
British Higher School of Art and Design

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Description of British Higher School of Art and Design

  • Year of foundation: 2003
  • Teachers: native speakers
  • Age of students: 16-35 years
  • Number of students: about 1000 people
  • Educational programs: British BA programs (Hons)



British Higher School of Art and Design (Moscow) is one of the most important educational centers in Russia, specializing in professional education in the field of creative industries. It was developed on the basis of close partnerships with the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries of the University of Hertfordshire (UK), observing high standards of studying in Britain.

The British Higher School of Design is located in three buildings on the territory of the Artplay Design Center - a unique art cluster in the center of Moscow that gathered under its roof famous architects, designers, artists and engineers. In modern premises of the school with a total area of ​​8000 sq.m. There are many specially equipped studios and workshops for practicing various kinds of art and design.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in British Higher School of Art and Design

Program name
06.09.2020 - 06.06.2021
from 585000.00 ₽ / year
from 585000.00 ₽ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Variants of programs and specialties offered in the bachelor's direction (all courses are conducted in English) are great:


Creating visual images, work In the field of advertising and publishing, a direction for illustrators. Duration of studying is 3 years.


Illustrating books and drawing comics, video and animation, interactive art forms. The rich list of various techniques and directions is studied: from street drawing to engraving, ceramics and textiles, there is a direction of theatrical design. Duration of studying is 3 years.

3) BA (HONS) FASHION (Fashion)

Beginning with designing and manufacturing garments and ending with fashion shows and defile, learning sales skills and brand promotion, students will immerse themselves in the fashion world, style and image. Duration of studying is 3 years.

4) BA (HONS) FINE ART (Contemporary Art)

Various areas of visual art (sculpture, illustration, media, video, photography, graphics, painting, installation) are studied. Organization of modern artistic practice is conducted. Duration of studying is 3 years (part-time - 6 years).


Creation and manufacturing of consumer goods in accordance with the principles of modern design, interaction with the global design community. The duration of studying is 3 years (part-time - 5 years).


Design of industrial, residential and public premises, commercial projects. Competent organization of the internal space: zoning, lighting, selection and preparation of materials, their compatibility among themselves, practical application, selection of furnishings and the creation of a unified style. The duration of studying is 3 years (part-time - 5 years).


Development of professionalism in various areas of photographic art: commercial and advertising photography, fashion, artistic and documentary photography is provided. Duration of studying is 3 years.

All year round
from 485000.00 ₽ / year
from 485000.00 ₽ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

The Foundation program is intended for graduates of Russian schools who are going to enter the undergraduate programs and get a British diploma.

Thanks to special British methods, the learning process becomes incredibly productive: students work in a creative environment, are liberated and confident, boldly express their thoughts and ideas, learn to defend their interests and argue their point of view. Students make up a personal portfolio that will be useful to them for subsequent admission (this is a compulsory requirement for university entrants), as well as with further employment: the more extensive, diverse and interesting portfolio the designer has, the more credible projects he can trust, the higher the position expects It in the future. Teachers strive to immerse students not only in the academic but also in the language of design: as a result, the general lexical literacy of students increases, specific terms are studied, students develop spoken language and oratory skills. To enter the undergraduate program, applicants must pass IELTS testing - and the language studying that they took during the learning on the Foundation course, will be here at the right time.

Every year for students of preparatory courses a large exhibition is held where they present their work: it can be industrial design, interior design or graphic, architecture, modern art, fashion design. For exhibitions, modern, fully equipped studios are available, and expositions are opened to all visitors.

Excellent working conditions are provided for the students: there are many different workshops for painting, sculpture, various printing (including silk-screen printing and engravings), the Center for Prototyping and Modeling (it includes equipment for analog printing, photo lab, woodworking machines and metals). Actively used 3D-printers, stereo laboratory with the function of processing and creating 3D-graphics, a special academy of printing Roland DG (printers, scanners, plotters, etc.). Students can work in the HP computer lab, with a Macintosh (they are in the building of the university more than 600) and other advanced technology.

During the studying, students learn to work with unexpected, non-standard techniques: for example, to draw with your eyes closed, to use different parts of the body or non-traditional instruments. All this develops creativity, expands opportunities for creative abilities, helps to develop profile skills and techniques, and improves coordination of movements.

