
Study in near London 2024

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10 18 36 72
  • ACS Cobham International School
    In 2023 an average IB score made up 35
    ACS Cobham International School
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    7 reviews
    from 46880.00 £ / year
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    from 46880.00 £ / year
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  • Sevenoaks School
    In 2023, the average IB score was 38.0
    Sevenoaks School
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    7 reviews
    from 14451.00 £ / term
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    from 14451.00 £ / term
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  • Tottenham Football Camp England
    Training is conducted under the guidance of highly qualified trainers.
    Tottenham Football Camp England
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    20 reviews
    from 1656 £ / weeks
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    from 1656 £ / weeks
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  • Bishop’s Stortford College
    In 2023 80% of students achieved A*– B grades at A-level
    Bishop’s Stortford College
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    4 reviews
    from 8746.00 £ / term
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    from 8746.00 £ / term
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  • Box Hill Private School
    In 2023 results either for IB (32) and A Level (46% - A*-B) are higher than UK average
    Box Hill Private School
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    3 reviews
    from 13000.00 £ / term
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    from 13000.00 £ / term
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  • Eton College in England
    The process of securing a place is highly competitive
    Eton College in England
    United Kingdom
    near London
    Currently watching: 7
    from 14167.00 £ / term
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    from 14167.00 £ / term
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  • Royal Holloway Summer Kids Camp
    The camp is distinguished by a diverse program of leisure, entertainment and excursions
    Royal Holloway Summer Kids Camp
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    8 reviews
    from 1153 £ / weeks
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    from 1153 £ / weeks
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  • Rochester Independent College
    In 2023 - near 74% of A Level students achieved A*- C grades
    Rochester Independent College
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    4 reviews
    from 20700.00 £ / year
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    from 20700.00 £ / year
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  • Stowe Boarding School UK
    In 2021 - 87% of A Level students achieved A* - B
    Stowe Boarding School UK
    United Kingdom
    near London
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    2 reviews
    from 12951.00 £ / term
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    from 12951.00 £ / term
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  • Caterham School
    In 2023 - 85% of A-level students achieved A*- B
    Caterham School
    United Kingdom
    near London
    Currently watching: 8
    Very good
    from 12265.00 £ / term
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    from 12265.00 £ / term
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10 18 36 72

Education information

Today, England attracts a wide range of foreign students from all over the world with high-quality educational services and interesting culture. Many international students choose studying in London suburbs as it's a great opportunity to combine effective courses with exciting rest. SMAPSE offers TOP-40 prestigious schools, colleges and universities located in London neighbourhoods and suburbs where international students can get high-quality and balanced primary, secondary and higher education.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Studying in suburbs of London for foreign students

It is difficult for students to find a more suitable place to receive a high quality education than the suburbs of London. In addition to teaching the highest class of students, an interesting language and regional study and cultural experience awaits here. Just an hour's drive from the capital, Oxford and Cambridge, you will find a strikingly different atmosphere: the old architecture of Oxford's educational institutions creates an amazing look. You can get around such towns in one walk, and in Cambridge you will find Gothic buildings, verdant parks and lawns, in the port of Dover you can see alabaster cliffs and enjoy the panorama of the English Channel. Canterbury is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, worth mentioning is Stonehenge with its Neolithic buildings.

The educational institutions are one of the oldest in Europe, in which they honor the traditions that have developed over centuries. At the same time, universities and schools keep pace with the times, monitor innovations, and timely introduce relevant innovations into the learning process.

The benefits of studying in a suburb of London for foreign students:

  • The proximity of the capital, which can be reached in a maximum of an hour
  • The sights of these places, ancient buildings and measured life will let you know the life of ordinary inhabitants, true traditions and culture
  • The educational process in educational institutions is built according to the best educational standards: they strive to create ideal conditions for the development and education of a free and creative person who is able to think critically and take responsibility
  • Here are the TOP universities, prestigious colleges, which are included in world rankings.
Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

What advice would you give to potential students before entering the UK school and why?

