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Clare College Summer Camp Cambridge

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Description of Clare College Summer Camp Cambridge

  • Founded: 1326
  • Location: Cambridge, UK
  • Students age: 13 to 18 years old
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Type of study: residence, full board.

Clare College is the second oldest college of the University of Cambridge, which was founded in 1326. In 1972, the institution entered the top three colleges that took the first students. Over the years, the institution has built up a reputation as a liberal and inclusive place, and today Clare College is very popular among students, is proud of its transparent reception scheme and is respected by other educational institutions.

Currently, Clare College is also among the prestigious educational institutions of Cambridge, on the basis of which the ORA Cambridge Summer School summer education program is held. Here students from all over the world are waiting for 2 weeks of research in selected areas, and at a deeper level than usual. Experienced teachers of the center lead the process.

The summer school program covers a wide range of disciplines: medicine, global leadership, preparation for IELTS - and these are far from all areas. Courses are divided into 2 age categories: 13-15 years old and 16-18 years old.

In general, in addition to education, young people get an interesting experience here as a student in Cambridge, which is considered one of the best universities in the world. In the classrooms themselves, an atmosphere of mutual respect and support from teachers is created, encouraging students' curiosity and the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Clare College Summer Camp Cambridge

Program name
28.06.2020 - 11.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Architecture

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The summer course in architecture “Introduction to Architecture” is designed to give students knowledge in this area. Learning the basics of architecture in Cambridge is a great option for students and teenagers, as there are many good examples.

As part of the program, students will get acquainted with the theoretical principles of architecture, and will study the history of European architecture. The course will tell students about different architectural aspects, from the principles of design to the layout of the space.

The program "Introduction to Architecture" is designed for students from 13 to 15 years. At it, adolescents will be able to expand their knowledge of the subject, and the interactive learning process will help children understand if they want to continue studying architecture at the university.

List of disciplines studied:

  • Theoretical Foundations of Architecture
  • History of architecture in Europe
  • Principles of Design and Space Planning
  • Planning Act
  • Building Control Rules
  • Design (development and construction of manual and digital architectural models)
  • Architectural and drawing practice.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5495.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5495.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Computer Science

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The summer program “Introduction to Informatics” will allow students from 13 to 15 years of age to get basic knowledge in the field of computer science, as well as to understand how much they are interested in this area of study for the future.

The course program includes working with the Python programming language, learning the basics of web design and robotics. Classes are held under the guidance of experienced practicing teachers who organize project-type work for children. Group projects help students better learn skills in the field of computer science, prove themselves in a team with other guys or, conversely, take leadership, and also learn how to present the results of their work.

Topics studied:

  • Python Programming Language: Expressions, Functions, and More
  • Code Writing Basics
  • The use of computer science in the field of robotics
  • Basic website design
  • Use of web services: Google robots, search indexing and more.
28.06.2020 - 11.07.2020
from 5495.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5495.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Robotics

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The educational course "Introduction to Robotics" will allow students and teenagers to gain theoretical and practical experience in this discipline, which is equally important and exciting.

The two-week course program will be like a journey that starts with basic robotics and ends with the creation of its controlled robots with advanced skills. Young people will learn key robotics skills such as moving, turning, detecting lines, following lines and avoiding obstacles. This knowledge guarantees students good preparation for further study of the subject.

In addition, the students will learn how to work with Raspberry Pi single-board computers and become familiar with the Python programming language. The course will result in a robot that students will have to program themselves to move around the 3D maze.

12.07.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Leadership

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The Clare College Leadership Program will help 13-15 year old students understand what it takes to become a successful leader in today's international community.

The course is dedicated to acquiring new skills and improving current ones necessary to gain leadership positions in various fields - business, science, art and others. Qualified teachers will teach ripples of different leadership styles using the approaches that modern world leaders use.

Throughout the program, students will work on public speaking or competent participation in discussions. Such training will definitely make them fit for leadership positions in the long run.