Students who have successfully completed the Foundation educational course are guaranteed to receive a place on the chosen undergraduate program in the British system. It is an excellent experience to gain valuable profile skills, to work with various techniques, to compose and replenish your personal portfolio, to establish valuable acquaintances and connections.

The program is provided for the following specialties:

  • Fine Art (Contemporary Art)
  • Illustration
  • Fashion Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Product Design (Industrial Design)
  • Interior Architecture and Design.

The studying program consists of several modules (blocks):

  • Digital Skills
  • Communication Design: Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography
  • English language for designers
  • 3D & Spatial Design
  • Image Making
  • Fashion Design
  • Drawing Development and Visual Research
  • Art & Design Context
  • Fine Art.

The studying course consists of three stages:

  • Study

The first stage is acquaintance with the main areas of work of a modern designer, which helps them to more accurately determine the desired profile for further work (a narrower sphere). Preparation or replenishment of the portfolio for admission to the main bachelor's program begins. Students quickly get involved in the curriculum and pace, realize the specificity of a particular activity and work on several projects, which allows foreign students to study theory and practice in various areas of design. This is an introductory, initial course aimed at developing basic skills.

  • Consolidation

The beginning of the second semester is the time to decide on the most priority and interesting area of ​​work: it can be modern art, industrial design, interior design and architecture, graphic design, clothing design, illustration. In the chosen direction, more intensive, in-depth studies are envisaged: actively developing research skills, students learn to work effectively independently, adequately assess their performance and the results of the work.

  • Projects

The third, final stage involves the implementation of a large personal annual project. It must have originality and originality, demonstrating the level of skills achieved during the studying. The quality of the project is the main criterion for the final grades for the course.

Duration of education can be chosen at your discretion: the full course lasts from September to June (weekdays, day hours), part-time (from September to July (weekdays, evenings and Saturdays by day). All studying is conducted in English.

Applicants must prepare for the following introductory tests:

  • Interview;
  • View of your personal portfolio, evaluation of your work;
  • Examination in English (only for those students who do not have an IELTS certificate). In order not to pass the exam, IELTS points should be from 5.0 and above, similar and equivalent international certificates (for example, TOEFL) are also accepted. Please note that the IELTS certificate is not required for admission to the Foundation Art and Design program - there is enough level of English Intermediate or Pre-Intermediate that the applicant can demonstrate during the exam and interview.

The following documents will also be required:

  • Passport (presented at the time of the package)
  • 2 photos (30х40 mm)
  • Application form (you can fill it on the official website in electronic form)
  • The document on education: school certificate (both the original and the copy are accepted).

The interview is based on questions about the experience of the entrant (professional and educational): you should talk about your design ideas, projects, successes achieved. The portfolio should include high-quality work done in the last few years: try to ensure that the content of the portfolio reflects your skills and level of proficiency entirely, testifies to your originality and uniqueness. Portfolio can include work in a variety of design areas. In addition you can provide your sketches, articles and essays, project diaries. It is desirable that the work was provided in printed form (A1 format), and video and animation on CD (when filing affects the quality of the portfolio design).

All year round
from 150000.00 ₽ / year
from 150000.00 ₽ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


Preparatory courses for applicants to the British Higher School of Design are aimed at achieving two main goals:

  • The formation of a sustainable platform of profile knowledge, basic professional skills and ability;
  • Compilation and updating of a personal portfolio, its correct, competent design and presentation.

The courses provided in this section will help all students planning to enroll in undergraduate programs to effectively prepare themselves in the right direction and to start their education in a university with a pre-set high bar. You can choose the suitable preparatory program from the options presented below, it is enough to decide on your requests, interests and priority direction / faculty.

1. Pre-Foundation Art & Design

This is the fastest and most effective way to enter the Foundation program in the direction of Art & Design, an excellent opportunity to quickly change from the Russian education system to British standards. In the process of teaching, students not only improve their personal artistic skills and abilities, but also learn to create whole creative models, to participate in specialized events, to develop creative concepts, to organize professional projects and participate in them on an equal basis with other professionals. Students work with a wide range of specialized skills:

  • Graphic Techniques;
  • Painting;
  • Textile technologies and processes;
  • Digital Media;
  • Silk-screen printing;
  • Working with three-dimensional space and form;
  • The photo;
  • Printed graphics and etc.