Be prepared! The application can be submitted almost a year before the start of eduaction, so take care of your personal application in advance, contact your teachers and academic consultant for recommendations. The earlier you apply, the more time schools will have to make an objective decision – and the more time you will have to explore possible options and choose.


High schools in the suburbs of London: how to choose a school?

There are a large number of prestigious schools, public and private. Private boarding schools in the UK (and the whole world) are also called boarding schools - these are closed educational institutions of several types (general or separate). As a rule, in private boarding schools, children 7-16 years old study in the following programs:

Programs for students - GCSE, A-levels, IB - require in-depth study, emphasis on specialized subjects, preparation for the university and provide prestigious certificates.

Requirements for admission to private schools in the UK and the suburbs of London:

  • standard package of documents translated into English and notarized
  • report card for the last 2-3 years at the previous place of study
  • essay
  • letters of recommendation from the class teacher, teachers of English and mathematics
  • academic achievements in any activity.

Studying in a suburb of London after 8,9,10,11 grade for international students

If you have a dream to enter the TOP universities in Britain, then studying in one of the academic programs will significantly increase your chances. Consider the main curriculum for students:

  • After grades 8–9 (14–15 years), students usually enter the GCSE, a two-year high-level course (which requires compulsory and optional subjects)
  • After the 10th grade, the A-level (16-18 years) is relevant, which has established itself as the best preparatory course before a university in Europe. For two years, students study 4-5 subjects to choose from (for the second year - 3-4 disciplines). Such a modest list of subjects allows you to master your core area as deeply as possible and prepare for the university in the best way. That is why many universities accept A-Level graduates without passing entrance exams - just a certificate with high rates is enough. A worthy alternative to the British A-level can only be an international undergraduate, IB, recognized around the world.
  • From 17 years students can enter pre-university programs - Foundation, Oxbridge, University Pathway , etc. However, before choosing a program, carefully study the requirements of the university in which you want to enter.

Higher education in the suburbs of London - undergraduate and graduate programs for foreign students

Universities in Great Britain are considered the best in Europe, occupy high positions in world rankings and tops. In order to maintain such a status and withstand competition with no less prestigious foreign universities, the state provides huge financial and other support to universities. Here you will find the most advanced research centers, a developed academic sports infrastructure, the best teachers and the widest opportunities for development.

According to statistics, the most popular specialties at universities in England are:

  • Management
  • Economy
  • Ecology
  • Veterinary science
  • Design
  • Art
  • Jurisprudence
  • Business.

Undergraduate programs last 3 years (except for medical faculties). At the end of the course, the student receives a first degree in higher education, the Bachelor's degree. Another option - Integrated Master's degrees - is a combined undergraduate course with a magistracy and lasts 4-5 years (especially relevant at the faculties of science and engineering). Graduate studies in the UK last only a year, but very high demands are made on students.

The learning process is intense: students attend lectures and carry out numerous projects and assignments, emphasis is placed on the development of scientific independence and analytical thinking. In the form of classes are practical seminars with an admixture of theory. One of the advantages for students is a small number of groups - up to 15 people, in top private universities - 5-7.

Language courses for children and adults in the suburbs of London

Learning English in his homeland is the best choice for effective and high-quality language acquisition. Choosing a language course in England, you get the following benefits:

  • ongoing language practice with native speakers
  • mastering classic English with its unique British accent
  • studying in comfortable conditions (low crime, non-hot summer / warm winter, equipped with the latest technology classes, living in excellent conditions)
  • a wide range of courses of different orientation, intensity and difficulty level.

The name of the program

Average cost (in pounds sterling per week, GBP)

General course




English for children / adults + relaxation


Preparation for language tests IELTS, TOEFL


Business, vocational courses


To work for teachers of CELTA


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Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Jake is the CIS, Russia and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College. He obtained a Bachelor of Development Economics and Management and MBA degrees with honours. Jake has been working in secondary education for more than 24 years: in academic field and in management and admissions committee. Jake believes that children needs to have great academic freedom - they can explore, question the facts that they are studying, thereby developing independent, analytical, inquisitive thinking.

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