in different countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and many others.

Firstly, German is popular due to the fact that it is used in important business circles: after all, the economy of European German-speaking countries, especially Germany itself, is leading in the world market, its enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering are scattered around the world. Therefore, proficiency in German makes it possible to get a prestigious and promising job.

In addition, knowledge of the German language helps to understand the vast cultural heritage of German-speaking countries: many philosophers (for example, I. Kant), writers (Goethe), composers (Mozart) lived and worked here.

Also in German-speaking countries, an academic exchange program is being implemented and supported for both students and scientists, which makes it possible to obtain a high quality education.

German language schools abroad have many accreditations: EAQUALS, IALC (International Association of Language Centers), ALTO (Association of Language Travel Organizations), ACCET (Accreditation Council for Continuing Education and Preparation). Moreover, almost all schools are certified centres for passing TELC and DAF exams.

Teachers of German language schools have university degrees, they are necessarily native speakers and are prepared in teaching German as a foreign language.

Study German – the best countries for practice

German is spoken in many countries, even if it has not official status. However, there is a special list of countries in which language learning can be the most productive and effective:

  • Germany is an example of the classical German language, a country where everyone speaks it and in absolutely any environment is an ideal option for studying. Germany has a rich culture, historical heritage, traditions. In Germany, there are a large number of schools for teaching German in different cities with experienced teachers who are native speakers.
  • German is the official language in Switzerland along with French and Italian, and more than 2-thirds of the population consider it their native language. This variant of German differs from the classical one in pronunciation and vocabulary, but it is widely used in various fields: media, social networks. What is especially important for those who are going to study abroad, Swiss German is used in Swiss universities. Therefore, learning German in Switzerland is not only useful, but also promising.
  • Spain - although an unexpected location for learning German, nevertheless in Spain German courses are conducted by qualified teachers in a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Specifics of studying in German language schools for foreign students

  • High quality of education

German-speaking countries, especially such as Germany and Switzerland, are known for their high level of education and responsible approach to it, and therefore, their educational institutions are among the most popular in the world. Therefore, you can be sure that the techniques, technologies that are used in the classroom, as well as the material itself are of high quality, which will allow you to acquire basic skills and make significant progress.

  • Opportunities for growth

Proficiency in German makes it possible to study at the best universities in the world with the further prospect of obtaining a prestigious job and future career growth, since now it is one of the most popular business languages. Also German companies themselves from different fields of activity are located and operate all over the world, for example, BMW, Opel, Tchibo, Lufthansa and many others.

  • Overcoming the language barrier

Learning German in its natural environment will contribute to the development of a more confident speech, the removal of the language barrier and the elimination of many fears about the use and understanding of the language. You will learn to communicate freely, listen to fast, sometimes harsh German speech, make sentences, formulate your thoughts without spending a lot of time on it. All this is impossible in the conditions of learning a language in your native country.

  • Full immersion in culture and traditions

The culture and traditions of German-speaking countries have their own interesting history, they are truly unique. Therefore, German courses abroad will help you to immerse yourself in this distinctive environment and feel the German spirit. Moreover, you will be able to make useful acquaintances and friends from around the world.

Educational programs in German language camps for foreign students

There are many schools in the world for learning German with a wide choice of courses offered that are designed for both beginners and professionals.

  • General German language courses are an option suitable for all levels of language proficiency, created with the aim of developing and practicing basic language skills: speaking, listening, writing, grammar.
  • Individual lessons - this option is designed for those who want to learn the language in more depth and adjust it to their specific goals and needs.
  • Combined - these courses combine academic classes in German and English, which subsequently allows you to speak two languages fluently and switch from one to the other.
  • Business courses provide in-depth knowledge of business German, affecting the language of negotiations, correspondence.
  • Preparation for international exams: for example, TELC, TestDaF, Goethe.
  • Courses for teachers give the opportunity to learn the methodology of teaching German to people who do not speak it.
  • University preparation courses are designed for those who are going to enrol in German-speaking universities. Here the language is studied in more depth and in detail.
  • German + internship are a great opportunity to learn the language and gain professional experience.

Students are also offered a rich cultural program to learn the language in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Accommodation options in kids camps for study German

One of the important questions when choosing a German language school abroad is accommodation. All schools have a fairly large selection of accommodation options, sometimes depending on student’s age:

  • Host families are a great option to immerse in the language and practice it without interruption, overcoming uncertainty and the language barrier. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to get to know the culture and traditions of a particular country as much as possible.
  • Student apartments are an option for accommodating adult students. Apartments are offered for accommodation from 1 to 3 people.
  • Residences are a great option to acquire new useful acquaintances and make friends from all over the world, continuously practicing the language. Comfortable rooms are always offered in all residences.
  • Hotels.

There are several types of meals available to students: breakfast (continental can be offered), half board (for example, breakfast and dinner), full board. Students living separately eat on their own.

Tuition fee in German language schools for foreign students

The pricing policy of all schools is different: in some, meals and cultural events may be included in the tuition fee, in some it is paid additionally. Each student can choose a suitable course based on their budget.

The prices for German language courses abroad have a sufficient number of variations. The most diverse prices for courses in Germany itself: the minimum cost of 1 week of courses is from 130 € to 640€, with a long-term course, the cost can reach 17920 € in 24 weeks. But on average, all German courses have a price range from 200 to 300 € for 1 week.

Additionally, air tickets, medical insurance, transfer from and to the airport, consular fee, entrance tickets for excursions and events are paid. In some cases, educational materials are also paid for.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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