The learning process is conducted in two languages ​​- lectures are conducted in Russian and English, and the vast majority of teaching materials and books are provided in English: this additionally helps pupils to get used to and adapt to the British educational system, to improve the language level.

Students in the process of studying constantly replenish their portfolio - new high-quality work will give them a significant advantage when applying for bachelor's programs, as well as with further employment. The spatial and creative thinking, a sense of colour and style are actively developing. It is also important that students of the course begin to more clearly understand the specifics and subtleties of their work, expand their knowledge of the field of professional and career application of their knowledge, and their prospects for growth as a specialist.

Duration of studying can be chosen at your discretion:

  • Full-time - 9 months from October to June, 3 days a week from 13:30 to 17:00;
  • Part-time - 9 months from October to June, once a week on weekdays and 1 time on the day off from 19:00 to 21:30.

2. Introduction to Art & Design

This is excellent preparatory program for graduates of Russian schools planning to get education at the British Higher School of Design (admission to the Bachelor's program and Pre-Foundation Art & Design). The main task of the teachers on this program is full-scale and intensive study, consideration of the basic professional skills and knowledge, the formation of a stable information base, the development of the students' skills and skills, their personal abilities and talents.

Actively developing imagination and creative, non-standard thinking, spatial thinking, a sense of colour and style is provided. Students learn to find unusual and effective methods for solving a particular artistic problem, intensively supplementing their portfolio with new high-quality works. In addition, during the preparatory course, students begin to better understand the specifics of their future profession, realize the possibilities of applying the knowledge they have acquired, possible ways for career growth and self-improvement.

The duration of the course is 7 months (from November to May), classes are held once a week on weekends (10:30 - 17:30). Languages ​​of instruction are Russian and English.

3. Preparatory course for DPO-programs

Special preparatory courses for students who plan to study on additional professional education programs:

  • Graphic design
  • The photo
  • Jewelry Design
  • Clothing design
  • Interior Design.

Also the course is suitable for students planning to study at the bachelor programs of the architectural school of MARSH.

 On this course students can enroll with any level of education and professional knowledge, even beginners - strict admission requirements and even more tests are not here. The foreign students should be prepared for intensive studies: at first, students may find it difficult to adapt to the new structure of the curriculum, but in the future such loading plays a positive role - students quickly get used to the British educational standards, and successfully study in profile educational institutions.

The first level of the program implies the preparation of a personal project for each student - the topic is chosen independently based on the interests and inclinations of the student. Such projects allow you to gain valuable experience, to replenish your portfolio, to get an adequate and fair assessment of your abilities, to learn to see your mistakes and correct them in time, to notice the strengths and weaknesses of yourself as a master.

The second level implies greater independence in the formation of the curriculum: out of 10 presented electives each student chooses 3, the most suitable and interesting for him personally. This helps to better prepare for the subsequent professional activity, to concentrate on mastering the highest priority and necessary skills and knowledge.

In the process of studying, the latest technical means and advanced equipment are used, which allows students to easily adapt to the conditions and requirements of the modern labour market. During the course, each student compiles and replenishes his personal portfolio, which will help him when entering the university and in the process of further employment. The main directions of studying are the following:

  • Art History
  • History of architecture
  • Drawing
  • History of painting
  • Professional activity software.

Duration of studying is six months: you can choose a cycle from November to May, it is possible from February to July. The learning process is conducted in Russian.

4. The Basics of Fine Arts

This preparatory program is recommended for the following categories of students:

  • For beginners and practitioners who want to improve their skills, tolearn new techniques and artistic approaches.
  • For specialists in other fields of activity (not artists, not designers, etc.) who want to engage in creativity without interrupting their main activities, to  broaden their horizons and list of useful skills and abilities.

Students learn different styles of illustrations (such as printed graphics, expressive drawing, volumetric illustration), study colour and composition, learn to understand the colour and spatial structure of the picture, experiment with various techniques. Any level of preparation, from the basic one, is allowed.