Topics to explore:

  • How leadership is defined
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Public influence and the media
  • Culture and Diversity: What It Means to Be a Leader in a Globalized World
  • Conflict resolution skills.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to law

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The curriculum Introduction to the Law is an ideal option for students who want to enter the university for law. Here they are waiting for 2 weeks of interactive training, including theory, practice and acquaintance with various areas of this discipline.

Getting starting skills in law will give students a certain advantage when entering the career path of a lawyer. Students will learn the theoretical foundations of discipline, the role of law in society, will get acquainted with such areas from this topic as constitutional law, criminal law, offenses and others.

Working on a group project will help students gain key skills for developing a successful career in law and jurisprudence, which they can practice in practical classes. An educational approach will allow students to understand in 2 weeks whether they want to connect their lives with this area in the future.

Subject areas that will be considered by lectures and seminars of each day:

  • Interrelation of society values and laws, including social, political, economic and environmental factors
  • Basic principles for the formation of laws, legislative and legal systems
  • Application and interpretation of the law in the courtroom
  • The application of morality and philosophy in criminal law
  • Progression of international law and its scope in the modern world
  • The importance of contracts in the context of the daily interaction of society and the world of trade
  • Family law: divorce, custody and medical care
  • The growth of the Internet environment, the evolution of its use and regulation.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Enterprise

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

Such a curriculum includes an interactive study of key principles of economics and business research - the material is adapted for adolescents from 13 to 15 years. On the course, novice entrepreneurs learn about the intricacies of creating their own business and the features of managing it.

Clare College's Summer Entrepreneurship Summer School program will give schoolchildren and teens a confident start on their career paths. The curriculum of the course combines the study of the principles of economics, conducting business research with group projects. After training, students will get an idea of entrepreneurship and business, learn about the modern economy and the concept of an international business environment.

The course will result in a group research project conducted jointly with other students. This will help students develop teamwork skills while learning marketing and branding.

Topics taught daily at lectures and seminars:

  • Business and Economic Theory
  • Skills and qualities necessary for a successful entrepreneur
  • The importance of understanding and calculating risk
  • Market research and marketing plan development
  • The evolution of business financing and investment
  • The work of the economy in a national and international context
  • How economic and market fluctuations affect business
  • The key challenges to business development are from initial proposals to financing and operations.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Medicine

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The summer educational program on the introduction to medicine will help students gain basic skills in the field, enter the medical faculty and get higher education in this area. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, students will be engaged in a theoretical study of human anatomy and other related topics. At the same time, children are waiting for interactive classes aimed at obtaining such presentation skills and interpersonal communication.

Obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge from the world of medicine will help adolescents to understand whether they are ready to devote a higher education level to the study of this topic. Questions to be addressed in the daily lectures and seminars of the course:

  • Career in Medicine
  • Getting practical skills (injections, testing reflexes and others)
  • Getting skills in the laboratory.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Engineering

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The curriculum devoted to obtaining basic engineering knowledge will allow young people to obtain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for conducting future research and building a career in this sector. Within 2 weeks, students from other countries will study different branches of engineering - civil, structural or mechanical.

The program is designed in such a way as to teach students the fundamental principles of each branch of engineering and provide a basis for career development in engineering. An indicative list of topics for study on the course looks like this:

  • Elementary theory in mathematics and physics
  • Production concepts, including environmental functions and safety in engineering and construction
  • The use of electromechanics and circuit theory in electrical engineering
  • The interaction of logic and mathematics in a fundamental aspect
  • Creative approaches to problems in the field of biomedical, chemical engineering
  • Practical design skills and processes that are fundamental to several areas of technology (including structural and circuit design).
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Introduction to Veterinary Science

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

This year, the Cambridge Summer Education School is pleased to offer its students a new program - an introduction to veterinary science. Such a program will allow schoolchildren and teenagers to gain basic knowledge in this field. The curriculum includes the study of animal anatomy, participation in workshops that will give adolescents some insight into the work of a veterinarian. With the help of informative classes, students will be able to decide for themselves whether a career in the field of veterinary medicine is suitable for them.

