
Study in Miami, Florida 2024

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Education information

Education in Miami - a real gift for fans of beach rest and entertainment, for sociable and active students! Annually, schools, colleges and universities in Miami receive thousands of students - both from the USA and other countries. Language schools offer high-quality education (most often general and academic English), have developed infrastructure, perfectly equipped campus areas.

Actually, students in Miami often choose combined courses: students are offered a large number of excursions and recreational activities in addition to academic activities, there is a time for sports and beach recreation. A large number of sunny days a year, a warm climate and golden gentle beaches are the best option for a wonderful summer holiday, which is now so easy to combine with studying in Miami!

You can choose the best option, focusing on the description of institutions, the cost and content of the programs - or you can contact SMAPSE specialists who will provide best schools and attractive prices. Due to the list of 10 best schools, colleges and universities in Miami you can find the most appropriate option. 

Studying Abroad in Miami, Florida. Guide for foreign students

Are you considering the opportunity to study in Miami, Florida as an international student? Miami offers a diverse range of educational institutions, including private schools, boarding schools, universities, and language schools, all welcoming students from around the globe. In this guide, we'll explore various aspects of studying in Miami, such as how to apply for a study permit, study fees, and the cost of living. Additionally, we'll highlight some of the best programs available in this vibrant city.

Types of Educational Institutions in Miami

Miami boasts a variety of educational institutions suitable for international students:

Elementary Schools in Miami 

Students aged 6 to 10 (grades 2-5) receive a primary education that aligns with the American general education system. Elementary school focuses on building a solid foundation in core subjects such as language, literature, grammar, mathematics, and natural and social sciences. Teaching methods emphasize interactivity, individual work, and creative assignments. Accommodation options often include full-board families.

Cost: $16,000 per semester

Middle Schools in Miami

Middle school is for students aged 11 to 14, introducing new subjects and distinguishing between compulsory and elective disciplines. Florida's educational system emphasizes independent work, information research, and problem-solving skills. Accommodation is typically provided with host families.

Cost: $16,000 - $22,500 per semester

High Schools in Miami

High school is designed for students aged 15 to 18 and features a more challenging curriculum with a broader range of subjects. It encourages various learning methods, including research, design work, writing, and oral presentations, to develop cognitive skills and teamwork abilities. Accommodation options often include host families or residences.

Cost: $12,500 - $45,000 per year

Svetlana  Iakovleva
Director of International Enrollment Management

Why do parents choose US primary and secondary schools for their children?

I love the trend when the parents give their kids the freedom to choose a school based on the kids goals and inner comfort and support the student with the final choice. Many students choose education in the US as it gives a lot of opportunities to grow, develop and pursue their dreams. Another good thing, if a student wants to change a university major, it is an easy and comfortable process.


Kids Camps for International Students in Miami

Florida offers a plethora of holiday options for foreign students, including:

  • Summer English for Foreign Students in Miami, Florida: Miami invites students aged 5 to 17 to enjoy vacations in the sunny USA region while studying at top-notch language schools. Courses cover academic English and specialized subjects, ranging from mathematics to fashion and sports. Various levels of intensity are available.
    Accommodation: Families, hotels, apartments, or residences.
    Price: Starting from $220 per week.

  • Summer English Courses + Film Academy: Florida's children's camps welcome students aged 10 to 17 with intermediate English skills who aspire to be actors and directors. This program enhances speaking skills, vocabulary, and communicative competence. Students also get to explore national parks, beaches, and entertainment centers.
    Price: Starting from $1,140 per week.

  • Summer English Courses + Tennis: An intensive program for students aged 8 to 18 that combines language classes, tennis practice, physical activities, and entertainment. Accommodation options include full board or day stays.
    Price: Full board - $1,790 per week; Daily form - $1,500 per week.

  • Winter English Courses: Designed for students aged 13 to 18, these winter programs blend language learning with leisure and sightseeing. Students receive 10 academic hours of language instruction along with 10 lessons in various subjects. Accommodation is provided in hotels near South Beach.
    Price: 2 weeks - $1,550 per week; 3-4 weeks - $1,525 per week.

  • University Preparation: Miami schools offer high school students comprehensive preparation for entrance exams at prestigious international universities. Courses include language improvement, academic subjects, and test preparation (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge - FCE / CAE).
    Cost: From $300 per week to $45,000 per year.

  • Languages for Academic Purposes: The academic English program in Miami, Florida offers intensive linguistic training with a focus on vocabulary, grammar, communication, reading, and writing. Suitable for students aged 16 and older, with a minimum duration of 3-4 weeks.
    Accommodation: Hotels, families, apartments.
    Cost: Starting from $240 for 1 week.

  • Preparation for Language Tests: Prestigious schools in Florida offer specialized courses to prepare foreign students for language tests, such as TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, CAE, and FCE. Success in these tests opens doors to top-rated universities and career opportunities.
    Accommodation: Residences, hotels, families.
    Price: Varies by test, starting from $560 per week.

Higher Education in Miami, Florida

Miami offers both undergraduate and graduate programs at prestigious U.S. universities. These programs prepare students for careers in fields such as logistics, finance, HR, management, tourism, acting, and directing.

Bachelor's Program: The first stage of higher education in the United States equips students with practical skills for independent work in various fields.

Price per semester: $12,796 - $15,198

Master's Program: Designed for students aged 20-21, master's programs provide in-depth knowledge in areas like logistics, finance, HR, management, tourism, acting, and directing.

Cost for 1 semester: $12,045 - $16,286.

Language Courses in Miami for International Students

Florida offers a wide array of language courses for adults, including general and academic English, test preparation, and "Child and Parent" courses.

  • "Child and Parent" Course: Ideal for family holidays, where parents can select classes according to their educational needs while their children follow a specialized program. Accommodation is typically in hotels or apartments.
    Cost: Starting from $210 per week.

  • Individual Courses: These courses consist of 10 lessons with a leading teacher, allowing students to tailor their learning experience to their specific goals. Accommodation options include residences and host families.
    Cost: Starting from $485 per week.

  • Business Courses: Designed for students aged 16 and up with basic language proficiency, these courses focus on interview skills, negotiations, and business communication. They are crucial for those aiming to work in international companies. Accommodation options typically include residences or apartments.
    Cost: Starting from $485 per week.

Program for International Students in Miami, Florida

Miami's wonderful climate and vibrant entertainment infrastructure provide a multitude of activities and leisure opportunities for international students. From sports and arts to cultural experiences and entertainment, Miami has it all. Whether you're interested in sports, the arts, or exploring the city's cultural centers and natural wonders, Miami offers a diverse range of experiences for students of all interests.

In conclusion, studying in Miami, Florida, offers international students a wide range of educational opportunities, from primary school to university programs, language courses, and immersive cultural experiences. The city's diverse offerings and vibrant atmosphere make it an excellent choice for those seeking an enriching and memorable educational journey.

General statistics on education in Miami

General information about Miami

Country United States
Region Florida
Region 2 Miami-Dade County
Population 399,457
Visitors 7,604,000/year
Time Zone America/New_York

Cost of living in Miami

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 578 861
Food 286 529
Transportation 90 211
Communications and utilities 101 111
Clothing 20 72
Sports and leisure 26 89
Total 1,099 1,874

Accommodation options in Miami per month

Shared room outside of centre 583$
Shared room in city centre 869$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 1,005$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,382$

Coordinates of Miami

Time Zone America/New_York
GMT -5
DST -4
Latitude 25.774270000
Longitude -80.193660000
Elevation 2 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 25 m.

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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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