Duration of studying is six months, from November to April. Studying is conducted in Russian.

5. Portfolio preparation

This version of the preparatory program is ideal if you want to improve the attractiveness of your portfolio for admission to the bachelor's program of a profile university. For example, your portfolio may not meet the requirements of a school or university, not be large enough (few works), not approved by leading experts - in these situations, the preparatory course will be very helpful, helping to solve the problems.

Students not only create new, high-quality work, but also learn how to properly and competently design a portfolio into a holistic "work", maximally profitable to represent their work, to display their dignity, to competently emphasize the level of abilities and skills. In addition, the preparatory course gives students the opportunity to adapt to the intensity and richness of the learning process that awaits them at the main courses of study (Foundation or Bachelor's), helping in the future to learn more effectively and productively.

Classes are held 5 days a week from 11:00 to 17:00. Duration of studying is 3 weeks (usually conducted in July and August). Learning process is conducted in Russian.

03.08.2020 - 21.08.2020
from 90000.00 ₽ / 3 weeks
from 90000.00 ₽ / 3 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


In this category short-term courses (usually up to 3 months) are presented in the most diverse areas of design and visual art. You can finish one of the programs presented to improve your qualifications and competitiveness on labour market, to gain new valuable knowledge and skills.

1. Lettering

Letters are often confused with calligraphy: but if calligraphy is a beautiful and diverse writing of letters and symbols, then lettingering is more focused on their harmonious and efficient arrangement in space, building letters, symbols, figures, etc. from letters. The course is perfect for those who have already worked with letitings and printed design: publishers, illustrators, art directors, etc. Main directions and themes are the following:

  • Lettering and sketching
  • Lettering and calligraphy
  • History of discipline
  • Lettering and font
  • Lettering in graphic design.

Additionally, students learn to effectively and competently interact with the customer, to make up the right brief, to look for trade-offs, document and analyze the workflow.

The entrant must be a confident user of Adobe Illustrator and Abode InDesign, be able to work with vector graphics, typography, and draw by hand.

The term of study is 3 months: one week on weekdays and one on weekends (from October to December). The studying is conducted in Russian.

2. Event-decoration

Students learn to decorate rooms for events of different themes and scale, to take into account the peculiarities of this or that type of hall, the specifics of the event, to choose the stylistic and colour solutions most appropriate in this situation. Also skills of drawing up of an estimate, timing of an event, selection of technical equipment are considered. For the professional activity of the students, it will be useful to take classes on drawing up a competent and understandable brief, interacting with the customer (providing mock-ups, projects and estimates). In addition, students learn to interact with other participants in the event, specialists in that other studying, towork with leading professionals in this field and to generate valuable acquaintances and connections, to learn managing of the whole process of project management. There are classes for such disciplines as colouring, floristics, wedding decoration, seating of guests and table setting.

The entrants do not need to have special knowledge - there is enough motivation to learn new skills and the desire to learn a new profession.

The term of study is 3 months: one week on weekdays and one on weekends (from October to December). The studying is conducted in Russian.

3. School of Creative Directors

A special course for working professionals wishing to climb the career ladder and take a leadership position, is aimed at actively developing personal leadership skills, the ability to manage people and the creative team.

In addition to the skills of working with performers and authors, students will learn to find customers and interact with them, to make smart and competent briefs, to establish cooperation with partners, to work with competitors, to manage an integral team and achieve common goals.

The entrants do not need to have special knowledge - there isenough motivation to learn new skills and the desire to learn a new profession. Upon admission, the student must provide an essay and pass the interview, if possible, provide a portfolio and indicate on which projects and activities he worked.

The term of study is 3 months: one week on weekdays and one on weekends (from October to December). The studying is conducted in Russian.

4. Strategic planning in communications 360

A special course for professionals in the strategic sphere: account- and brand managers, marketers and managers (from a small group to a large company). This program is especially suitable for professionals working in the field of advertising, communications or in the creative sphere (design, copywriting) - in short, those who work in a pronounced competitive environment.