Topics covered by the curriculum:

  • Animal processing
  • Animal inspection
  • Animal care
  • Ethical issues
  • Clinical considerations
  • Communication skills
  • One day in the life of a veterinarian
  • Suitable paths to a veterinary career.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Cambridge Summer English

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The summer program of studying English in Cambridge will allow adolescents and schoolchildren from 13 to 15 years old to improve their knowledge of English in all language areas, both verbally and in writing. Since for 2 weeks the guys will live in the territory of this prestigious university, they will be able to feel like real students of Cambridge.

Training takes place in small classrooms. To maximize the interest of students, professional teachers use extremely dynamic, interactive and fascinating teaching methods. Outside the classroom, children will enjoy cultural and recreational activities at which students will have the opportunity to experience skills from the lessons.

This program is to study the English EFL format, that is, English as a foreign language. The summer educational program includes 20 academic hours each week - 15 academic hours of classes and 5.5 hours of self-study.

Study Sections:

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Letter
  • Spoken English.
28.06.2020 - 25.07.2020
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 5295.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

New perspectives

  • Age: 13-15 years old
  • Dates: June 28-July 11, July 12-July 25
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

This type of educational program is intended for schoolchildren and adolescents 13-15 years old - with its help young lyuli can prospectively go to Cambridge or Oxford colleges. On the course, the children will study disciplines from two lists - A and B, whose subjects are distributed for study in the first or vice versa, in the afternoon. Each two-week session, students choose one of 5 pairs of subjects for study.

In addition to academic studies, the course provides for a new cultural experience in the context of studying the UK: these are trips to various interesting places, fun educational events, debates, lectures and other types of activity.

The list of available disciplines (list A and B):

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Creative writing
  • Economics and Management
  • Environmental science
  • Experimental psychology
  • Human biology
  • Maths
  • Modern history
  • Physics and chemistry
  • Politics and international relations.

The subjects of study in the lists should not be repeated.

Accommodation, meals, prices

For living, students of the summer school are offered a student dormitory on the Clare College campus, where students will have comfortable rooms for 1-2 people. Boys and girls are accommodated separately. Bathroom on the floor. Meals for students are provided in the dining room at full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Activities Clare College Summer Camp Cambridge

Extracurricular activities are also well thought out for ORA Cambridge Summer School students: leisure activities include dance workshops, art classes, theme parties, sports, as well as tours of the city of Cambridge, local museums and galleries. This includes field trips to British sights (Tower in London, Windsor Castle, Warner Bros studio tour and more).

Facilities and equipment at Clare College Summer Camp Cambridge

The territory of Clare College is known for its special and beautiful architecture: the buildings are decorated in the form of two quadrangles as in Oxbridge. Together they form the Memorial and the Old Courtyards, between which students have an extensive space for study or leisure and walks.

Although the college campus is located in the city of Cambridge, next to one of the most popular central city streets, the atmosphere here is quite calm and quiet. The location on the river bank also makes the college area particularly attractive.

Clare College is well guarded and creates a safe environment around the clock. On the territory there is always staff ready to help students with various issues.

Admission dates and extra charges

The Cambridge Summer School is held at Clare College from June 28 to July 25. During this period, the college has 2 shifts: June 28-July 11 and July 12-July 25.

The course price includes:

  • Curriculum (20 hours a week)
  • Accommodation and meals on site
  • Cultural and entertainment program (events and excursions)
  • Certificate of completion + report cards.

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

To get to the Cambridge Summer School, held at Clare College, students need to fulfill some requirements:

  • Age 13 to 18
  • Above average command of English
  • Observe the educational regime established by the school: this is the curriculum, nutrition schedule, social events.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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