
Study maths in Spain - 16 institutions

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Education information

When there is a goal to get a mathematical education in Spain, initially you need to decide: the study of mathematics in Spain at what level will be relevant for the student - at the level of secondary school, preparatory courses for admission to universities , or is he interested only in a university diploma? Each of these stages of education is open to Russian schoolchildren, but at the same time, students who have received a national secondary mathematical education will always have a certain advantage when entering higher educational institutions compared to those who have received a school certificate outside the country.

School Education in Math in Spain for foreign students

When planning to receive higher mathematics education in Spain in the future, it is worth thinking about starting your path to the goal - studying mathematics in Spain - even from school. Such a decision will entail significant advantages for the student:

  • High level knowledge of Spanish and English;
  • Full adaptation to the country, its culture, customs, features;
  • Understanding of the mentality, requirements and expectations of teachers from students;
  • Quick and painless integration into the student environment of an already familiar country.

Students can enter any of the three stages of the Spanish secondary education system according to their age: primary, compulsory or secondary vocational classes.

Name of the educational stage

Age of students

Type of studying


Primaria (elementary school)

6-11 years old


The base is being studied in all subjects.

Educación Segundaria Obligatoria (middle classes)

11-15 years old


In private schools, the educational process is mainly in English ; students receive fundamental knowledge and pass exams annually.

Bachillerato (senior pre-university classes)

15-18 years old


Preparation for those who want to enter a university.

Educación Segundaria not only requires compulsory exams at the end of each school year, but also provides the option to leave the student to re-take the entire course of disciplines if his exam results were not good enough. A teenager will be transferred to the next class if he has passed a maximum of two subjects for low scores - except in cases where these subjects are Spanish and mathematics at the same time. Such rules clearly indicate that the study of the queen of all sciences in the country is now a priority.

Another argument in favour of the defense of the exact sciences in the educational system of the state is the widespread introduction of chess lessons in school curriculum. This decision was made in order to increase the general level of mathematical knowledge, because chess, like exact disciplines, contributes to the development of analytical thinking, the ability to build causal chains of relationships.

Mathematical education in Spain as part of the Bachillerato program

From 15 years, schoolchildren, who are interested in studying mathematics in Spain, can study in high school - Bachillerato. Their main advantage is an ability to choose a program:

Any of the programs involves quality preparation in the field of exact sciences, and if a student is interested in the most in-depth study of mathematics in the Spanish state, it makes sense to pay attention to the A-Level Maths course, which consists of five blocks:

  • Algebra;
  • Geometry;
  • Trigonometry;
  • Applied profile (solving analytical problems, mechanics, statistics).

Studying on such an intensive program significantly increases the student's chances to enter the desired technical, IT, and engineering departments.

The cost of mathematical education for foreign students is on average from 10,000 € to 30,000 € per year of study. In many cases, this amount already includes accommodation in the residence of a private school and full three meals a day. Less often you need to live in a host family or rent an apartment / hotel for a fee.

Studying Math in Spain as a part of summer language camps

The country's summer schools also offer a format where the study of mathematics in Spain is combined with intensive study of English or Spanish. This type of summer vacation may be relevant for older students who need vocational guidance and preparation for entering higher educational institutions. In addition to an interesting excursion program and acquaintance with the local culture of adolescents, an intensive academic load is expected - 20-30 hours are allocated weekly for the study of mathematics, computer science, foreign languages, social disciplines. Classes are held in equipped modern classrooms, in addition, students get free access to computer classes and a library. Another advantage of such schools is the functioning on the basis of Spanish universities, which allows students to:

  • Gain experience living on campus;
  • Get familiar with the university requirements system
  • Objectively evaluate your knowledge in terms of sufficiency for admission to a university.

Studying mathematical disciplines in the framework of the academic programs of language camps can cost an average of 200 € to 1000 € per week of study. Factors affecting tuition fees:

  • prestige of the summer school;
  • academic and excursion content of a specific program;
  • studying duration (usually from two weeks to two months);
  • accommodation and food (whether they are included in the cost or are paid separately).

In addition, it is necessary to provide for the payment of the registration fee, visa fees, insurance and transfer to the camp. For admission to the summer camp, it is usually sufficient to provide a copy of the first page of the student’s foreign passport and a certificate of proficiency in English or Spanish. 

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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