The educational program includes both practical and theoretical studies: a large number of examples are used from real situations, the theory is constantly receiving application and confirmation in practice. Graduates of the course are able to manage the company and the team, to properly and effectively build relationships with customers and partners, they are able to analyze the market and adapt to its needs and requests. At the end of the course, students will be able to consider point, current tasks, and global comprehensive issues. The course includes the following studying blocks and directions:

  • Brand position
  • Analysis in planning
  • Strategic Conceptualization and Creative Brief
  • Insights and understanding of the audience
  • Efficiency as a key component
  • Brand position
  • Communication planning
  • How the modern culture and business interact
  • How to present your strategy
  • The origins of strategic planning
  • Trends and future planning. Digital measurement
  • Brand creation and strategic management.

Duration of studying is 7-10 days (you can consult the manager about the beginning of the nearest course). The program is taught in Russian, but applicants are advised to know English at least at an intermediate level in order to work more effectively with a large number of sources and resources.

5. UX & UI design, B2B and other business applications

Special Advanced Education course for web developers, designers, creators of mobile applications and services is created. Also the course will be useful for digital marketers and managers of digital projects, for businessmen working in the field of venture transactions, printing designers and illustrators.

The educational program consists of the following blocks:

  • Analytics of digital products
  • Research of user behavior
  • Disruptive thinking
  • User Experience Management Strategy
  • Designing a user experience.

Students learn to identify the needs and requirements of the target audience, form hypotheses and work tasks, to develop the characteristics of the future product and an effective and user-friendly interface. Students learn to generate ideas, to master the brainstorming technique, to conduct research and compile reports, to analyze it and identify new directions for work.

Duration of tstudying is 7-10 days (you can consult the manager about the beginning of the nearest course). The program is taught in Russian.

6. Graphic design and visual communication

Students in the learning process master various techniques of visual art and craftsmanship, learn stylistics, symbols and composition, colouring skills. Due to a wide variety of lectures and master classes, students will learn to understand briefings, understand the requirements and desires of the customer, and seek ways to optimally and quickly solve the tasks. Additionally, fonts and typography, pictograms are studied. Students learn to work with different types of tasks, learn the specifics of the work of various design studios and bureaus, learn to work quickly and efficiently independently and in a team.

Duration of studying is 7-10 days (you can consult the manager about the beginning of the nearest course). The program is taught in Russian. Applicants must be at a sufficiently high level to own Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, it is desirable to have experience as an art editor or designer (freelance or full-time).

7. Interior Design: Creative Workshop

For the most part this course is for beginners, experienced professionals can enter the program to update and deepen existing knowledge, to acquire new skills and additional professional connections.

In the process of learning a lot of receptions and types of interior design are studied (both theoretical and practical exercises are provided), space zoning, use of lighting, selection and application of various materials for decoration, their compatibility with each other and practical characteristics. Additionally, the study of colouristics is provided. The program provides classes for the design of residential and non-residential premises, planning design for a city apartment and a country house, public and private spaces. Students will learn how to plan and estimate work,to  coordinate it with the customer, to work with executors and monitor the workflow from and to.

Entrance examinations for applicants are absent, students with any level of preparation are accepted. Duration of studying is 7-10 days (you can consult the manager about the beginning of the nearest course).

8. English for applicants to creative universities

This is special intensive language education for those students who are planning to receive specialized higher education in relevant universities, to successfully pass the entrance exams. In addition to improving all basic language skills, students consider the structure of the IELTS exam (the main entrance test for admission to foreign universities), as well as the format of other exams. Studying is conducted with the help of modern printed and online materials, which makes the program as relevant as possible.

The duration of the program is 3 weeks (start in July or August), classes are held 5 days a week (in the afternoon). The course is taught in English and Russian.

9. Portfolio preparation

A special program for those students who plan to study at the bachelor's programs of foreign universities, but do not have a sufficiently large, qualitative and properly designed portfolio. Teachers help you most clearly to show abilities and best qualities, your advantages, to make the portfolio more memorable. Also this program is an excellent opportunity to join the new academic atmosphere, to adapt to the structure and intensity of the educational courses of the profile topics. Additionally, there are English lessons that help students to prepare for future studying and introductory testing.

The duration of the course is 3 weeks (beginning in July and August): classes are held 5 days a week from 11:00 to 17:00. Studying is conducted in Russian and English.

10. My first store: everything about merchandising and not only

The course for store owners will help optimize the workflow, understand how you can present products in a more favourable light, increase sales.

The program is suitable for beginners and designers who design their first showrooms, and for famous large specialists who need to deepen and update knowledge and acquire new skills. Manufacturers will be able to learn how to correctly demonstrate, to present and promote their own brands, and large online stores and sellers will understand how to formalize a retail sales point.

The duration of the course is a week. Studying is conducted in Russian.

11. Seasonal and event-decoration

A special program for decorators, florists, designers and decorators, as well as for all specialists in related industries who want to broaden their horizons and range of professional skills and knowledge. The basic level of preparation is allowed.

In the process of learning the basics of stylistics and colouristics are studied, students learn to read the brief and see its features typical for a given event (say, a summer wedding), to learn how to work independently and in a team, and to present the results of their work correctly. Students will also learn to work with specialists in related professions, to develop and implement a general project for decorating a room, to draw up an action plan.

The duration of the course is a week (end of July-August). Studying is conducted in Russian.

12. Creative entrepreneurship: how to start your own business

Intensive course is designed for ambitious, creative businessmen and professionals who are ready to create and bring to the market new trends, to set the fashion and generate new ideas. Students will learn not only to create new ideas, but also to test them for "viability" and relevance in the modern market, to master the agile market, to understand how to generate an idea into a working business model and what difficulties they can wait along the way. PR-technologies and legal aspects of creating and living a business, skills of team selection and its effective work are studied, various business models and methods of drawing up business plans are studied. The school offers the basic level of preparation.

The duration of the course is a week (end of July-August). Studying is conducted in Russian.

13. Illustration

The course is also suitable for experienced professionals who want to sharpen their skills and bring something new to the work, and for beginners who are still searching for their own style and are trying to raise the quality of their work to a new level.

80% of the course consists of practical classes, at least 3 works are performed every day, and interesting and useful creative meetings and master classes are additionally provided. Students will learn how to select the right equipment for each specific case, how to interest the viewer and the customer, will be able to replenish their portfolio and get acquainted with modern art samples, new techniques, new names and art of illustration. Students studies journal graphics, painting, poster and children's drawing; understand techniques for effective teamwork and self-study skills, techniques such as linocut, collage, "dry needle" and others.

We admit foreign students any level of preparation, from the basic one. The duration of the course is a week (usually in July). Studying is conducted in Russian.

14. Interior decoration

An intensive profile course will suit both beginner interior designers who are still looking for their personal style, and already practicing architects and designers who want to raise the level of skills and expand the portfolio of available skills.

Students study the subtleties and features of the profession of the decorator, develop personal style, study the colour, the features of using in the interior of various materials, including textiles. The program harmoniously combines both practical and theoretical lessons. Students are studied to make complete design projects, select lighting, materials for construction and finishing, to combine them among themselves in both production and decorative and style. For admission, the basic level of preparation is allowed.

The duration of the course is 1 week, the studying is conducted in Russian.

15. Web Design

This is intensive course for representatives of the web-industry, for those who want to expand their knowledge in the field of digital, develop the skill of creative thinking.

Students receive theoretical knowledge in the course of lectures and subsequently fix them during practical and master classes, develop personal aesthetic taste, learn different techniques for creating impressive web-projects. The main characteristic of the approach of this course is multidisciplinarity, that is, work at the junction of a variety of subjects, approaches and disciplines. Students learn typography, features of colour solutions, composition and colour theory, master non-standard techniques (paper prototyping, improvisation, story building, bodykeeping and others).

Students are invited to the course with any level of knowledge and skills. The duration is 708 days (usually the program is conducted in July), the course is conducted in Russian.

16. Decoration of premises

This is advanced intensive course, intended hardworking and ambitious listeners of any level of studying: even graduates of secondary Russian schools who do not have a lot of baggage of specialized knowledge and skills can enter.
Students are taught to invent and create an aesthetically pleasing, modern and attractive interior environment, design residential and industrial, public premises, invent an artistic concept and implement it. In addition, classes are devoted to work with antiques and works of art, to understand various techniques of work (including architectural techniques).

The duration of the course is 3 months (from March to May), conducted in Russian.

17. UX & UI: grocery design

This course will focus on the development and implementation of various digital products on the market, and therefore it is ideally suited for web designers, developers of mobile applications, start-up specialists, digital-marketers, managers of digital projects.

The program will teach students to create a unique, attractive and popular product from and to: form its purpose and appearance, understand how much it is needed and in demand, for which category of the population it is intended to use it, where it plans to spread. Designers of digital products also participate in its testing, analyze the degree of success (sales, horse racing, use, etc.), take part in promotion and distribution. With the students of the course, besides the teachers of the school, specialists from Mail.RU Group, who will share their success stories with one of the largest Russian companies, will answer the most difficult and complicated questions, will tell you about real cases and situations in the Russian and international markets. Students of the course will be able not only to supplement their personal portfolio, but also participate in the development of a large group project - this experience will be able to decorate your resume and make you a more competitive candidate.

Admission requires an advanced level of knowledge and skills. Terms of studying is 7-8 days (usually the end of June and the beginning of July), the program is conducted in Russian.

18. Brand management and integrated marketing communications

The course is suitable for professional development of specialists in several spheres:

  • Brand management
  • Product Management
  • Managers and Directors of Marketing / Communications
  • Management and employees of advertising / branding agencies
  • Project Managers
  • Heads of business directions
  • Experts and consultants in marketing / communications / branding.

During the intensive course, students actually pass through the DPO program "Marketing and brand management" in a short time: they master various techniques and marketing strategies, develop brands and products, ways and communications for their promotion.

Each group of students receives a task (all assignments are equal and equal in complexity of execution): their goal is to develop full-fledged projects for existing customers and protect the project before a team of professional experts.

The program allows to enroll students with any level of preparation, from the basic. Duration of studying is 8 days (usually this is the end of June and the beginning of July). The language of instruction is Russian.

19. Fashion-start-up

A useful, effective and comprehensive course for designers of clothes and fashion designers, owners of ateliers, showrooms or shops: the program will help develop franchising, open and promote new points of sale, make them more attractive to the buyer, gain new skills in promotion and production (textiles , Fashion design and fashion).

The program of the course goes smoothly, step by step: from the moment of the emergence of a new idea through the formation of a full-fledged, thoughtful business plan and to the opening of one's own outlet (store or show room), attracting investors. The program is suitable for students with any level of skills, even for those who previously did not directly face the peculiarity of business processes and promotion. The course was created on the basis of the "business incubator" model: even those who had not previously engaged in such activities will be able to obtain valuable skills , and work with projects does not end with the last occupation - students can continue to receive useful advice from teachers and сurators.

Duration of studying is 8 days (usually this is the end of June and the beginning of July). The language of instruction is Russian.

20. Creative Entrepreneurship: Fashion Startup

The intensive course will suit not only fashion designers who plan to open their own store, boutique and show room, but also to current entrepreneurs who plan to develop the business and increase its attractiveness and accessibility for the buyer - for example, representatives of online stores will be able to gain valuable knowledge and Information on the opening of the offline sales point.

The students of the course will learn how to attract and find investors, to formulate a business plan, a sustainable business development strategy, and to apply various methods of retail trade. There are classes for business synergies, for example, on interaction with jewelery business specialists. The main educational base of the course is knowledge on economics, business administration, process optimization in the fashion industry and management.

The duration of the program is 3 months (from March to May). The studying is conducted in Russian.

21. UX & UI design: Mobile

A special intensive course for web developers and designers specializing in mobile applications and developing programs for mobile devices. Also, a lot of useful information on the course will be available to venture capitalists, managers of start-ups, digital project managers and digital-marketers.

Students (advanced specialists are allowed to attend the course) will learn in detail Russian and world traditions and trends, modern trends and fashionable, popular areas, learn to manage user experience, design and produce, develop successful digital products.

The duration of the course is 7-8 days (usually in July), the studying is conducted in Russian.

22. Creative entrepreneurship: startup design studios

The participants of the course will understand how to formalize the idea and creative skills in a successfully operating and stable business. The program is also suitable for beginning designers who are just beginning to search for their place in the market, and already existing professionals and businessmen who want to improve the efficiency and productivity of their work, to gain new knowledge and skills, to expand their business or sphere of influence. Particularly useful course will be representatives of web and graphic design, interactive design.

Students deeply study business strategies, conduct skills and conduct business in the business environment, develop personal leadership skills, and business modeling in different conditions and situations. If a current specialist is studied on the course, he can immediately apply the acquired knowledge in his own business project, gaining valuable knowledge and advice from well-known professional curators.

Duration of studying is 3 months (from March to May). The program is taught in Russian.

23. Expressive graphics tools

A useful course for illustrators, artists and graphic designers. The program can also be learned by newcomers who are still developing their own style and character, and experienced practitioners who need to expand their own portfolio, outlook, to improve their skills and knowledge.

Students learn various expressive graphic tools, learn to work with a line and spot, study colour rendition and composition, balance white and black. Combined lessons (theory + practice): every day students are waiting for a large number of master classes and exercises, revealing the talent and abilities of each student and fixing the acquired knowledge and learned techniques.

The term of study is 8 days (usually the program is conducted in July, in Russian).

24. Design of educational programs

A relatively young, but already in demand and popular direction will be useful for specialists working in the field of education and studying, development:

  • Teachers, coaches, curators and tutors
  • Heads of schools and other educational institutions
  • Methodologists, teachers of corporate universities
  • Specialists of related fields who plan to create their own courses and classes, educational methods.

The course examines the structure, logic and construction of various types of educational programs, features of distance learning. Students are taught to interest future students, correctly and effectively develop the curriculum and courses, form a competent structure of classes, make educational programs interesting and in demand.

The duration of the course is 8 days (usually conducted in July, conducted in Russian).

25. Techniques in modern sculpture

This course is quite versatile: it will suit artists and sculptors, architects, interior designers and industrial designers - in short, anyone who wants to learn how to work with different materials and create interesting sculptural forms.

Students will devote a lot of time to studying various techniques and artistic techniques useful in creating sculptures, they can learn how to use creatively and non-standard materials: gypsum, wood, ceramics, plastic, textiles, randomly found objects, etc., will learn the technique of assembling. Theoretical lessons of teachers often devote to the history of sculpture and modern trends, in demand and fashion trends in the industry, the analysis of works of famous masters.

The duration of the course is 9 days (conducted in Russian).

Subjects, specialties


Our most important value is people:

  • 200 western and Russian specialists of the highest class work in the school;
  • More than 1500 talented, purposeful students receive current skills and knowledge in a creative and dynamic atmosphere.

The unique advantage of the school lies in the possibility of obtaining British higher education in Russia. This opportunity is provided by programs accredited by Quality Assurance Agency - an independent agency for monitoring academic quality. 

Students for several years receive fundamental high-quality education with subsequent assignment of international academic awards and the possibility of passing part of studying in the UK. Academic period is from 3 to 5 years, depending on the chosen form of workload.

Facilities and equipment at British Higher School of Art and Design

There are more than 500 modern Apple computers and PCs in 20 computer classes. Center of prototyping provides everything for working with metal, wood and plastic, allows creating high-quality architectural models, industrial models and pieces of furniture. In addition, students actively use photo / video studios and a photo printing laboratory, as well as the possibilities of workshops for working with ceramics, etching and silkscreen printing.

Facilities and workshops

  • Academy of 3D printing Roland DG
  • Design workshops, art studios, seminars and lecture rooms
  • Center for prototyping
  • Workshops on designing and tailoring clothes
  • Workshop on work with clay and ceramics
  • Workshop on work with etching and silk-screen printing
  • Digital and analogue photo / video recording studios
  • Laboratory of analogue photo printing
  • Film viewing room
  • Shooting movie pavilion
  • Animation workshop
  • Rental of technical equipment.

Admission dates and extra charges

Classes begin in September.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about British Higher School of Art and Design

hello sir or modom i,m electronic engineer have master degree and i discovered some nowledge about desigining every productions and sounds colors and forms energies on human and animal nerve cell i have lived in london for 4 years and studied general english and would love to live in russia too . i hope to read your message soon . kind regards , yashar ghaffari .
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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